Are you still turning out at night bringing & bringing in the morning


Well-Known Member
11 December 2003
Huntingdon, Cambs
Mine are still out 24/7 and I have clipped one of them! Tend to agree with Kat - I too thought Tamara's post came across a little overbearing and bossy, trouble is with the written word you sometimes cannot tell the tone in which something was written and it can come across wrongly


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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Ohh isn't everyone ancy today! Somone ought to do a study on why all horsey people are mad and think its their way or the highway!!

Anyway Tamara - why I would turn a clipped horse out at night:

1. If going through a warmish spell to avoid nasty midges on a sweet itch horse.

2. If they had filled legs and need to move around

3. If that was the only option for turnout

4. If it was freezing at night and I could avoid a horse with mudfever standing on poached ground & also to save paddocks.

I think the technology with rugs has come on leaps and bounds and now there is no reason why a clipped horse could live out 24/7. If you think back only 15 years ago hoodys, combos and belly wraps were hard to buy and rugs leaked.

That said I don't often turn out at night, as I have totally humanised my horse, so think he won't like the cold and dark. Which is obviously slight mad, but see first comment...


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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I am making the most of the last of our 24 x 7 turnout. Mine are not clipped - though Cairo is getting desperate, big hairy old bugger that he is. I am not yet using rugs and will wait for a couple more weeks when we change to winter turnout and are stabled at night.

They now do come in about 8.30 Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays but this is purely as it is now dark and I don't really fancy having to trek back to the fields at 10 pm to turn out again.

This suits mine fine, they love to come in and have a night of scoffing hay.

In summer I always bring in during the day if it is very hot as I have not much shelter and Cairo's eye needs to be protected from the strong sunlight even with his mask on.


Well-Known Member
20 June 2006
The Best Shire
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Totally agree, you can easily keep fully clipped horses out 24/7. However, some horses don't like being out 24/7 like my cob, and it is more convenient for some people to have their horses in stables. BUT i do think horses should have turnout for at least 12 hours per day and i do not like horses in 24/7 (although i do undersatand some people have no choice), well thats my opinion anyway.