Anyone Else Rather Sick of It?


Well-Known Member
3 August 2010
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Sadly I have discovered that in their quest to be open minded many horse people only succeed in becoming more narrow minded.
What starts out as a journey into NH turns into their way or the highway!

I'll be honest i'm not a great fan of flash nosebands but hey if it works for you and your horse is happy and healthy what does it matter to me, people who interfere usually lead very boring lives and have bugger all to do - smile sweetly, ignore them and carry on. :)


Well-Known Member
25 November 2011
South Africa
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I actually ride bitless every now and then (only when I'm too lazy to saddle up:D)... My ponio doesn't go well bitless at all though, he hollows his back and takes these small choppy steps... Here's a photo of what I mean (in both photos he is trotting):


(The photo that is watermarked I DO have permission to use!!!)


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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In that photo (btw even though you have permission to use it it is watermarked - which as per T&Cs is not allowed) you're also bareback whcih is more likely to be the reason he's hollowed.

I just have to ask. If you have the noseband done up so loosely that it sags down with the flash (which is, of course, incorrect fitting), why do you feel the need to use the flash? Have you tried without?


Well-Known Member
12 May 2011
in my own little bubble
I think to truly say that being bitless caused your horse to hollow I think QC that you should have had a saddle on when bitless... in that picture you do not have a saddle on and yours horse might be hollowing because you may be more bouncy on him (I dont know how well you ride bareback and am making no inference that your riding is not perfect) . The only point I am making is that if the oNLY difference in the two pics was the bit in or not then perhaps one might reach the conclusion you infer ;)

I think you are doing what you acuse "NH" of doing and making sweeping statements without actually looking at what NH is about. It is about being naturalisitc ... or a natural as possible ... or about looking at horses natural behaviour so we can understand why they do what they do and to keep them in a manner that allows then to follow natural behaviours as much as possible.

THIS is true! If we wanted to be 100% natural we should load up our horses, drive to some uninhabited area and drop them off. Horses in the wild only live to be about 6, we have a pony at our yard who is 38 ... Natural is good to an extent, but as soon as it is AT COST of the horse - it is no longer okay

I would say that many "traditional" people do do the same things that are often denigtrated if its seen to be allied to "NH".... there are many "traditonal" / BHS or whatever bods that do look beyond "naughty" to find the cause, that want horses to be out as much as possible, that acknowledge that horses are herd animals and the majority do better with company etc ......... it can be hard to define / deliniate where various "factions" seperate ;)


Well-Known Member
25 November 2011
South Africa
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In that photo (btw even though you have permission to use it it is watermarked - which as per T&Cs is not allowed) you're also bareback whcih is more likely to be the reason he's hollowed.

I just have to ask. If you have the noseband done up so loosely that it sags down with the flash (which is, of course, incorrect fitting), why do you feel the need to use the flash? Have you tried without?

I have tried without Dee :). But he opens his mouth at a 90 degree angle and trots around with his head in the air if he doesn't have one on - it's not their to force him but while he just has the feeling that it's there he behaves himself :)


Well-Known Member
31 August 2011
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We have some NH try hards on our yard and they are idiots. It is ironic that there attempts at natural horsemanship seem to hugely limit what they do with their horse ie won't take it on the grass because they cant stop in the bitless rope halter!!


Well-Known Member
25 November 2011
South Africa
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I think to truly say that being bitless caused your horse to hollow I think QC that you should have had a saddle on when bitless... in that picture you do not have a saddle on and yours horse might be hollowing because you may be more bouncy on him (I dont know how well you ride bareback and am making no inference that your riding is not perfect) . The only point I am making is that if the oNLY difference in the two pics was the bit in or not then perhaps one might reach the conclusion you infer ;)

I think you are doing what you acuse "NH" of doing and making sweeping statements without actually looking at what NH is about. It is about being naturalisitc ... or a natural as possible ... or about looking at horses natural behaviour so we can understand why they do what they do and to keep them in a manner that allows then to follow natural behaviours as much as possible.

I would say that many "traditional" people do do the same things that are often denigtrated if its seen to be allied to "NH".... there are many "traditonal" / BHS or whatever bods that do look beyond "naughty" to find the cause, that want horses to be out as much as possible, that acknowledge that horses are herd animals and the majority do better with company etc ......... it can be hard to define / deliniate where various "factions" seperate ;)

Understood :). I do have a rather soft seat while riding bareback (because I do it quite often) but he does the same while saddled up aswell (he has been in a Doctor Cook before because I HAVE considered going bitless before) - he either hates it or for some reason he thinks it's appropriate to run around looking like a dolt xD. I have no problem with NH (I said so in my original post), I do however have a problem with extremists bashing whoever doesn't believe what they believe


Well-Known Member
25 November 2011
South Africa
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We have some NH try hards on our yard and they are idiots. It is ironic that there attempts at natural horsemanship seem to hugely limit what they do with their horse ie won't take it on the grass because they cant stop in the bitless rope halter!!

We have some people like that at our yard too... It is ironic :)


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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Here's a pic of my boy in his "cruel" flash noseband! Moses is king of evasion teqniques and we had a period of him opening his mouth, crossing his jaw and doing what the hell HE wanted to do which was anything except listen to his rider! We tried all sorts of things before resorting to the flash, which was used for a few months until he forgot that particular evasion, hes back in his cavesson now!!
AND SHOCK HORROR!!!!!!! I have put my 5 year old in flash ******** he is an absolute sod for popping his tongue over the bit and fussing - popped the flash on and had a totally happy and comfortable horse??? It works, hes comfy and I'm happy with that. Both horses see the dentist on a regular basis. But then I'm on a traditional type yard and no one much pays any attention. We did have a few NH people in the past, one who was really sensible, down to earth and a fantastic horse person who did endurance riding, the other two were wannabes - complete idiots who had the rudest, most badly behaved and confused horses I have ever come across.


Well-Known Member
18 July 2011
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I think ur horse i gorgeous! In the horse world so many ppl have different views, if it works for u and ur horse is happy i cant see the problem!!!!!


Well-Known Member
27 August 2008
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honestly I agree with the comment made earlier. The people who find the time to condemn people they've never met for using equipment they personally choose not too, are generally incredibly narrow minded individuals

Your horse is beautiful, with lightning storms like that I could never visit SA - it is a horrible phobia I have!

Equilibrium Ireland

Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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Ehh, never mind people like that. Just keep doing what you're doing.

I have issues with flashes or grackles when people have no idea what it's for or why it's on the horse in the first place. Or to cope with a riders inability to ride properly. That is not directed at anyone on this thread by the way.

FWIW, I ride one of mine with no noseband as with a regular non flash she messed around too much with her head and mouth. I just wanted to try no noseband before going flash. She's a different horse now. My other one is a regular noseband with a shadow roll on the noseband. Both are no spurs and no whips even while competing in jumping. Not because I'm some weirdo who thinks it cruel. Just lucky they don't need them.



Well-Known Member
7 June 2007
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I wouldn't worry, I once got told off on here by someone because my horse had a flash on when playing in the sea...!
I took no notice and continue to use tack on my horse that works best!


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3 January 2012
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"do you know ... how uncomfortable it must be for him???? ... Don't you care about how your horse feels"

What this person has said is ridiculous.. you clearly know your horse far better than them, thus you would know if he's uncomfortable! Also, how would this person know? I presume they've never met you or your horse! As long as you and horse are happy then carry on and don't worry! Let extremists be extreme, it's never got anyone anywhere!


Well-Known Member
3 February 2011
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Someone I met had a few strong words with me because I am clearly so cruel to my horse by riding him in a loose ring snaffle and a 2lb saddle. She was quite happy telling me about how she is a NH extremist and is trying her best to get everyone to be the same as her, then continued to tell me she rides her horse in a rope halter and no saddle.
She didn't seem to happy when I said if we were going to extremes, then your horse would be out in a field with lots of friends never being ridden, as they would in the wild... She soon left with a face like a slapped arse!


Well-Known Member
25 May 2011
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I was told my mare would probably be happier bitless, by her previous owner when I was buying her. She explained that my mare wasn't at all happy with a bit in her mouth - even her happy mouth bit was too uncomfortable!

I bought the horse, got the dentist out to do her teeth, and swapped the rough edged happy mouth:eek: for a simple French link snaffle with a copper lozenge in the middle.
Horse is happy as anything now:D

Echo Bravo

Well-Known Member
6 August 2009
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And like religion, these take on a life of their own,if your horse is happy in his work and you are happy with the way he is going, sod what they say. I'm afraid it's fads and latest fancy until something else comes along and over the years I've seen quiet a few.:D:D


25 November 2010
Ternhill, Shorpshire
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I ride my horses with bits, in double bridles, bitless, treed, treeless and at liberty (just moved on to trotting with this) I spent most of my horsey life riding the conventional/traditional way till I got my big lad. Then through learning alot from him as he came with several issues all caused by us humans I learnt natural horsemanship. I compete so we have to wear tack etc. I use to be on a yard where people would bitch about me because they would see my hack out in a rope halter and then schooling in a bit getting ready for a competition. That i competed in a bit or double bridle whilst they were in their hackamore not realising how it actually works and that it can be just as damaging and painful for the horse, the sit on their horses all day.

People should understand that bitless bridles, rope halters can cause pain to a horse just as a bit can. It would be a wonderful world if our horses could be kept natural and we all had the ability to ride our horses at liberty but that not the way it is. My mare gets in a grump if she doesn't come into her stable, she loves going out to showing and competing.

Listen to your horse and as long as they are happy thats the main thing.

A little bit of knowledge can be dangerous,

Just remember Opinions are like a*** holes everyone has one