Another Insurance thread!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Hi all. Yes, it's insurance time again! I have 2 horses, Rigs and Big lad.

Rigs is only insured 3rd party. He had so many conditions already, nothing much would be insured anyway. He is also 18. When he had colic and asthma, I just paid up. TBH, we aren't much behind what I would have paid for insurance anyway!

New horse, Big Lad, however, is fully insured. He came with a clean vet cert. I always say I will insure them while they have no exclusions, which he does not, however...

By heck, his insurance has gone up, I insure with SEIB. I am talking half as much again! Plus, they took a load of cover off, including 3rd party, which they say they will no longer cover.

As it happens, Rigs' 3rd party is with Harry Hall on a multi horse arrangement, so we do have 3rd party cover for big lad too through that, up to 10 million. However, to stay with SEIB it seems that, even if I lower his value to 5K, it is still £900 for vets fees, with a high excess... That seems high.

I had a look a E&L, I know they didn't used to have the best reputation, but I heard they improved and they are the cheapest... If I lower the value to 4.5K, pay an excess and 17% of any claims, I can have up to 4.5k vets fees, but that includes the 17% I am paying, so more like 3.5K in reality. That would be for all injuries/illnesses, not just external. However, it only covers one horse, so Rigs would still need his own public liability through Harry Hall or similar.

Has anyone tried claiming for the external injury only part of either World Horse Welfare or Harry Hall vet cover? Was it straightforward? With WHW you can insure for up to 1.5k vets fees, two horses, public liability and personal accident for £145. They do offer colic cover, but it is only if they have an operation and I'm not sure I would do that anyway.

Harry Hall looks a bit more complicated but you can insure for up to 3K vets fees for £177, for 2 horses. But I think you have to add the membership on too, so an extra £45, so £222. But that is £222 for 2 horses. I'm not convinced about the cover being for external injury only either.

By coincidence, despite SEIB saying they won't offer third party, the HH/WHW 3 party arrangements are with them!

I don't know weather to stick with Harry Hall for both 3rd party, cheap at £3.75 a month for both, but then... they throw a spanner in the works by offering to add affiliated cover. Nowhere in my documents does it say I'm not covered when competing in affiliated events. Don't you get automatic cover when competing BD, BE, BS anyway? Very confusing.


Anyone have any words of wisdom or outer perspective?

I am at the point of keeping my £3.75 a month 3rd party for both and simply not insuring otherwise! TBF, I could afford to cover vets fees.


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16 May 2022
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I too insure until exclusions are significant.

I now have catastrophe with KBIS £300 a year. Not claimed yet, took it out after a £1.7K vet bill (but cover will be limited)

BD / BHS etc membership includes 3rd party which covers all your horses, I use BD membership.

I cover tack with Barclays sports insurance.

I didnt read the cover with Harry Hall / WHW was as good / much coverage as Catastrophe.