Are sheepskin nosebands in BRC arena eventing allowed?


Well-Known Member
16 December 2012
South West
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Quick question, are sheepskin nosebands allowed in BRC arena eventing? Rules say sheepskin can't be used on cheekpeices "or any other attachment that may affect vision" so am I correct we can't use the noseband? We use it as an alternative to a martingale as it just seemed to work better.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I think not but I'd give them a ring to check, they're usually very helpful. They probably have ways of answering the phone remotely but I know they only have someone in the office on a Thursday at the moment, so if you don't get an answer today, try tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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It would be so much clearer if they said "no sheepskin on the cheek pieces or noseband" wouldn't it - although I suspect they've put in the bit about vision as some might want to put it on the back of the noseband if it rubs which would probably be ok.

Thank you for bothering to read the rules though, I do a lot of vacc and tack checking at BRC events and the number of people who blame me and get angry with me when I have to turn them away for illegal tack or dodgy vaccinations is incredible. The best was one girl who turned up to dressage in a pelham and started screaming at me "Who do you think you are - it's not BD you know." I just smiled and pointed her to the page of permitted bits in the rulebook and suggested she borrowed one of them from a team mate. I spoke to her club chair, whom I know quite well, afterwards and apparently she'd already had this argument with her and would not be told she couldn't use a pelham.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2012
South West
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It would be so much clearer if they said "no sheepskin on the cheek pieces or noseband" wouldn't it - although I suspect they've put in the bit about vision as some might want to put it on the back of the noseband if it rubs which would probably be ok.

Thank you for bothering to read the rules though, I do a lot of vacc and tack checking at BRC events and the number of people who blame me and get angry with me when I have to turn them away for illegal tack or dodgy vaccinations is incredible. The best was one girl who turned up to dressage in a pelham and started screaming at me "Who do you think you are - it's not BD you know." I just smiled and pointed her to the page of permitted bits in the rulebook and suggested she borrowed one of them from a team mate. I spoke to her club chair, whom I know quite well, afterwards and apparently she'd already had this argument with her and would not be told she couldn't use a pelham.

Yes - thats what was confusing me, why be specific about cheek pieces and not nosebands? Anyway, that is helpful - its not a massive game changer - we will just pop the martingale back on. Have seen the pelham senario a few times, feel sorry for people like you having to deal with this sort of behaviour.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2012
South West
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Just to update this post.... on your advice Annagain, I did ring BRC, just to check! They were really helpful. So for those who also use a sheepskin nosebands, yes they are allowed for arena eventing at BRC- it is just cheekpieces that are not. She agreed the advice online is slightly confusing, but she also checked with BE, who also allow sheepskin nosebands. Suffice to say, daughter did a lovely round with a sheepskin noseband, not a martingale, and pony jumped beautifully!


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Good news - especially when a sheepskin noseband is a much nicer way to keep their head down! Well done daughter and pony. I imagine they'll also change the rule book next year to make it clear - they are very good at that to be fair to them so it's a real win win.