Another Livery/Showjumping West of London thread


Well-Known Member
25 April 2014
Toronto, Canada
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I will be coming to London for a week in July to scope out livery yards for my pending move to the UK.

What I'm looking for:
- Part livery
- within a 45 minute-1 hour drive from Clapham
- Facility with quality footing
- Daily turnout weather permitting
- Exceptional care
- Ideally with an in-house trainer good with young horses and bringing them up through the ranks (currently competing 110, schooling 120 at home) or a trainer that visits regularly evenings/weekends
- Indoor school would be nice, but not necessary
- Transport to shows as I won't have my own box.
- Under 800/month (sorry, I can't figure out how to do the British Pound sign on my North American keyboard)

I already have Sebastien Poirier, Pachesham, and Parwood on my list. Patchetts is only open until 5pm every day of the week and that won't fit my schedule due to working 9-5.

Other suggestions?


Well-Known Member
2 January 2012
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The yard where I keep my horse could be ideal, although I am not sure whether there are any part livery vacancies at the moment. Please PM me if you want more info. We have an indoor school, show jumps, Sebastien teaches here on a fairly regular basis (as do other good trainers) and we are close to the A3; quite a few of the other liveries live in that area.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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There are a lot of livery yards within your driving distance. The A3 is going to be your friend! But you do have a fairly high list of priorities - not a problem, but you are going to have to be prepared to pay for that sort of service. I suspect yard transport to shows is going to be your hardest to find - unless you pick one of the many yards on the A3 corridor which are also show centers.

Depending on what sort of competition etc probably the place to start is Pachesham EC - an affiliated venue for BS and BD with regular affiliated showing shows as well. But you have probably hundreds of places to choose from here. Tasha is in Claygate (as am I but not on the same yard) and there are 10 yards I can think of within 5 minutes of here most of which meet your criteria with the possible exception of yard provided transport; although there are 2 transport for hire companies also based in Claygate! If you can prioritize a bit it might help narrow your search - or a week won't be long enough! PM is you want to.
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Well-Known Member
25 April 2014
Toronto, Canada
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Tash - I've sent you a PM!

@ Shay - Transport is something that I can be flexible on. I just like having it available in case of emergencies.

- quality footing (if only an outdoor school, must be flood lit)
- excellent care (including quality feed, diligent and knowledgeable staff, stables cleaned properly, constant access to fresh water, safe fencing, etc.)
- Access to a good vet, farrier and dentist
- Quality in-house trainer or a visiting trainer for a minimum of once weekly lessons.
- Regular turnout when appropriate
- Part livery (no real desire to have someone else ride my horse)
- 45min-1h30 drive in traffic from Clapham or Wimbledon
- No drama atmosphere. The most important thing should be the care of the horses, not what brand of clothing someone wears! ;)

- Indoor school
- Transport available from the yard
- Hacking

I have some flexibility in price, but from my research, it looks like my budget should be adequate.

I know there's a ton in the area, and it's been a bit overwhelming. When I moved to where I currently am, I looked at about 40 places online, called about 20, went to see 7 and picked one. I've now been there 7 years and am dreading the move. I have no problem putting in a lot of work to make sure I find the right place for both myself and my horse.

Thanks again everyone!