Annular Ligament Problem


Well-Known Member
18 January 2006
About 6 weeks ago Dolly came out of box unable to put weight on her near fore. She has suffered with cracked heels since the day I got her, and first thoughts were that an infection had got into the leg. Vet came and she was given antibiotics and bute for a week and she improved no end. Started riding her again after 10 days, and she was fine for a few days, then over the weekend, hopping lame on the leg again. Vet came back monday and leg was quite swollen and some heat, but by then, not that lame.

She went in a week later for scans and xrays and her annular ligament was 7mm thick. She was given injections into the tendon sheath, and within 2/3 days, swelling came right down. She was box rested for 2 weeks then vet came back last week. He was pleased with her progress and I was told she could start being turned out in a small paddock for a couple of hours a day. He is due to see her again in 5 weeks. All has been fine, she has been going out for about 10 days now, but this morning I have noticed that the leg is really swollen again. Have called the vets and am waiting for him to call me back, but am getting quite worried now. In the beginning it was made to seem pretty straight forward and he suggested that I might be able to bring her back into gentle work in about 6 weeks, but now I'm not so sure.

Any advice and experiences welcome.


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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Can't help honey, but if you need my trailer this weekend, if you don't mind collecting it and bringing it back for Monday afternoon to Keyso, you are welcome. You can have it any time over the next few weeks.

Please let me know how she is.