Anyone ever been stopped by the Police


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26 October 2009
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perfect11s, I think you'd do well to remember that that which you dismiss so unwittily is actually a very sensitive and painful subject for some reading this board, and if can realise that, you should stop now.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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Darwinism in action perhaps !!!!

:eek: :eek: Because of course children are all born with an innate sense of road safety :mad:

I got pulled over for running a red light.........on a horse! :eek: :eek:

It was late evening, started p'ing it down half way round my hack and then I got to a set of roadworks (in a little village road, 30mph area). They had the traffic-sensor lights which of course don't recognise horses, and no button to press :mad: :mad: I waited for ages hoping a car would come my direction but it didn't. I could see perfectly well ahead so trotted on through!

I was so unimpressed with the young policeman that I didn't actually realise that he hadn't 'pulled me over' but in fact was trying to 'pull' :eek: It was only when he gave me his details I realised :mad: :rolleyes: How unprofessional can you get? Needless to say he got rejected :p

Didn't help that I saw him about a week later when I was riding the same horse through the drive through at McDonalds, he had the balls to approach me and joke that I was causing an obstruction! :eek: :mad:


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7 June 2007
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First time I was too thick to realise what was happening. Driving home from a night out so about 2am, had a police car behind me with siren going, I just kept thinking 'well go round me then' assuming they were after someone else! Even though the road was practically deserted. Duh! Eventually twigged and pulled over into garage a couple of miles down the road. V. embarrassed. Turns out I'd gone through a light I thought was amber but they thought was red (like I said, middle of night, no traffic, probably I had pushed it a bit). they asked me if I'd been drinking, I told them a couple early on, I knew I was ok and I must have seemed ok as they didn't breathalise me or anything, just warned me about red lights and sent me on my way. IT was quite funny in hindsight, it just didn't cross my mind for ages it was me they wanted...

OH got pulled into a random docs checkpoint thing they'd set up in the car park of a hotel - directing every few cars into it. they then refused to believe it was his car as they said it was registered to a woman and insured in her name. Really? And this woman's name? Oh they would only tell us the first name, which was the same as his surname if you mispronounced it (he has a foreign name and yes it does look like a woman's name with one of those 'creative' spellings). Refused to accept they might have got things a bit mixed up and it would be a huge coincidence for him to have stolen a car belonging to a woman who's first name sounds the same as his last name. Eventually they just made him take all his docs again to the police station the next day, don't know why, it was all the same stuff he had on him in the car.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2011
east scotland
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I was out on a hack on my own last year and two police officers on foot patrol came over to me and the horse I was riding, but they just wanted to give lovely horsey a tickle, they couldn't help themselves cooing at her and telling her what a lovely lady she was :rolleyes: Imo i think its good that they are checking vehicles etc. They should probably do it more often and hopefully save someone the heartache of having their horse/pony etc stolen.