Are people riding?


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1 June 2007
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I have decided not to ride. Not that I am concerned about virus spread while out for a hack but for the risk of coming off. I have used/am using far too much NHS as it is. Robin is good but he is feeling well and fresh. In the 3 rides since hospital he hasn’t done anything wrong but spooks a plenty and it only takes a bird to pop out, spook, splat. I don’t want to add to NHS strain. Crisis team keen for me to keep riding for my mental health but huge guilt as it is. Farrier is due in 2 weeks so I think I will just get his shoes taken off for a couple of months.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Yes currently still riding the advanced horse. Having something positive to focus on stops the wild thoughts from taking over. Work life is wall to wall dealing with CV stuff so I really value the escapism.

I'm not doing anything with the ex racer. He's sharp, silly and green and it's not worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
28 August 2012
A little bit North
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I’ve decided not to - had a last ride on Sunday as ponio was supposed to be going off to track livery Wed with no visiting allowed. Lockdown put a stop to that ? with the sh1t about to hit the fan I really want to minimise risk of ending up needed emergency services or having to go to hospital ? my choice though, even though it is advised against by bhs bef. If I get stir crazy I may change my mind ?‍♀️ Stay safe.

Shooting Star

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18 October 2011
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Nope, had only just got back on after a winter off but I don’t want to risk being a burden to the NHS and also there is a nursing home just up the driveway with key workers walking to & from work so wouldn’t want to risk exposing them if I unknowingly had it so it’ll be short essential visits only for the next few weeks.


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6 January 2019
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Yes. Most of the regular riders on my yard seem to be continuing too. He’s just too important for my mental health not to, and to be honest I’m more at risk of injury on the ground from a fresh horse pumped full of spring grass than I am keeping him ticking over by riding.
I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t trust he’d keep me safe to the best of his ability.


Well-Known Member
29 December 2006
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I am in two minds. I haven't ridden the last few days as I have a spooky and fresh TB at the moment. However, if I don't ride the chances of needing hospital treatment when I do get back on seems significantly increased :)

I just turned him out 24/7 on Sunday so think I might re-assess in a few weeks to see if he has calmed down.


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4 November 2010
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I schooled my mare in my field today. It's dried out a bit too well so I'll probably limit it to walk and trot in there unless it softens up. I'll long rein her and do in hand work a bit too. Consistent work is good for her.

I'll continue to hack Daemon. He's an excellent hack, but schooling him will break him fast, and he needs to keep some work for his own sake. I take the dog out with him so I'm not also walking a dog.

Fergus is on some time off, more because it's convenient and there's no point putting more miles on him when he's probably not going to be doing much competing this year. He's well established enough to save for another summer.


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20 December 2017
Vancouver, Canada
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Nope, barn on lock down :( madam is lame at the moment anyway. Hoping that by the time we get to the point of trotting in her rehab the lock down has been lifted. I had to start running again to keep my fitness up :eek:


Well-Known Member
13 November 2012
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Nope. Mine have been out of work all winter and I'm not about to hop back on now. If The Beast was currently working I'd be tempted to continue with her because of the effort of bringing her back into work (PSSM)... and even then I'd probably be stopping anyway despite the temptation... but as it is they can just continue to go feral.


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8 June 2015
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I'm riding one. His nickname is Captain Sensible. Just a short hack around the block and then trot and canter work in the school. We're not riding out together anymore. I am in 2 minds. Don't want to add to anyone's problems but don't want another colic/lami situation either. Any A&E staff on here have a view?


Well-Known Member
31 January 2018
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Yes, I am. I do, however, ride two laid back native ponies with minimal associated risk. It counts as my exercise and it keeps them in shape before the spring grass comes through. They are kept on a farm and we don't really see anyone. I have a bit more time as I can work from home so don't have the commuting time and I have time to give them both a good groom which has been a pleasure in this sunshine.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Forgive my ignorance but my understanding is that as of yesterday evening the government has told us to stay at home with the exception of essential food shopping, collecting medication & one walk/run/cycle per day close to home. Am I wrong?

Well yes, you are wrong. One form of exercise, which was unspecified, and thus can include riding a horse. Animal care where you're the sole / primary carer is also considered essential.

Personally, I'm substituting a ride for a run/walk/cycle, because I'd be more at risk (of accident, or of disease transmission) cycling from home than riding from my field.


Well-Known Member
29 December 2006
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Forgive my ignorance but my understanding is that as of yesterday evening the government has told us to stay at home with the exception of essential food shopping, collecting medication & one walk/run/cycle per day close to home. Am I wrong?

My understanding was they said you could exercise once per day, for example, walking, running or cycling. I would class it in the same category as cycling.


Well-Known Member
6 January 2019
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Forgive my ignorance but my understanding is that as of yesterday evening the government has told us to stay at home with the exception of essential food shopping, collecting medication & one walk/run/cycle per day close to home. Am I wrong?
I don’t know about others but I am DIY so I have to go to the yard every day whether I ride or not, otherwise he doesn’t get looked after. So the risk of spreading the virus does not increase if I ride.
I don’t have to ride but I think the risk of anything happening is very low as I know the horse very well, I’d much rather deal with him when he is not bored, impatient and full of energy. If he was green or popped a buck occasionally then I would reconsider.


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1 March 2011
NW Hampshire
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I will be. Ponies are known, trusted, and at home, well away from anybody else.
I have the luxury of keeping my kids sane with a ride together, so I will take it.


Well-Known Member
17 June 2012
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To ride the lovely, big, old horse I have exercised for the last four years I have to drive 6 miles and go to his owner's house. There is also another livery there. I am over 70 with a heart condition and so I really sadly decided to forgo the pleasure of riding him over a week ago for their sake, mine and my partner's. Right now, with the changed situation I think I would not feel happy to be out riding in the sunshine when others are in really dire straights. I have been looking forward to the better weather to take my own ponies out ride and lead but will not risk leaving home now. I do intend to do some long reining, lungeing and obstacles in the field though.


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Yes, will ride one per day and do in hand stuff with the other two. OH and I have agreed that he won't ride for the duration of this though because he's novicey and far more likely to take a tumble. I've owned all my horses since they were babies and have done every scrap of training with them so I know them inside out, plus none of them are particularly sharp.

Will probably stop hacking though (as much as it breaks my heart), as just a little bit extra risk and feels wrong to go smooching about the lanes in such circumstances.


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5 April 2010
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