Hi all first time poster here as I am really struggling to make my girl comfortable and would appreciate any advice that could help her.. this is a bit of a long story now.
She’s 25 years old and has severe arthritis for many years now, several joints fused in lower limbs and knees. She was pretty comfortable on previcox for a number of years with shoes on all four hooves.
In the last month she had an odd episode of maybe colic where she was lying down and breathing really hard and seemed overall uncomfortable and unwell. She got over that within the day but it was uncharacteristic of her.
The next week she comes up three legged lame and was rocking back on her back heels to move around. She’s looked like this before and it turned out to be an abscess then but we called the vet anyway to make sure it wasn’t laminitis and we took x rays that week and the week after and didn’t see any rotation in the bone so we didn’t think it that was the cause. The week after the second xrays she’s looking a bit better, not great, but less rocking back on her heels and seemed stable. We also got blood work back from the last vet visit and found out for the first time she had really high Cushing levels but no insulin resistance.
All of a sudden three days ago she comes up way more lame than before on the opposite from leg (the one that’s been more arthritic). She cannot get comfortable and is just shifting her weight from hoof to hoof and they all seem really sore to her. She has been on bute pretty consistently through all these episodes of lameness in the past month and was on bute when this most recently extreme lameness came up.
Nothing we’ve tried has seemed to help her including stall rest or going outside for little bits of time. Thinking we will have the vet out early next week but not sure what more they can do if she’s already on bute and limited turnout.
It feels too early to call it for her because we’ve hardly given her a chance to try and heal from this but she seems like she’s in a lot of pain and I haven’t seen improvement in the last few days.
If anyone has anything to suggest or comment, please, I’d appreciate it.
She’s 25 years old and has severe arthritis for many years now, several joints fused in lower limbs and knees. She was pretty comfortable on previcox for a number of years with shoes on all four hooves.
In the last month she had an odd episode of maybe colic where she was lying down and breathing really hard and seemed overall uncomfortable and unwell. She got over that within the day but it was uncharacteristic of her.
The next week she comes up three legged lame and was rocking back on her back heels to move around. She’s looked like this before and it turned out to be an abscess then but we called the vet anyway to make sure it wasn’t laminitis and we took x rays that week and the week after and didn’t see any rotation in the bone so we didn’t think it that was the cause. The week after the second xrays she’s looking a bit better, not great, but less rocking back on her heels and seemed stable. We also got blood work back from the last vet visit and found out for the first time she had really high Cushing levels but no insulin resistance.
All of a sudden three days ago she comes up way more lame than before on the opposite from leg (the one that’s been more arthritic). She cannot get comfortable and is just shifting her weight from hoof to hoof and they all seem really sore to her. She has been on bute pretty consistently through all these episodes of lameness in the past month and was on bute when this most recently extreme lameness came up.
Nothing we’ve tried has seemed to help her including stall rest or going outside for little bits of time. Thinking we will have the vet out early next week but not sure what more they can do if she’s already on bute and limited turnout.
It feels too early to call it for her because we’ve hardly given her a chance to try and heal from this but she seems like she’s in a lot of pain and I haven’t seen improvement in the last few days.
If anyone has anything to suggest or comment, please, I’d appreciate it.