
Well-Known Member
28 July 2006
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Hi Gedenskis_girl,

I will answer you questions,

What tolerance is being shown towards anyone with a viewpoint different to your own?

Actually a great deal, if somebody does not like hunting or disagrees with it fine, I do not have a problem with that, don`t go hunting. But if you then want to ban or stop me from hunting and rely on corrupt data, twisted half truths and hearsay then naturally I have a problem.

Why is it so hard for pro's to accept that some people just don't agree with hunting?

Not hard at all. I fully respect people who disagree with hunting that’s their choice, just don`t stop me because I agree with it.

You're still taking part in hunts and are confident that the ban will be lifted at some point in the near future so why get so angry at people who disagree with you?

Again I am not angry at those who disagree with hunting just those who feel the need to impose their will on me by banning hunting. Also they have tried to insinuate I am a child abuser and linked to the BNP, would`nt you be pissed off?

Do you have the same attitude to people who disagree with you on other non-hunting related issues?

No, but then again my mate who is a spurs fan does not call me a child abuser for supporting arsenal and think we should be banned.

I wouldn't believe any statistics given by the CA

Give me a few examples from the last five years of the statistics you would not believe?




Well-Known Member
5 June 2006
La la land
Hi Nigel

Thanks for answering.

In reply...

"Actually a great deal, if somebody does not like hunting or disagrees with it fine, I do not have a problem with that, don`t go hunting. But if you then want to ban or stop me from hunting and rely on corrupt data, twisted half truths and hearsay then naturally I have a problem."

You called all anti's nutters who need counselling. I'm an anti... I don't go sabbing and don't condone any sort of violent protest but I'm still an anti so by your definition I'm a nutter. That doesn't sound very tolerant to me.

Corrupt data, twisted half truths and hearsay applies equally to both sides.

"I fully respect people who disagree with hunting that’s their choice, just don`t stop me because I agree with it."

None of your posts give any impression that you respect people who disagree with hunting. We're all nutters after all...

"Again I am not angry at those who disagree with hunting just those who feel the need to impose their will on me by banning hunting."

I agree that the Hunting Bill is bad law... but not because I disagree with the intention... it's the execution that's flawed. Personally, though I prefer there to be no hunting at all, I think some sort of compromise of licensed hunts would have been a better solution.

"Also they have tried to insinuate I am a child abuser and linked to the BNP, would`nt you be pissed off?"

There I agree with you absolutely. I don't understand sabs who make that link - those are the thought processes of nutters. But not all anti's think like that...

"No, but then again my mate who is a spurs fan does not call me a child abuser for supporting arsenal and think we should be banned."

I should hope not. I'm an Arsenal fan too btw. Surely only Spurs fans should be banned ;)

"Give me a few examples from the last five years of the statistics you would not believe?"

Anything that the CA commissions is bound to be spun in their favour. That's not a criticism just a fact about modern day media spin. The same thing applies to the LACS.

One particular one that springs to mind is the number of equine industry jobs that the CA claimed would be lost if the hunting ban came in (between 6,000 and 8,000 fulltime jobs per CA literature). Here in the part of Lancashire I live there are no foxhound packs and only one small harrier pack, yet we have a thriving equine industry. Tack shops springing up everywhere and expanding, farriers who are too busy to take on new clients, multiple livery yards, show centres and equine vet practices. If my part of Lancashire can survive without hunting then why can't other areas?

I'm friends with people who hunt, shoot and fish. I have been hunting - a good few years ago now but I felt I had to go before I could really make up my mind about how I felt about it - and without exception the people I met were good, welcoming people. But equally I know a few sabs... non-violent ones but ones that do protest against our local harrier pack. Again the ones I know are decent people who would never ever dream of harming an animal or putting one in danger.

I guess what I'm saying is that lumping people into one stereotype and insulting them out of hand does yourself no favours and your cause no favours either. Again this applies whichever side of the fence you sit.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Well said Gendenskis_Girl bang on. (ducks ready for abuse!!!) - Obviously I will still be sitting on the otherside of the fence from you with regard to hunting, but apart from that I completely agree (ducks again!!!)


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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May I just say that your title "antis = terrorists" is rather absurd. I am anit, however I am no terrorist as MOST anti's are not. You will find (as with anything) that it is the minority who take part in things such as this. So in future, please remember this and do no generalise.


Well-Known Member
21 August 2006
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In any other country than the UK if a person started throwing glasses and fireworks at the police they'd be banged up for months if not years.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Oh shut up the lot of you. You really are the most immature bunch of punks I have ever had the misfortune to speak to! Honestly, please please just attempt to grow up a little. I've never got involved in such an argument whereby the 'other side' simply has hissy fits! Its rather pathetic.