Any experiences of horses with a virus?


Well-Known Member
21 October 2011
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I've had a new horse on my yard for the past couple weeks and she's come down with what the vet diagnosed as a simple virus. She had a slightly high temperature, was off her food and generally looking depressed. Vet advised rest and bute to bring her temperature down. A few days have passed and her temp has come down and her appetite has returned and she looks a bit chirpier, had a canter off into field, however she's still got a slightly running nose (clear) and what sounds like a chesty phlegmy cough, she's also reluctant to put her head down to graze, she's happy to eat as long as the food is at head height. So her dinner has to be on stable door and hay in nets rather than on the floor. I'm due to call the vet tomorrow to give them an update on her, is there anything there is likely they can prescribe for her or is it just a case of her getting over this cold/virus? I'm not sure if something like ventaupalim (sp?) can be given to her to help clear her airways. I think she doesn't like her head down as possibly it's uncomfortable for her if she's a bit bunged up. Any advise or recommendations would be great as I feel maybe the vet may tell me to just keep her rested and let her ride it out it a few more days and let her body fight fight the virus.


Well-Known Member
9 January 2011
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my show horse went off colour while
Competing last yr ,
Shaking and coughing and nasal
Discharge yellow and thick , vets advised viral / bacterial infection temp fine also
Had crackles on chest which also
Could have been flare up
Of roa , he was rest , ventepulmin and had 2 further rechecks on his lungs before getting back on board , my tb this year however had a virus high temp
Coughing legs swelling eating well prescribed abs and bute rested
For 2 weeks , I would be a little worried re not
Wanting to stretch down ,
Does he graze ok ?


Well-Known Member
21 October 2011
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Thank racebuddy, how long were both yours rested for?

Mine has no leg swelling, shaking or coughing but does have the slightly high temp, sound a bit phlegmy when she's breathing, theres a small amount of nasal discharge (clear), grazing and stretching head down to eat she wasn't too happy with doing at all but heading up the yard tonight I caught her for the first time grazing and she accepted her dinner bowl more comfortably on the floor tonight for the first time since Saturday morning. She's been displaying these symptoms and been off colour since thurs/Friday (she's been with me about two weeks in total)
Vet is seeing her tomorrow now, just a bit reluctant to continue with just bute and rest and feel she needs something a little extra to clear the mucus I think she has. Didn't want to feel like I'm telling my vet how to do his job but just feel the rest and bute may not enough, or am I being a bit over protective and she simply needs a little more time to fight it like we often do when we pick up a virus?


Well-Known Member
9 January 2011
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hi sorry late reply , he was rested for 2 weeks in total ,
Just out to graze but had to be by himself , not allowed in contact with others in the field this was vets instructions , is stabled next to my other two luckily my other two were fine at the time and no problems , show horse that had it last year was rested a little longer 3/4 weeks until he had clear lungs ,
Was difficult as was right in the middle of a busy show season and had championships , again he was just turned out very day , ventepulmin and fed from the floor , caught mine very early which was a blessing , hope ur horse is better today , I would recommend a immune boost ,
I have used the red cell but caused them to go the opposite and go hyper , I had used tonic that vets
Supplied with good results ,
Often use this when they are working hard and long days at shows too x hope all
Ok with vets today update when they have been.