Are you from a horsey family?


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16 July 2011
North East, UK
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My mum swears I'm adopted as she doesn't have a horsey bone in her body. I blame my Dad, he grew up on a farm, even though he didn't ride or have anything to do with horses.

I had to fight and wheedle and beg to get my first riding lesson at 13, so I didn't actually start riding regularly until I had moved out and was independant.

I admit that it saddens me now that my mum won't come and watch me ride when ever she visits... but she hates the smell of the stable yard (which I don't even notice), and is scared of my "huge" horse (Pinto is a 14.3 cob ;) ). Despite me stabling Pinto in the same village where I live, and you can walk to the stables in 3 minutes, she will stay in the hose while I have a lesson or ride if she visits.

She just doesn't understand, basicaly *sigh*

Unfortuantely I lost my Dad seven years ago, because I know he would have encouraged me :D

I haven't dared tell her I've bought my baby (even though it was 6 weeks ago) and I'm 35!

I often wonder if I would have been a more confident rider, or if I would have got my own horse before I left the UK if my parents had been more encouraging :confused:

So... do you come form a horsey background... and if not, how do your family cope?



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11 December 2008
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I do indeed. I blame my mother entirely for my obsession with TBs (her favourites too) and my deeply unhealthy horses are my life mentality. :D

Good job I love her. TBF it isn't always a good thing. She is my harshest critic when it comes to the horses ( ask people on here who are friends with me on facebook if you need proof!) and although she is usually right I do sometimes wish she didn't know and just said 'lovely dear' rather than pointing out all my faults!


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16 September 2008
South Shrops
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I'm also the only "black sheep" that has the horse-obsessed gene in my family. Even my own three children betrayed me and aren't that fussed about them... (I have one last hope, I was with my daughter when she gave birth to my granddaughter nearly 4 years ago and the first words I whispered in her tiny but perfectly-formed ear were "you will like ponies" :D Seems to be working so far.... her favourite toys are the "horsey" ones that nan has bought her ;) )


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9 August 2011
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My mum doesn't know I have a horse either, and I'm 55! :D

My family love animals but aren't horsey. My dad (who died 8 years ago) reckoned I got "the hippomania gene" ;) from his father, who was in the cavalry, 17th Lancers. My mum was brought up on a farm in the days all farms had a heavy horse, but has been a city woman ever since she left home.

My sister had horses for a while when she lived in Africa, but only because they came with the job :eek:.

My sister and my Mum would disapprove of me having a horse and would also geniunely fear for my health, which given I nearly died last time, isn't unreasonable:rolleyes:. So it's easier to keep Mollie's existence quiet as they don't ever visit my part of the country. :D


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25 November 2010
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Yup, born and bred into horses, my parents used to own a riding school until they sold it about 40 odd years ago, we still kept horses at hone though until my parents sold.


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25 July 2009
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I am - parents ran a livery yard when I was a kid so always had our own and still haven't grown out of it lol think they were hoping when I finished school and that I would run out of steam - have to admit did consider loaning my one horse out when I started work due to no time at all but instead I went and bought some more :p it's ok though because they do know about horses they will help out when I'm working late etc which is a godsend! And the parents farm too so lots of ground up there for my fellas to trash :D


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28 July 2011
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Not really, My auntie got me into riding at the age of 4 years old (as it was something she had done when she was younger), but my parents had an agricultural business therefore farm stuff was the norm.

My parents never had that much experieence of horses themselves, but they took me for weekly lessons at a local riding school. They could never afford to get me a pony of my own, so when I was in my teens and working I had a couple of ponies on working livery and when I was in my late teens I bought my own.

They support me even now i.e. coming to events and coming to see them, but its been off my own back (Ive paid for everything horsey since my teens when I started working!!!). And they know there a huge part of my life so just accept it!!! :)
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11 December 2004
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My family had sail boats, brother still does, and coincidentally OH is heavily into sailing too.

My family did all the usual social stuff though so I did get hauled around Badminton by a nanny annually, in one of those enormous prams. First visit was at 6 weeks old I am told.

We got ponies because we moved out of Bristol (Mother took huge offence at someone having the cheek to build an estate on the land outside our house in Backwell) into a house with land. In those days, if you had a bit of land, you had some ponies, anyway, riding was on the school curriculum.

I still wouldn't call myself terrifically horsey now.


Well-Known Member
10 January 2011
Rainy Cumbria!
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Not really. My dad is non horsey, but my mum had donkeys and a horse when she was little but that's it. She didn't really know that much about horses really, but I got into them, then my older sister did too cause I encouraged her :p Now I've got my horse Bella mum's learnt a lot, so has dad but he pretends he doesn't like Bella that much but I've seen him secretly giving her bits of haylage and cuddles when he thinks nobody is looking :p

He coped with the fact I've got Bella really well, considering he went to Singapore on business, came back home and I had acquired something with 4 legs and a tail that neighs :D


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30 October 2005
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Nope! There's not a horse loving person anywhere in my (recent) ancestry.

Looking back, my parents were very niave. I wanted to ride from a very young age (3 years old) so they allowed me weekly rides at the local riding school when I was a bit older (rides out, not lessons notice :D), then when I nagged more they bought me a pony and left me to get on with it. On my own. Entirely. Luckily for that pony I'm obsessive when I get 'into' things so by the time I got her I was already well-up on how to look after her and was very committed. Within a few years my parents bought half-shares in an equine small-holding and I bought a 4 year old and started showjumping. My parents bought an ancient Land Rover and even more ancient trailer and carted me to shows all over the South of England for many years. I'd trawl the Shows calendars in H&H, send off entries and inform my parents of their shedule of show dates!!! They were never involved in the planning but were always there to support me and cheer me on. But when I hit 16 they sold my pony from under me and said.... "You're on your own now." I left college, got a job and within 3 weeks had bought myself a 7 month old foal for £120 and have never been without a horse since.

Funnily enough, I went to the cinema with my Mum yesterday afternoon and running late on the way home, dropped by the yard to bring my horse in. Everything had been done in the morning so it was just a matter of bringing her in from the field and switching her rug. Mum fussed and patted her, stuffed her with carrots and commented on how ruddy big she is but on the way out said to me and another livery who was making her way to leave, "Gosh, you horse people really are wierd." Apparently she thinks we must have a screw loose to want to be 'doing' with horses everyday, covered in mud and stinking! Tee hee.... You can tell my mother STILL isn't a horsey person - even after 40 years of me and mine :D
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Captain Bridget

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10 April 2010
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Not at all. I had to beg for riding lessons aged 9. My mum has been pretty supportive, taking me to lessons, watching me and taking me to a few shows to watch. But they'd never ridden before. My mum is allergic to horse flies so has to be careful. My dad is a little bit gung ho when it comes to riding! It's quite amusing. They've gone from never riding to all being able to canter on a sane horse in a western saddle!

Both my sister and mum are a bit scared still but my sister lovessss coming to the yard with me and talking to the horses. She reckons I'm going to buy her a palomino for her to ride when she comes to my house! :p

Outside my immediate family, my mums twin used to ride and go to the stables when she was much younger. But hasn't ridden for probably 40 years!
My aunt and cousin on the other side ride and have horses. I've ridden most of the horses they've had and love the one they have at the moment. 16hh ID x, lovely mare. Probably just sitting in the field as my cousin is at uni so I really want to borrow her and bring her up here! :p But she lives at home at is company for their other mare who is 33 or 34 now. I've been to a few horsey places with them. When my cousin tried out a horse I got to ride it too, after she'd fallen off it that was! I'm always jealous of all the rosettes and things in their kitchen though, she's always had ponies and I just ride them when I go down there.

No-one in my family has had a direct influence on making me want to ride. I'd probably be better off if they had as I'm very much on my own trying to be able to ride and things.

Madam Min

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2 July 2011
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Mum and my auntie were both horse mad when they were kids but couldn't afford to have ponies or really have lessons. In their teens they rode sporadically ( I think they helped out at a local riding school in turn for rides).

My auntie started riding again in the late '80's and I was about 7 and begged mum for lessons. I had weekly lessons, then mum started riding again and my cousin and brother started riding. My auntie has had a few horses over the years and still has one now at the same yard. I rode properly until I went to uni and then got back into it via my now OH who brought his horse to the yard we rode at.

Now life revolves around the horses but I think my dad still hopes its a phase I'll grow out of! Dad has never been horsey, he has rode but I think the hair-raising experience we had when once pony trekking in Ireland put him off!


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28 February 2008
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Yes, mum, dad, sister, brother, aunties n uncles, cousins, grandparents all had their own horses and rode.

My mother and (think it's my father) antie and grandmar, these were taken approximately 50 years ago...hence the very old photos! :D



So I didn’t really stand a chance did I really lo, certainly in the blood. :D


Well-Known Member
24 February 2012
North Yorkshire
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I certainly am!

Up until recently my grandma bred Arabian horses at a stud in Wales. My earliest memories are of tottering around her yard in Devon on my little dapple grey welsh pony Buttons. Unfortunately, due to my dad's work commitments, we moved about a lot, and I never really got the full advantage of coming from a horsey family. We moved to Scotland when I was 5 and I received lessons and loaned a pony in my teens instead. Nevertheless, it is nice to have someone to call for advice and such :eek:


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1 March 2010
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Not in the slightest. There is not even the faintest whiff of horses in my family at all, apart from me. My mum is a huge animal lover, loves coming to fuss my two, plus the othe liveries, but thats about it. She tells everyone her daughter owns a Welsh Cob - bless, its a hogged and trimmed Irish one, but she doesnt know the difference. My dad is an animal lover too, but he is a bit scared of horses.

I guess if you ask Mini TX she will say she is from a horsey family I am proud to say. I know a lot of her friends and her eventing mates are quite jealous that her mum rides and has some knowledge of which end of a horse does what, and how to tack up, stud up, groom, plait etc. She even said that when she has children of her own that if they want a pony they will be encouraged, plus they will join Pony Club, just like her, as she has had a great time. However, she did intimate that 'granny' would be paying for it and also looking after their ponies as well. Cheek!


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24 February 2006
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Yes & no! My sister is much older than me (16 years) and bought me my 1st pony, I was 5 years old. She had had horses for a few years before I got a pony and had lessons when she was a younster which she begged for, in fact my parents would pay for a lesson for her & because she felt so sorry for the poor riding school pony because it had given rides all day she let it have an hour off! Obviously she didn't tell them that...
None of my family were horsey before her as far as I know, my grandad used to say 'folks like us don't have horses, they're for farmers and the well to do'!
She had hoped one of her 2 daughters would be into horses and luckily both of them are and my daughter (15 months) looks set to follow suit, she's obsessed with her horsey toys (including a toy Hovis!) and loves nothing more than coming to the yard & having a sit on the little old shetland :D


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11 January 2012
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Nope. My family just don't get animals *at all* and cannot for the life of them understand where I get it from (obsessed as long as I can remember, zoology degree, now working with wildlife). My mother even seemed to take it as a personal insult when we got our dog a year ago. I had riding lessons when I was younger after much pestering and drove them all nuts with pony mad talk. I've had a pretty long break away from horses and am now only just getting back into riding. I would love, love, love my own horse but I know my mother would deeply disapprove, even thought I haven't lived at home for nigh on 20 years and have my own kids now!

I love my family dearly but I must admit there are times when I've wished that I'd grown up around horses. I have the rose tinted view that then I might not be an ignorant, nervous numpty but I guess its also possible that I might have rebelled and become a fashion designer or something totally unconnected with animals!



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1 June 2010
Rockanje, South Holland
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No. Not a horsey gene in my family for generations unless you can count my aunt having donkeys because they ate the weeds!
Not ashamed to admit that I started off at 2 years old on these donkeys and it snowballed from there.
Have now altered the gene pool with the addition of a horse mad daughter. :)


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20 August 2010
Amersham, Bucks
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Not until I came along! :D

My Mum had a few riding lessons as a child but nothing more. I begged for lessons and started when I was 7. By age 9 I had my first pony, then Mum got her first horse, then I outgrew the pony who went to my middle sister, we bought another smaller pony for my youngest sister and I got a bigger pony. Later I got a horse....

Many years later we still have the first pony, and the horse, plus 2 others and Mum, Dad, myself and youngest sister still involved on a daily basis.....and we've been broke eva since!!!!:D


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11 December 2008
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Yes, mum, dad, sister, brother, aunties n uncles, cousins, grandparents all had their own horses and rode.

My mother and (think it's my father) antie and grandmar, these were taken approximately 50 years ago...hence the very old photos! :D



So I didn’t really stand a chance did I really lo, certainly in the blood. :D

Great pictures. I'll have to scan some of my family later to post up. Don't have any quite that old though I don't think!


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14 August 2011
Guernsey, Channel Islands
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My parents aren't horsey (although my mum used to be pony obsessed as a child) but I know that my family were going back a few generations.

My grandpa used to be a groom to a few horses back in the days when horses were the only form of transport, and I believe his father used to be a master saddler.

Also my great great grandpa on my dad's side was a lieutenant colonel in the Boer War, so I expect he knew a thing or two about horses (and riding!)

In some ways I which my parents were horsey, but then in other ways I'm glad they aren't!
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23 January 2012
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Mine arent horse at all and when i was younger everything was a constant battle, i didnt get my first horse til i was 15 and they wouldnt take me to competitions until i was 18. It was only til i wanted it as a career and my dad saw the financial gains of buying and selling horses that they became interested and my mum gets it a bit more now. Saying that if i turned round tomorrow and said i never wanted to see a horse again they wouldnt be sad at all. Annoys the hell out of me though that if they had supported me before I wouldnt be in the awful position i am now where I need a job as a rider but dont have the experience and not good enough. Do appreciate what I have had as I know ive been lucky to have horses and be taken to shows but just wish it hadnt been such a battle.
Agree with you with the confidence part , mine is terrible and i just feel totally inferior to everyone at shows as they have so much more experience.

Princess Jess

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16 January 2012
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My family are part horsey! My family have always been involved in racehorses and we use to own a couple and my mum rode when she was younger...but none of my family ride now, and although they support my interest in horses they don't let me get too carried away...hence the fact I dont have my own horse as I'm focusing on exams/academia etc.
Part of me wishes my mum was still riding as it would make having horses so much easier, but at the same time I appreciate that I should be focusing on my exams/univsersity etc. before taking horses on seriously :)


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26 September 2011
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My mam used to ride when she was young, and he uncle and cousin used to have all the racers and some ex racers so she used to go ride them. But she hasn't ridden in about 30 years since then.

She has had the odd ride on my pony and is confident with him (she has a soft side for him) but isnt so confident with bigger horses.

Appart from her, no one in my family has/had anything to do with horses at all.
My dad thinks he is doctor doo-little and like to go round all the horses feeding them and patting them and he gets up extra early to put my pony out in a morning :)

i do sometimes wish i had a horsey family though, as mine get sick of my horse babble!


Well-Known Member
10 January 2012
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Nope, just me :) taught my husband to ride and in the process of teaching my daughter so hopefully that won't be the case soon! Mind you, I quite like it being just 'my thing'.


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25 November 2005
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Not really, although my father was a farmer's son and rode to school, until the family fell on hard times and had to leave the farm.

My mother never "got" horses and used to hope I would see sense and give up. The last time she said that I seriously wondered what I would spend my money on. Holidays? Clothes? Things for the house? It would have been wasted on other things.


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9 May 2011
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My mum's side of the family were very horsey, my grandad was a trainer, so I always grew up around horses. Here he is on the right when he had a winner!

However my dad really doesn't 'get' the horse thing, neither does my husband ( although he's very tolerant!) My dad actually thinks horses are just a waste of time and one I pretty much gave up riding when I finished with pony club as it all got very expensive to play polo, but ten years later and I have 3 ponies. Well actually there are 4....but we just haven't told them about the new one yet! Ooops!

I really hope if we have children they will like ponies and riding :)

Cobiau Cymreig Wyllt

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17 September 2011
Mynydd yn y Gogledd
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Kenzo - love your photos! Bet there are great stories behind them...
I not only come from a non-horsey family, I come from a non-animal family...and I had (still have) both the hippomania gene and the animal-mania gene...desperately wanted a horse, dog, cat...tortoise...? goldfish even? but no - both mum and brother were allergic to animal fur, Dad was not interested, so I had to wait a looonggg time to get my current menagerie...couldn't afford riding lessons either as a kid, so had to make do with beg/steal/borrow...
Only earlier this afternoon, my Dad was recounting the story to my horsey best friend of me paying 50p to ride a gypsy's shetland and it rubbed its backside against someone's car and he had to pay for the damage - and said 'Thank God she's not my responsibility anymore!!!' - charming :rolleyes:
Luckily, although my OH is pretty non-horsey, he actually loves the neds and is very willing to help..he has actually been the person who finally encouraged and supported me to follow my dream (along with horsey BF) although it was a long time coming, we now have a horsey family of our own! :D


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16 April 2009
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I am 14, and I'm not from a horsey background at all!
My dad doesn't come to the yard often, he offers to but when he does he just causes trouble and thinks he knows everything. Last time he turned up he knocked a wheelbarrow full of muck over and told me my pessoa was on wrong... and continued to ask me what my lunge whip was for.
Mum isn't horsey at all, i took a pony on loan and went and picked it up with someone from the yard without her seeing me riding it! She turned up to sign the papers and that was about it. Shes seen me riding him a couple of times and is ok with paying for him as long as its not a large amount.