Another yearling loading issue


Well-Known Member
15 August 2009
falkirk, scotland
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Getting really down in the dumps about my yearling. The first time she travelled was at 6 weeks old, she didnt have a bad experience. She then missed a show cos I didnt think she was well and then missed her last because she rooted to the spot and would not go in (wouldnt go with mum, couldnt lift her, all the usual). started practising her and could get her in straight from a stable, travelled her a couple of times like this.
have started with her again this year and she is really scared of the ramp, have got her standing on the ramp comin from a block of stables but she wont walk right in yet. she seems scared of the headroom to an extent. she's going into a double ifor with no partition. she's currently over 15.1 and giraffe like so she's going to grow out of the trailer.
trying to be very gentle with her and its obvious wen she's scared or stubborn. im hoping she'll just ease herself in. i don't want to break her temper as she is the type that you easily could, just now she's taking confidence from me.
its just getting me down now, there's no way she'll get to first show on 5th june. really need her going in for the highland show as entries have cost me a fortune apart from anythin else. really wanted her to go to futurity this year too.
any more suggestions etc?


Well-Known Member
24 March 2009
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Poor you.

Arer you leaving the front ramp open when practising? That way it doesnt look to enlosed to her.

We had one that was a bit of a sh*te for a while and we actually took car and trailer into her field and left it there for a morning. Took all the partitions out and put some yummy food inside.
We sat and watched the entire morning.

Other option, could you do join up with her somewhere with her beofrehand (I`m not into natural horsemanship stuff but worth a try)

Or leave her in on her own for a few days and only let her see you.
She might be more inclined to take her lead from you that way.

Not much help sorry, if you do get her in, take her for a short journey, nice feed then out.

COuld you put her stable bedding on the ramp so it smells of her?


Well-Known Member
15 August 2009
falkirk, scotland
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did them all except the putting it in the field. wouldnt leave her in as would explode wen out and we have to walk up a road to the field, but she is only in contact with three people so that helps. did yours go in wen u put it in the field?


Well-Known Member
24 March 2009
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yup, we put her in the field with a really good (and greedy) loader who was her buddy.

Greedy mare spotted the trailer, then the food (scattered on floor, not in a bucket) and went straight in. The yearling stood outside.

greedy mare was actually making faces at her to stop her going in and nicking the food so whether that made her nosier I dont know.

She waited until fatty moved forward and made her way in.

Its not the most ideal scenario and the greedy mare is bomb proof but we stayed close by incase they both tried to go out the front at the same time.

By the time we took it out she was loading herself in and outboth ends!

Think it was just a case of getting her used to seeing the trailer as a harmless big feed bucket.


Well-Known Member
15 August 2009
falkirk, scotland
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pointless post really but just so chuffed. managed to get teeny all the way in the trailer today. had gave her two days off and brought her her and managed 3 times to stand right inside the trailer, we still dont have partition in and are backing slowly out. have fed her a little inside it and first twice only needed a touch on the hocks with stick to lift back feet up, third time managed herself! will try again tomorrow. slowly slowly catch the monkey :)