Are leads expensive???


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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After dog jumping into garden episode the other week...I was laying a track just now when some elderly, rotund beagles swooped in and started doing what beagles do.
Once their owners had caught up, and after they stood and watched for a while (they were pretty good, I have to say), I said 'excuse me, your dogs are eating all my dog's food?'.
So they just....laughed, walked on and left their dogs to it. No attempt to come and get them or leash them etc.
I can only hope there are no episodes of puppy food induced explosions in their house this evening!
Just having a rant as usual, if my own dog started eating something I hadn't given it, I'd be on it pretty sharpish TBH.


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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As the owner of a very naughty hound who has quite a nice biothane lead which wasn't cheap I can assure you that while I was prepared to put up with her rolling in fox poo she got her bottom smacked and put back on her lead after she mugged someone having a snack on a bench. I was mortified but she got there before I could do a blooming thing although I did shout to them to just hit it!
Drives me mad when people just allow their dogs to continue being shits


Well-Known Member
11 February 2018
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After dog jumping into garden episode the other week...I was laying a track just now when some elderly, rotund beagles swooped in and started doing what beagles do.
Once their owners had caught up, and after they stood and watched for a while (they were pretty good, I have to say), I said 'excuse me, your dogs are eating all my dog's food?'.
So they just....laughed, walked on and left their dogs to it. No attempt to come and get them or leash them etc.
I can only hope there are no episodes of puppy food induced explosions in their house this evening!
Just having a rant as usual, if my own dog started eating something I hadn't given it, I'd be on it pretty sharpish TBH.

Having had two dogs with multiple allergies and another who would mug folk who had previously given her treats (she never forgot who they were), I now ask people not to give my dog treats.

I think if we ever met, CC, we would get along just fine.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Having had two dogs with multiple allergies and another who would mug folk who had previously given her treats (she never forgot who they were), I now ask people not to give my dog treats.

I think if we ever met, CC, we would get along just fine.

There was a little spaniel as well, who came and sat right in front of me with the Big Pleading Eyes out while I was mid-stride.
Between that and the flashing collars it is probably as close as I'll get to a panto this year


Well-Known Member
11 February 2018
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As the owner of a very naughty hound who has quite a nice biothane lead which wasn't cheap I can assure you that while I was prepared to put up with her rolling in fox poo she got her bottom smacked and put back on her lead after she mugged someone having a snack on a bench. I was mortified but she got there before I could do a blooming thing although I did shout to them to just hit it!
Drives me mad when people just allow their dogs to continue being shits

Take a tip from me, avoid walking along a riverbank where fishermen have their bait laid out like a smorgasbord for dogs - it doesn't make for a relaxing stroll when you have a greedy lurcher.

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
Ambling amiably around........
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I think I might invest in a ball of strong string and offer these idiotic dog owners an appropriate length of the stuff, probably attached to their dog.
I've handed baler twine to the persons who let their loose dogs romp into my yard when its apparent they dont have leads, or I'll fix it to the dog before handing it over.....


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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Take a tip from me, avoid walking along a riverbank where fishermen have their bait laid out like a smorgasbord for dogs - it doesn't make for a relaxing stroll when you have a greedy lurcher.
Also an issue as is the park, especially in summer time - toddlers are just the right height to offer ice cream it seems, fortunately she's pretty lovely and she's nice to walk on a lead, unlike my spaniel who is well behaved but pulls like a train.

GSD Woman

Well-Known Member
9 December 2018
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To be honest, the owners deserve the puppy explosions.

The bit about toddlers and food made me laugh. We used to practice obedience training with people planted with hot dogs an popcorn and such. Nowadays the AKC obedience ring is pristine and it tends to no longer show useful obedience.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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After dog jumping into garden episode the other week...I was laying a track just now when some elderly, rotund beagles swooped in and started doing what beagles do.
Once their owners had caught up, and after they stood and watched for a while (they were pretty good, I have to say), I said 'excuse me, your dogs are eating all my dog's food?'.
So they just....laughed, walked on and left their dogs to it. No attempt to come and get them or leash them etc.
I can only hope there are no episodes of puppy food induced explosions in their house this evening!
Just having a rant as usual, if my own dog started eating something I hadn't given it, I'd be on it pretty sharpish TBH.

Not so much expensive just really REALLY complicated to use, more so than any kitchen appliance/computer/car, I mean just how on earth do you attach the thing to the collar?? I just can't work it out...

They sound like utter moronic twats....


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Same area, whilst I was a good way up the track so most of food gone, I have just watched someone let their Westie piss all over my tracking pole. Which I now have to put back in the van.

Almost as good as the time I was running six hides (the teepee type thing that the decoy/bad guy hides in) at a sports pitch and someone let their spaniel come running over and cock his leg on number 3. For one, they weren't even mine/I had borrowed them for the afternoon and for two, they were the canvas type so much harder to wipe down and again, had to put them back in my own vehicle ?