another anti huint chav up before the beak


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10 May 2007
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None of my horses is clapped out lol and all have correct papers including vettings in France

But that's not quite true, is it?

Neither the aged chestnut trotter or the grey percheron filly had vet checks in France, the site did not vet check then....

The bay stallion you bought was already in the UK, so just another dealer's horse.

Back on topic, hunt monitors should not be taking photos of children.
I wish they would use their spare time more fruitfully for animal welfare. :(


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10 June 2009
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correct Romeo was bought here in the UK and anyway he is not my horse. April and Dam WERE vet checked before coming over. Not everything is organised on the site or through the site. If you asked you would know the facts rather than make inaccurate statements. I arranged this and also transport for April myself. I have letters/bills from the vets in France stating vettings and vaccs done there, although i have had them revaccinated since over here as cdnt decipher what exactly they were covered for.


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10 May 2007
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There was not the time to arrange that for Dam. And you felt the need to do bloods once April arrived......... funny that, if she had a vet check before she came over..........

Strange how you can't decipher vaccinations (yet can arrange vet checks in a foreign country), when on a legitimate passport they are perfectly understandable in any EU country.

There was certainly no time for either of them to have been tested or infectious diseases such as EIA.

So please, cut the fabrications. You are trying to justify what you did with untruths.

I hope you listened to the Jamie Gray programme, and took on board what was causing the current welfare problems for horses in the UK. You have added to that.

This is the hunting forum, so I will comment no further on here. Feel free to continue via pm or email if you wish.


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10 June 2009
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You know nothing about what i have or have not had time to do. start with Cabinet Veterinaire de Billom, 11 Rue de la liberation, 63160 Billom re April,not that i have to justify my actions to you. EIA had not been mentioned by you or rescue sites at the time they came over. Be careful who you call a liar and return your phonecalls as we have been trying to get in touch with ERF. My horses are with me for life so what Jamie Grey has to do with it i dont know, If you look on the rescue sites over here you will find companions or unbroken ponies and tbs, I have yet to see a percheron on there or a hack(apart from aberdeenshire). What I choose to spend my money on or how much is really none of your business, being in France you would do better concerning yourself with the plight of horses in France not ones already in the UK who are happy, healthy and leading secure lives.


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10 October 2007
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Now, now ucmeicu - this is about a hunting problem it should not be personal attacks at any members on here. I agree arguments do get heated at times but there is not reason to be so agressive.

I think the problem is and this is again taking it off topic - sorry post holder!! But we all know that the vet checks you are talking about have not been done, if so you would provide proof. You will also say that you do not need to prove it as it is none of our business but perhaps this is the only way to stop this argument.

ERF does a very good job and I for one wholeheartedly support their work. the reference to Jamie Grey was that they did a piece on Radio 4 last week - think you can only here it for another day. It is just saying that there are so many horses in the UK that end up like that because there are too many horses here for us to cope with them. Bringing in horses from other countries especially ones that 'could' carry diease or are sick or deformed is not helping with the ones in this country that are being slaughtered weekly and many of them are fit and healthy.

Now enough of this witch hunt. Please let us go back to the original thread.


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10 June 2009
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please read back lochpearl and see who has been attacked in all of this. If i posted vets letters or other docs no doubt they would be called a fake. You yourself are calling me liar. Reguarding horses in this country i have posted what i found on rescue sites when looking, I even went to a local sanctuary.My horses arent deformed or sick and I chose to give them a life, are they less worthy than UK horses? Witch hunt yes, aimed at me i believe, i have done nothing but respond to posts aimed at me.


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10 October 2007
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I believe you are being unfair. I have read every post on all of the forums and none of these websites offered a vetting, you have also never mentioned that you have had them done and are only spouting about it now.

Ihave never said that you have a diseased, deformed or unhealthy horse. What I am trying to make you understand is, is that for 1 horse you bring into this country another horse if not 2 will be replaced in the country that you have purchased from and also 1 horse will die in this country in it's place.

Simple - I cannot make it more clear to you so perhaps you shoudl listen carefully to the radio and try and understand it.

Also saying there is a witch hunt - all I can see if you following the same members around this forum and having a go. Why are you on this forum as you are anti HHO and you have your own forums to go on - why come and stir here?


Well-Known Member
11 December 2003
Huntingdon, Cambs

TBH vet checks were not something, that were ever even thought about until those you call 'antis' mentioned them, why did you not mention that you had had yours properly vet checked/coggins tested at the time?

So you particularly wanted a percheron and a hack and could only buy them in France, why then do you call this purchase a 'rescue'?

I am glad to hear that your horses are with you for life, it is just a shame that this cannot be said for all of those 'rescued' from France.

Oh and I also think that the hunt antis should not be taking pictures of children, very bad form imho.


Well-Known Member
10 June 2009
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Read again my posts i have always said had vet checks before and after. Whilst another horse may take my horses place mine are safe and i do actively support campaigns re on the hook etc as i cannot argue as a meat eater that they should not be eaten. As for the ones in the UK, I did try, nothing suitable so bought elsewhere. Reguarding H&H as a horse owner I am interested in articles written. I even congratulated jm07 on her ponies as she has done a great job with them. Why do antis go on rescue sites?


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31 March 2004
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I was under the impression that photographing children was not allowed without parental consent. The HMs are obviously attempting to give meaning to their sad little lives-its incredible how little it can take for some peple to feel righteous and important! :crazy: Im sure they are the offspring of the 'anorak'd trainspotter brigade' :D Mairi.


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23 January 2008
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Read again my posts i have always said had vet checks before and after. Whilst another horse may take my horses place mine are safe and i do actively support campaigns re on the hook etc as i cannot argue as a meat eater that they should not be eaten. As for the ones in the UK, I did try, nothing suitable so bought elsewhere. Regarding H&H as a horse owner I am interested in articles written. I even congratulated jm07 on her ponies as she has done a great job with them. Why do antis go on rescue sites?

Because we were invited by Shannonbaby Remember :confused:

Also we would not turn our backs on this 'trade' disguised as rescue. Although it is nice to see that you at least are now calling them purchases and not 'rescues'. :mad:


Well-Known Member
11 December 2003
Huntingdon, Cambs
Read again my posts i have always said had vet checks before and after. Whilst another horse may take my horses place mine are safe and i do actively support campaigns re on the hook etc as i cannot argue as a meat eater that they should not be eaten. As for the ones in the UK, I did try, nothing suitable so bought elsewhere. Reguarding H&H as a horse owner I am interested in articles written. I even congratulated jm07 on her ponies as she has done a great job with them. Why do antis go on rescue sites?

Ah so they were not rescues then? Good glad you have finally admitted that.

Why do antis go on rescue sites, I would have thought that was obvious, to change things, it is due to these antis that these sites now offer vet checks, it is due to the antis that the horses are not suffering long journey times (much much longer than any journey they would make to an abbatoir in France), it is due to the antis that the sites have had to admit that they do not in the main suffer the journey on the baaaad lorry to Italy, it is due to the antis that it has come to light that not ALL of the horses are actually at fat farms but are in fact at low end dealers.....................................want me to go on?


Well-Known Member
11 December 2003
Huntingdon, Cambs
who is shannonbaby? does she run a site?

Shannonbaby aahhh now there's a memory, and FL is quite right, she is the initial reason the 'antis' as you call them set up. She came on here calling everyone animal haters and murderers in very very bad english. She originally came over from RRR but I think she has subsequently been banned, not sure.


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10 May 2007
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Interesting post that you edited, essexgirl.

Your original post was ;

**You know nothing about what i have or have not had time to do. Cabinet Veterinaire de Billom, 11 Rue de la liberation, 63160 Billom re April, Mathieu Houssin, Docteur Veterinaire, 14 za du Chenet, 91490 Milly la foret re Dam. EIA had not been mentioned by you or anyone else at the time they came over**

Now, Dam was in Dept 14, Calvados, so why would the vet come all the way from Dept 91, Essone, south of Paris, at least a 3 hour journey, to do a vet check?

Also, as April is ONC, she is not covered by the TPA, therefore should have been disease tested before she was travelled.


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5 December 2005
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I wouldnt take much notice of Uc or whatever Essexgirl has chosen to name herself. 'IF'' you were to rush off and buy a clapped out butcher bound French horse for a whopping amount of dosh then bring it back to good old England, then you juuuuuuuuuuuuuust might be worthy of treading the same planet as her of the chips'n'vinegar clique. To put it bluntly..ignore :smirk:
You get extra 'kudos' if said 'rescue' animal has no health papers :cool:


Thanks for the info. I don't read the other sections as I'm not very horsey.
I can see what you mean going by her reply. It has the oh so familiar whiff of BS that you get from all these pissant antis.

I think I shall do as the head woman advises and make her the first name on my ignore list.


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10 June 2009
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If you looked i removed his name because i made an error he was the vet who did her vaccination. Soggy I change my mind about you, not a duck, def a sheep.


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5 December 2005
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I take being considered a sheep over being a bullshitter any day of the week sweet heart.

Any one know how to make this ignore poster thing work?


Well-Known Member
10 June 2009
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Bullsh*tter over what ? OH uses berretta687 at the mo, had a 682supersport,hes reeling em off cant be bothered typin em, he shot on veriland estate, banff estate,tallybont on usk(grouse) pheasant and partridge at exeter, shot at luton hoo, enough? My Uncle was president of gundog society, he bred, trained dogs sold them uk and american, sold some to robert mcalpine if i remember rightly.His dogs had the prefix cadoxten, ttp://
mention of his dogs offspring there. So you keep bleating your rubbish.

Peabrain, she is percheron x comtois, nothing suitable at time i looked in adverts or rescues, she will do ride and drive, I admire both breeds, the comtois are doing well driving ploughing etc here now and the percherons are well known for their abilities. She is a lovely filly and was kept in appalling conditions previous to when i got her. Is that enough?


Well-Known Member
11 December 2003
Huntingdon, Cambs
Ahh right....

So why were you trying to find someone to take her off your hands before you'd even got her home??


Really? How interesting, hmmmmmm some rescuer!

BTW Essexgirl hows the old Moral Campaigner these days, not heard from her for a while and in a strange way I kinda miss her!


Well-Known Member
5 February 2007
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Really? How interesting, hmmmmmm some rescuer!

BTW Essexgirl hows the old Moral Campaigner these days, not heard from her for a while and in a strange way I kinda miss her!

oh deary, deary me.......

what can have happened?

:D :D :D :D :D :D


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10 June 2009
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Did say that at the time as had to work on OH, Dam was also going on permenant loan to someone nearby. Luckily OH was easy to win over,now loves the horses and neither of us would ever part with them.
I dont really know MC, have never personally spoken to her.