Another 'which bedding' post...


Well-Known Member
29 October 2015
Sunny Stirlingshire
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Sorry to ask a question that has already been asked a gazillion times before. Think of it as a useful distraction to the unfolding zombie apocalypse...

I'm running out of bedding (I've always used bog standard shavings) and, as I don't really want to have to go to the local agricultural supply shop if I don't have to at the moment, I though it would be a good opportunity to try something new and get a load delivered straight to the house.

Criteria - NOT STRAW as I can't stand the smell. Needs to be something that rots down well, isn't too acidic, and after a few years, can be spread on our fields and veggie beds. Also needs to be delivered to Central Scotland. Oh, and not cost the earth. We don't use much bedding really, horses (x 3) are only brought in for a few hours each day, but one of them wees a lot, and likes to kick it all round and smoosh it all together, just for fun. I have nice shavings forks and don't really want to have to buy new equipment.

Any recommendations for type of bedding and suppliers would be appreciated.

Thanks all x



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18 November 2012
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Sorbeo. Easy, quick, hardly any mess on the muck heap. A few bags 4-5 depending on stable size to start then 1-2 per week. And they deliver to Scotland.


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20 November 2008
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I switched onto nedz pro last year and I love it.

It is chopped straw but its dust extracted and treated to make it unpalatable and hygienic/antibacterial. The blurb on the website had all the details.

Prior to that the three horses were on a combination of wood pellets (Sorbeo) and bedmax.

I find Sorbeo too dusty when dry and my horse had mild asthma so trying to remove as much dust from his environment as possible.

That's mum just decided to put her two onto nedz pro too & switch off bedmax.

I just placed a bulk order with e-feeds for 40 bags and delivery was only £13.50. That's to Kinross so central-ish Scotland too


Well-Known Member
29 October 2015
Sunny Stirlingshire
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Sorbeo. Easy, quick, hardly any mess on the muck heap. A few bags 4-5 depending on stable size to start then 1-2 per week. And they deliver to Scotland.

Thanks holeymoley. I thought wood pellets were too acidic to spread on fields? Or is Sorbeo different to the usual ones? And do you have to treat/soak them before you use them? Thanks, and sorry for the extra questions!



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16 September 2012
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I like Littlemax and I have converted my yard owner to it too. It's easy to muck out and although per bake more expensive than the Safemix I was using, I seem to use less. Might be worth a try.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2015
Sunny Stirlingshire
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I switched onto nedz pro last year and I love it.

It is chopped straw but its dust extracted and treated to make it unpalatable and hygienic/antibacterial. The blurb on the website had all the details.

Prior to that the three horses were on a combination of wood pellets (Sorbeo) and bedmax.

I find Sorbeo too dusty when dry and my horse had mild asthma so trying to remove as much dust from his environment as possible.

That's mum just decided to put her two onto nedz pro too & switch off bedmax.

I just placed a bulk order with e-feeds for 40 bags and delivery was only £13.50. That's to Kinross so central-ish Scotland too

Thanks TPO. Does it still smell like normal straw?



Well-Known Member
18 November 2012
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Thanks holeymoley. I thought wood pellets were too acidic to spread on fields? Or is Sorbeo different to the usual ones? And do you have to treat/soak them before you use them? Thanks, and sorry for the extra questions!

Ah maybe do some research on that, I’m not sure about the spreading. I hardly take any bedding out except pee every few days so there’s really not that much going on the muck heap. I soak initially when putting the bed down to make it soft and fluffy but I put them in dry and scatter them around when topping up. Maybe on the odd occasion I’ll soak to make it fluffy.

I’ve used nedzbeds too. More absorbent that shavings but still the same work and same amount going on to the muck heap. It did have a smell too.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2012
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Thanks sherry. Do you know who stocks it, and if they deliver to my area?

And does it smell like normal straw?


I’m not sure where you are based, sorry but I know a lot of feed merchants stock it. You can also get it direct (but I think would need to order a pallet or two?)

It is precision chopped dust extracted straw. Doesn’t really have a smell as such unless you buy the ‘fresh’ version which smells of lemons ? I used to have my horse on wood pellets but found these got dusty and the dust created a film on everything including rugs. Swish is absorbent and easy to use.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2008
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Thanks TPO. Does it still smell like normal straw?


Not at all, smells like manuka (sp?) Honey.

If you're near larbert then Russell's stock it and sometimes have an open bale or Nedz might mail out samples.

I'd offer you a demo but coronavirus...


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13 March 2010
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I buy Laysoft from the manufacturer by the pallet. With delivery it’s less than £7 a bale. They are 25kg bales too.