Any Tips


Well-Known Member
4 April 2008
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Wondering if anyone can help, i'm struggling to canter my youngster, i sent him away to be broken in he is doing really well and is pretty much perfect except I'm really struggling to get him into canter in the school, its me doing something wrong not him as when my instructor asks he does it. I kind of know what the problem is, my other horse is really forward going so I've got used to riding her and my youngster doesnt quite have the oomph. My instructor has helped me alot but basically what happens is I sit and ask for a couple of strides and then i just sort of collapse and give with the reins so he then just runs, and then if i do get him to canter i just cant keep him going my instructor says i start to thrust lol to keep him going the annoying thing is i know what i'm doing is wrong but i just kind of dont think, when i canter him on a hack i find it easier to get him going but i find i dont sort of hold him together enough so he spooks which he doesnt do with my instructor who holds him together more. Anyone else had a similar problem? Any tips or strengthening exercises I can try? Thanks


Well-Known Member
12 December 2009
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You do not say how young your youngster is? But I would suggest that you leave the school and instructor for a while, and just take the animal for lots of hacks / pleasure rides / hunting - and allow it to have some fun, and learn to how go forwards - once you have done that, then the canter strike off - and indeed all schooling might be easier?


Well-Known Member
16 January 2009
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I agree do the hacking as you can go in a straight line for longer. I would also do lots of transitions half halts to make it more interesting and get him listening to you. Just do short bursts of canter and build on it. Just take it slowly. If he is young and getting spooky take a step back if that makes sense. You want him to enjoy the trips out. Vary the route too and get him really use to new things. Good luck. They are still learning by the sounds of it.


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6 June 2012
the North
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You need to do pilates or something to develop core strength so you don't collapse.

Don't forget you have a voice. Voice aids can help to make things clear for the novice horse, especially if you're an unbalanced rider giving off mixed signals.

Lunge lessons would also help, use side reins to give the horse a contact and no reins for you until your balance is better. The rider can give the aid to canter when on the lunge, to get used to the transition whilst only having to balance yourself not the horse, not having to control the steering.

There's no point keeping the horse going once the balance is gone. Instead return to trot, rebalance and try again.

Sitting trot to start with, on the lunge and off, including without stirrups. You should have no problem sitting there for as long as it takes to get the canter, not losing balance after a few strides of sitting trot, even if horse loses balance. I'm guessing you're used to sitting on a well balanced horse who doesn't fall apart if you lose your balance. Whereas with your youngster you lose balance, he loses balance, then you lose more balance, then he does and so on, until you're in a heap and he's flailing around with no co-ordination.

When you lose balance I'm thinking your hands are moving. The horse canters when you throw the contact away, so probably your hands aren't still at the trot and you're giving him conflicting signals. Improving your balance will change this. Test yourself by doing the old fashioned thing of carrying a cup of water in each hand whilst being lunged in trot. You should be able to do it without spilling. Open and close your elbows when in rising trot to keep your hands still. Flex your lower back, as for walk but in double time, for sitting trot to keep the rest of you still.

I second the doing more hacking to get the forward movement too.

Lastly, if you haven't already, ask your instructor exactly what hand, seat/weight and leg aids they are giving. Then make sure you're doing the same thing, since the instructors method works.

I will point out (though hopefully you already know, but its amazing how many dont) that there are two sets of canter aids. One for canter left and one for canter right. The same aids, but reversed for the other direction. The amount of people I see who simply sit there and kick, leaving the horse to choose the leading leg in canter, is shocking. Especially when these people have an instructor! It's not helpful. Tell the horse canter left or tell him canter right.

Good luck with it.


Well-Known Member
20 July 2012
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I'd just hack him just now. My pony wouldn't canter on the right leg and I have got her doing it on hacks. She is still unbalanced and green. Once she is confident on a hack she will have a chance of getting it in the school.


27 August 2012
Northern Ireland
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It sounds like you're overthinking things, which your horse is no doubt picking up on. Using your horse's natural excitment on a hack will make going forward easier in canter, as will the relaxed environment.


Well-Known Member
4 April 2008
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Thanks everyone, I do mainly hack, i only school him once a week, he is five, he is really good and isnt spooky, although he is five he is the perfect gentleman, his fitness is pretty good as my instructor has built it up gradually and with her he is able to canter for quite a while without her having to push him but i just cant seem to get it if that makes sense? I dont think its really my balance as i dont struggle at all in walk or trot with him and all paces with my other horse, who really isnt at all balanced, although she has improved alot since I have had her and is really hard to ride (very spooky etc), my instructor even struggles with her lol its just kind of like a mental block of mine with him if that makes sense!