Anyone sprained/ torn their ACL?


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29 December 2016
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I came off the other day twisting my knee right under me upon a very solid landing.
I’m waiting on an MRI, they believe I’ve damaged either my ACL or PCL.
Has anyone torn and or sprained their ACL? What did it feel like? Obviously I can’t tell what has happened until it’s been scanned but I’d really love an idea as to whether or not it’s torn or just badly twisted as obviously the recovery for both situations differ significantly and I want to get back to riding😢


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10 December 2008
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I haven't done my ACL myself but my rugby playing OH did it as have a few friends (all skiing - I lived in the French Alps for a while). The biggest thing they all mentioned was how unstable the joint felt rather than just being painful.


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14 September 2011
Make sure that, if you possibly can, after your medical physio you work with a rider specialist with off horse rehab, I recommend Equimech in NI and Pilates at Blue House on Teesside, both offer online services but there are others, look for a really broad skillset including neuromechanics.


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17 May 2017
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I tore mine skiing, but not all the way through. The test seemed to be how much instability is in the joint. Both doctor and physio sat me down, took hold of my lower leg and moved it from side to side to test the ACL. I was then sent for a scan. Consultant thought ACL was completely ruptured, but I didn't believe that as I could still do all sorts of things (like ride) that I shouldn't have been able to do. I paid for a second scan and there was a tear and some scarring but not a rupture. I didn't have it operated on as by the time we had gone through all the scans etc, the swelling and pain had gone and I was reluctant to go back to the start again with an op. It doesn't work as well as the other knee and I have given up running as the knee joint doesn't seem as well lined up as before.


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1 June 2021
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I completely tore my ACL playing netball. I’d previously partially dislocated my knee cap and tore my meniscus playing netball so shouldn’t have gone back to play with it injured but hospital physio wouldn’t send me for an MRI after the meniscus tear so I was frustrated.

My ACL tear felt very different to the knee cap dislocation. I was pretty sure immediately I’d done it. Apparently you can often hear it snapping but I didn’t with mine. It felt pretty unstable afterwards and would give way.


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17 May 2013
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I completely snapped mine skiing. I felt a pop in the middle of my knee, and then it became totally unstable and my ski carved round so my foot was virtually facing in the opposite direction. That tore the medial ligaments, which were the ones that hurt!

I had the op and 6 months physio afterwards. The medial ligaments were still sore at times a few years later, but it gradually got stronger and stronger. I forget about it now, except for threads like this :)


Well-Known Member
16 September 2021
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I came off the other day twisting my knee right under me upon a very solid landing.
I’m waiting on an MRI, they believe I’ve damaged either my ACL or PCL.
Has anyone torn and or sprained their ACL? What did it feel like? Obviously I can’t tell what has happened until it’s been scanned but I’d really love an idea as to whether or not it’s torn or just badly twisted as obviously the recovery for both situations differ significantly and I want to get back to riding😢
Who have you seen? Self refer to Physio if you can and they can perform specific tests to see which ligament is torn or damaged. Completely impossible to tell without proper tests and then a MRI to confirm


Well-Known Member
29 December 2016
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Make sure that, if you possibly can, after your medical physio you work with a rider specialist with off horse rehab, I recommend Equimech in NI and Pilates at Blue House on Teesside, both offer online services but there are others, look for a really broad skillset including neuromechanics.
That’s a good idea, unfortunately I ride for a living so definitely want to do as much as I can to sort it!


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29 December 2016
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I tore mine skiing, but not all the way through. The test seemed to be how much instability is in the joint. Both doctor and physio sat me down, took hold of my lower leg and moved it from side to side to test the ACL. I was then sent for a scan. Consultant thought ACL was completely ruptured, but I didn't believe that as I could still do all sorts of things (like ride) that I shouldn't have been able to do. I paid for a second scan and there was a tear and some scarring but not a rupture. I didn't have it operated on as by the time we had gone through all the scans etc, the swelling and pain had gone and I was reluctant to go back to the start again with an op. It doesn't work as well as the other knee and I have given up running as the knee joint doesn't seem as well lined up as before.
I think that’s what’s confusing is me is the fact I can still walk (definitely wouldn’t pass a lameness test but I can hobble😂) and managed to ride the day after… just with pain when my leg moved a certain way. Would struggle to ride now purely because it’s so swollen that I can’t bend it properly but other than that probably could. I thought surely it can’t be torn if I can do those things but from your experience it sounds as if I may be wrong:/
Also had the side ways test things, consultant wasn’t very clear on anything other than saying they showed the other ligaments should be fine so it’s probably something to do with the ACL. Wish I could have got some what of a clearer answer!!!!


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3 May 2023
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I'm sure I tore mine in a fall (a really stupid one which should never have happened). It was during covid, they would only x-ray (despite me insisting it wasn't skeletal) I didn't get offered an MRI or any physio, they just handed me crutches and I cracked on. I then got knocked over by a horse a few weeks later and that put me back to square one.
Four years later and I really regret not getting further help, I still can't run despite my best efforts and I'll get shooting pain if I'm walking over unlevel ground.
In regards to how it felt - there was a loud pop and it felt like my lower leg was hanging on by a thread, I had no stability in it. I had to drive myself home by holding on to my leg and lifting it on to the pedals (silly but no other option at the time!). It was bloody agony.
Hope you make a speedy recovery!


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29 December 2016
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Who have you seen? Self refer to Physio if you can and they can perform specific tests to see which ligament is torn or damaged. Completely impossible to tell without proper tests and then a MRI to confirm
Been seen by a consultant who has referred me for an MRI and physio. Waiting until next week for both. Appreciate you can’t tell but I’m too impatient so wanted to see how my symptoms compare to others!


Well-Known Member
17 May 2017
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I think that’s what’s confusing is me is the fact I can still walk (definitely wouldn’t pass a lameness test but I can hobble😂) and managed to ride the day after… just with pain when my leg moved a certain way. Would struggle to ride now purely because it’s so swollen that I can’t bend it properly but other than that probably could. I thought surely it can’t be torn if I can do those things but from your experience it sounds as if I may be wrong:/
Also had the side ways test things, consultant wasn’t very clear on anything other than saying they showed the other ligaments should be fine so it’s probably something to do with the ACL. Wish I could have got some what of a clearer answer!!!!
Once the swelling went down, I could ride without too much of a problem and used an elastic knee brace. The stirrups keep your foit and knee relatively stable. I didn't jump though until several months later. The worst thing for my knee was treading in divots in the field - defo don't do that!


Coming over here & taking your jobs since 1900
18 September 2008
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I did mine a few years ago dismounting too quickly. Also tore my meniscus and hairline fracture to the tibia. Lots of delays before the MRI as urgent care centre didn't believe it was that bad as I had walked in and was walking around. They failed to spot the fracture on an X-ray. Couldn't bend my leg properly but that was the meniscus. Then more delays as they misplaced the MRI so had to schedule a second consultant appointment and he only did one clinic a week at the NHS hospital.

I could have had a reconstruction but it was 50/50 if I would get a better outcome that rest and physio. Plus the consultant said he would insist on no riding for 6-9 months post op. So I just had the meniscus done. It was 6 months from injury to op because of the delays and when they went in, they were happy with the healing.

I don't run or play any jumping twisting sports but am fine to ride. I jump and do cross country at a very low level. It feels unstable occasionally if I overextend but that never happens when riding as your knee is always bent. I'll probably get arthritis in that knee long term


Well-Known Member
16 September 2021
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Been seen by a consultant who has referred me for an MRI and physio. Waiting until next week for both. Appreciate you can’t tell but I’m too impatient so wanted to see how my symptoms compare to others!
Well I’m a physio….you can’t tell on symptoms alone I’m afraid!


As excited as Kitty about to be a bridesmaid
9 March 2011
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I completely ruptured mine in 2018. Also MCL and a few small fractures at back of knee. Didn't have it reconstructed as the ends both stuck them selves down and we're stable enough that a repair most likely wouldn't have made it anymore stable and I'd have to have 6-9 months off riding. It took ages for me to be able to do rising trot again but I could and cantered and jumped a bit too but TBH didn't really get back to pre accident levels. Mainly as the time off made arthritis in both knees worse and I've warm a lot of cartilage in both knees. I've recently had both knee caps realigned (six months apart) and ironically the leg with no ACL had healed fine but the one with the ACL hasn't knitted together at all and after 7 weeks without a brace and now back in one for 6 weeks. Pretty grumpy about it TBH.

When the ACL happened, after a stupid fall, the lower part of my leg was not where it should be, it was off to the side, and as I watched it moved itself back into position, however if I tried to stand in it, the top of my leg would slide off the bottom 🤮


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17 August 2008
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I’ve done my ACL and meniscus (total rupture of both and tear in PCL, skiing) plus bone bruising and it was quite extreme pain and swelling plus a wobbly feeling. It did become stable enough to bear a little weight after a few days though, and I was hobbling around on crutches after about a week. I didn’t have the surgery (due to it becoming fairly stable fairly quickly) but I did throw myself into the icing and physio. I did a full month of icing with a proper machine, one that rugby players are apparently hooked up to all the time!
I now do everything again. It complains a bit sometimes, for random reasons, like the other day my son walked into me and kicked my foot sideways (by mistake) and wow, it didn’t like that. But I can run around on it, ski, ride, play sport…all fine. It took around 9-12 months to get to this point.
My OH twisted his knee skiing recently, hasn’t had a scan yet, but consultant thinks an ACL and meniscus tear rather than total rupture. He was weight bearing straight away, with a limp, slight swelling which has now gone down after a few days of icing, and getting better. He’s doing his physio too. Cons said 4-6 wks off games.
Sounds like you might be more like him.
Physio is key.


Well-Known Member
21 July 2016
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I came off the other day twisting my knee right under me upon a very solid landing.
I’m waiting on an MRI, they believe I’ve damaged either my ACL or PCL.
Has anyone torn and or sprained their ACL? What did it feel like? Obviously I can’t tell what has happened until it’s been scanned but I’d really love an idea as to whether or not it’s torn or just badly twisted as obviously the recovery for both situations differ significantly and I want to get back to riding😢
Yep. I’ll tell you how in a minute but when I completely tore my ACL…

When I did it I tried to stand up. My leg went from under me and the pain was horrible. It feels like the femur goes one way and the tibia is going the other. No putting weight on it at all.

When I got to hospital I had no swelling and no bruising. So the nurse practitioner (I never saw a doctor!) said I was exaggerating and sent me home with an appointment for the clinic the next day. Still no bruising or swelling. They too thought I was exaggerating the pain etc but did make an appointment for an MRI after I complained to them about ‘their attitude’!

Anyhoo get MRI (two weeks later, doctor at clinic having told me to walk in it to make it stronger 😩😡). Go home. That afternoon get a phone call ‘can you come in today?’

Went in. Completely torn ACL. Ripped every other ligament/tendon in knee, bruised cartilage and my tibia was broken.

And how did I manage that I hear you gasp? 🤣

I’d like to say I was riding round badminton or skiing down a black slope or summat. But no.

I was trying to put a bottle of gin back in a cupboard. Stood on the bottom step of a small step ladder fell of it backwards. And the gin smashed too!!


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21 July 2016
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Ps. Have no idea why no bruising or swelling except I never do bruise really. Or get swelling on anything except insect bites.🤷‍♀️


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3 February 2009
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I had a complete ACL rupture skiing in the late 1980's and had a reconstruction in the early 1990's. Three years ago that completely ruptured (I was just walking down the drive when it happened) and as my knee is stable enough the surgeon did not want to do another reconstruction.

It was very painful at the time but after physio I can now walk and ride.


Coming over here & taking your jobs since 1900
18 September 2008
London but horse is in Herts
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When I got to hospital I had no swelling and no bruising. So the nurse practitioner (I never saw a doctor!) said I was exaggerating and sent me home with an appointment for the clinic the next day. Still no bruising or swelling. They too thought I was exaggerating the pain etc but did make an appointment for an MRI after I complained to them about ‘their attitude’!

Mine was quite as bad as your but also got told it wasn't much. The second time I went back to the urgent care centre they were really annoyed as they now "had to do an x-ray". Still failed to spot a break. A doctor I was seeing for allergies who had worked earlier in his career in the a and e of that hospital, really wanted me to put in an official complaint but I didn't.