Anyone had a horse go lame again after an ALD?


Well-Known Member
22 August 2001
Woking, Surrey
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My old boy had an ALD (annular ligament desmotomy) on both hindlegs in August 2006 after being lame left hind all summer and shockwave and cartrophen not working. He was getting worse so it was surgery or say goodbye and reluctantly I put him through surgery aged 20. They cut the ligaments in both hinds as the right was also slightly swollen and a bit sore on it after nerve blocking the left.

He made a good recovery initially, was sound and happy and back in canter work 6mths later when he re-injured the left hind. His surgeon was baffled and couldn't understand how he could re-do things when the ligament was cut. Offered to repeat surgery - not a chance now aged 21 and with no insurance - rested him, buted him even though it made no difference. He was crippled for a few weeks then gradually improved. Decided he would be retired, turned him away. 18mths later very happy looking pony bounding round the field so decided to start gently hacking again, once a month to start, then once or twice a week, mostly walk with a bit of trot and canter. Seemed 100% sound and loving being out again.

Then a few weeks ago noticed not quite right behind again, feet due a trim so thought perhaps just this, stopped riding again, left him out in the field, then about 10days ago noticed very unhappy pony on the right hind (he had proximal suspensory desmitis in this leg in 2002 but that's never bothered him again and was never lame on this leg to do with the annular ligament unless you nerve blocked the left hind). he is resting right hind lots and obviously lame in walk, let alone trot. Buted him and he was sound the next day - bute has never worked for this problem before. He snatches his leg away if you dare squeeze the annular ligament and it seems swollen so sure it is this causing the problem. Eased off the bute, down to one every other day and he seemed ok, but this morning really sore again so back on high dose bute again, v sensitive to ligament being touched again.

just bit confused really, as the surgeon said he shouldn't go lame after this op if it works and they come sound which he has been for ages now.
Any experiences? Sorry it's so long!


Well-Known Member
16 November 2006
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Really sorry to hear this star and cant offer any help, as you know, Cass had ALD last year on her n/s hind and then two weeks ago on her o/s hind, so I will be watching this thread with interest.

Do you carry a mobile scanner and could you have a look at his tendons and ligament yourself?


Well-Known Member
22 August 2001
Woking, Surrey
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unfortunately we dont have a portable scanner so will have to pay to get him scanned if i want more info. i'm not sure it's worth it though as unlikely to change what we do with him. i dont mind if i cant ride him again as long as he's sound enough to be a field ornament although he really did love going out on hacks again. it's just frustrating as was specifically told if they come sound after surgery they dont go lame again except those who have issues with adhesions, but it's too late for them now.