My horse eats about 2 x 8kg haynight per night most of the year, except November to January time. Then he will pick at hay so he only gets 1 small net with the remainders of previous nets on the floor in a tub which he still leaves. When I eventually clean his excess hay out I can get 1 massive packed full bag of hay he hasn't eaten out. Does anyone elses horse do this? He does this every year! He went back to eating loads a few weeks ago, but has stopped again! I've tried different hay suppliers, haylage, bit of both, it doesn't matter. He did it with his previous owner too! I think its just one of his quirks!! He still has a hard feed and when he is on hay strike I make sure it is well dampened and has lots of fibre in it to keep him moving inside. He is also well supplemented too so not lacking anything.