Any idea what could be upsetting YO's Horse?


Well-Known Member
15 November 2010
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Just thought I would post an update for those of you who were wondering.

Before vet was booked, YO asked her RI to come out and see the Horse. RI has known this Horse for about 3 years. She has also witnessed one of his "outbursts" RI does seem to think it is a mixture of handler/confidence and the saddle pinching.

RI had a 1-1 session with him, in which she free schooled him and then practiced tacking up (she thought he would be better in the school, rather then the stable block, to break his chain of thoughts) and voila! He was a bit tense at the start, but by the end, he was relaxed and happy to be saddled.

2nd session, she again practiced putting saddle on and taking off. He was very relaxed. So she lunged him for 5-10 minutes and then practiced some more with the saddle. Very relaxed Horsey.

3rd session, she and my YO worked together. Free schooling and then practicing tacking up. He was great.

Since then YO and RI have been doing these sessions 2-3 times a week. She hasn't ridden him yet, as she is waiting for the saddler. RI thinks his now relaxed enough for the saddler to come back out. RI has agreed to be present when the saddler is there.

YO's confidence is getting much better, as is the Horses.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2010
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Just thought I would update you all again with their progress.

It does seem that it was a handler isuue (coupled with the pinching saddle) RI and YO have been working with him once or twice a week since this started. YO and Horse have built their relationship back up again (it got to the point, were she couldn't enter his stable, because he would just start circling)

He has had no more "outbursts" during these sessions and seems much more relaxed and happy. They have been lunging in tack and free schooling without tack. They have even had sessions were they have been rougher tacking up, I don't mean like slamming the saddle down on his back. But doing it faster and a litter rougher, so he gets used to it and YO doesn't have to tread on eggshells around him. He is super with this now too. They then had a leaning over session, to get him used to more weight on him again. He was a star.

Saddler came up, tried several saddles on him. Stood still to be tacked up and was an angel. YO got to finally ride again and happy to report he was well behaved and a saddle has been chosen and ridden work will start next week.

Thank you to all who replied over the course of this thread xx