Area 22 Riding Club Horse Trials at Kirriemuir


Well-Known Member
14 June 2010
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Firstly, I want to start this report by passing on my condolences to the rider and their connections to the unfortunate horse fatality that this event suffered. It was a very sad loss for everyone involved but I hope they can cherish the memories they had together. Also a big thank you to all the organisers, vets and officials who dealt with this very professionally and efficiently as anyone can in this situation. It was a timely reminder that we never know what is around the corner and we should appreciate our 4 legged friends and the time we have them as much as possible and no matter how good or a bad day you have as long as you are home unloaded and all safe then that is all that matters.

So....... it was decided that, as the FC and I have been toying with the idea of moving up to Novice BE, that we would test the waters by entering into the Open Riding Club Horse Trials and see what came of it as it was round an established BE Novice track and we just had to “get on with it” or remain as a BE100 competitor and be happy with that.

We arrived the night before and all was quite chilled and even I managed to sleep right through the night and not even think about the courses and even the gin bottle was left untouched:eek: I thought the SJ & XC were a fair test but nothing undoable if one kept one’s head screwed on and ignored the chat around the collecting arena that the SJ was over height. The XC had changed slightly from the BE track when I last walked it as usually the roll top to the drop was 2/3 strides away and not the one stride it was and after a wall they had put a rather testing left hand skinny corner where accuracy and straightness would be needed.

Let’s just gloss over the dressage part as “Bob The Cob” will never make it as a dressage diva and it is always a hit or miss but thankfully we are both of the chunky monkey variety that we can hold the rest of the score board up with our big shoulders and someone has to be at the bottom right?? It was also unfortunate that the dressage writer seemed to have developed cramp in the heat and could only write 6's all the way down my sheet but with some lovely comments but no variation in marks?:rolleyes::p

Onto the SJing and having watched a few rounds it was clear that the last two full up height Oxer’s at 9 & 10 were going to be the issue as the rest of the course was flowing and those that had jumped lovely rounds until then were getting caught out. Chief Supergroom/Owner/Shouter/Butt Kicker was staying well away from us which she later confessed was because it was the first time she was very nervous to watch as it was the biggest track the wee FC and I had probably jumped. The squeal through the finish line said it all as we jumped a foot perfect SJ round and felt very effortless for the wee man and we didn’t have any disagreements to jump clear.:)

No supergroom piccie’s as too nervous but here is the link to the pro pics. (If they work as not sure as they are on FB and if it's an open album?)

So off to the XC where both of us were very calm and instructions were to ride safe and forget about the time and not fall off and especially in the water! This is one of my fears of moving up to Novice as the FC likes to get his rubber ring out, snorkel, flippers and enter water with a double pike axel twist and this would have been the first time that we had to actually jump into water. (oh to have a pony that backs off water and you can take XC schooling as we don’t do that either!)

He did his usual turn into an excitable child who has eaten too many E numbers as the starter said 10 seconds but at least I had him turned in time and head in the right direction of fence one as we sometimes get so excited we head in any direction the minute they say go!

I had absolutely no worries as he pinged round everything and even the roll top to the drop to the big oxer at the bottom of the hill was executed without any oooh *******s. The next test was the wall to the corner and from the pro pics you can see the sequence where we have a very serious face coming in and concentrating to keep him in to the left hand and when I have realised that we have made it there are big grins ahoy!!

Then the water loomed and my plan of attack was to hold him as much as possible and not fly it as there is a big log before it down hill which does make you naturally run on to the water and I kept repeating shoulders back shoulders back and again you can see that we safely negotiated it and what on earth was I worried about and he took me through to the skinny placed in the water and I was just the idiot rider onboard.

I must apologise to anyone in the vicinity at that time as they must have heard me roar you superstar as by this point I knew I had one other question to negotiate but I had achieved so far round the course what I wanted to and that was no dunkings!!:D:D:D:D

The second last fence was a rather wide table and again this has been one of my fears that due to being the short legged variety the width may be an issue. As you can see from this link well um no it isn’t!!

Yeha the first double clear at that height. I stacked up loads of time penalties but hey I don’t really care as when I go too fast we make stupid mistakes on the flat and the whole day was a confidence boosting run and to see if we could do it and the fact that we came home with a frilly was an added bonus!! I have promised the FC he can go faster next time as he fought me the whole way and finished with plenty of running thanks to all the hill and interval work we have being doing. So much so he was more interested in playing with the hose in his mouth at the washing down point and trying to eat rather than getting him washed and cooled down and looked as though he had been out for a Sunday hack rather than just jumped round the biggest track he has ever done:cool:.

An easy few weeks for the FC now as I am due to sit exams for work so Chief Supergroom/Owner/Shouter/Butt Kicker is doing an Intro on him at Balcarres as she too would like a double clear but least I get my day of revenge on her before taking back the reins and planning what Novice to enter!

If you made it this far then can offer you Walkers Baked Stars Mild Chilli Flavour as have just discovered them and they are the biz. It is rather too early on a school day to be offering anything stronger!!:p:D
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18 July 2008
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Yay, go FC! He is such a superstar and I loved reading your report, felt I was going round with you both :D Onwards to novice I say! :D


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
woo hoo, go FC! sounds like a fab run

Sad news about the horse though - what happened? (sorry just being nosy)

Where are you planning on running next? (or should I say where is your next novice run!)
:D :D


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11 March 2005
Avonmill, Up a bit but not at the top
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Two halves to this post. Fantastic dc - well done the coloured chap! I've seen him BS and he's not short of jump, is he? Novice from now on I reckon, and successful at it, too. :)

Second bit - so very sorry hear hear that someone lost their horse. Incredibly distressing for all concerned I'm sure, and thoughts go out to them.


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6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Well done FlyingCoo sounds like you had some fun! Cant believe I missed it this year (was in hospital having had an emergency c-section...).

Very very sad about the horse fatality. I hope the girl concerned won't mind me saying, but I spoke to her this morning and her horse galloped fantastically round the XC only to have a heart attack on crossing the finish line. Every riders worst nightmare. I'm sure everyone will send their thoughts her way.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
What a heartbreaking thing to happen. As you say every riders worst nightmare. Nice that he/she had been doing something fun and had had a good run. Sending hugs and thoughts to all concerned.

As FC said, you just never know whats around the corner and we must enjoy everyday with our beasties.


Well-Known Member
14 June 2010
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Yay, go FC! He is such a superstar and I loved reading your report, felt I was going round with you both :D Onwards to novice I say! :D
Thanks saz5083 I'm sorry you and the Big J won't be joining us in the big ranks this year but a few years time for your wee man you will be!!
woo hoo, go FC! sounds like a fab run

Where are you planning on running next? (or should I say where is your next novice run!)
:D :D

Fantastic report! Really well done :) will you be novicing it at Oatridge?!

Thanks very much!Think Oatridge & Eglington in close succession at Novice then a wee holiday for him as also want to start getting the young uns out as been talk of getting them to an 80T this season. Oatridge will feel tiny after this weekend but he loves the SJ surface there and its the local one so would be rude not to!!

Two halves to this post. Fantastic dc - well done the coloured chap! I've seen him BS and he's not short of jump, is he? Novice from now on I reckon, and successful at it, too. :)
Thanks measles especially after the last time you saw us BSing he was launching me into orbit and not himself:) He amazes everyone for being a cob that he can ping so much. He is after all a TB/WB trapped in a cob's body with a pony clever brain!

Well done FlyingCoo sounds like you had some fun! Cant believe I missed it this year (was in hospital having had an emergency c-section...).

Very very sad about the horse fatality. I hope the girl concerned won't mind me saying, but I spoke to her this morning and her horse galloped fantastically round the XC only to have a heart attack on crossing the finish line. Every riders worst nightmare. I'm sure everyone will send their thoughts her way.

Yey a wee baby melon!! Congratulations and you'll be back next year I'm sure.
Yes it appeared that she had a fantastic round before what happened and a terrible shame:(


Well-Known Member
18 July 2008
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Thanks FC. I will admit to getting a bit emotional reading all these reports and thinking that the only ones Im likely to write in the next few years are stressage ones (sorry dressage people!). He did love hooning round big bold tracks but if that is now likely to result in catastrophic forelimb failure I'll be doing my best to keep his feet on the ground! ;) Back to the vets next week so will get longer term prognosis then, lets hope its better than last time ;)
Did comment to friend today that scruffy ginge better have some pop in him ;) He has giant carthorse shoes to fill :D

Massive well done again and again, condolences to those who lost their equine friend xxx


Well-Known Member
14 June 2010
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Thanks FC. I will admit to getting a bit emotional reading all these reports and thinking that the only ones Im likely to write in the next few years are stressage ones (sorry dressage people!). He did love hooning round big bold tracks but if that is now likely to result in catastrophic forelimb failure I'll be doing my best to keep his feet on the ground! ;) Back to the vets next week so will get longer term prognosis then, lets hope its better than last time ;)
Did comment to friend today that scruffy ginge better have some pop in him ;) He has giant carthorse shoes to fill :D

Massive well done again and again, condolences to those who lost their equine friend xxx
We did follow the scruffy ginge one's (your quote not mine as he's going to be a cracker) half brother round the course so a very good omen I would say!!
Good Luck at the Vet's next week!!xx


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18 July 2008
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Lol ;) He does have some lovely relatives :D And his dam line is even more impressive, I just dont want to count my chickens so to speak. I also think he will be cracking, wouldnt have bought him if I didnt, but he is still my scruffy wild little ginger thing :D He was trying on the XC colours under his roller at the weekend, green and gold suits him :D Only a couple of years to go ;)


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
FC - I bet that table at Oatridge will look small now after the one at Kirri!

Saz - I think your ginger one is going to be awesome and if you fancy having a hoon round something, you could always ride one of mine (when they are up and running)

we could take them xc schooling together - going to need someone with long legs to keep charlie together me thinks!

Fingers crossed re vet visit, will you be in for a while, or dropping off then going back later?


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18 July 2008
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Aw thank you AF, I might take you up on that :D If nothing else I want a trip in the orange mobile :D My 'fall back' jumping horse that a friend has very kindly offered me to jump and bring on a bit over fences is currently laid up with what looks like a recurring abscess :(

Last time I wasnt in for long but if it looks like we will be staying for a while I'll text you for coffee :D Otherwise I still need to arrange your plaiting lesson ;)

FC: I will stop hijacking your post now, sorry :D


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2 March 2008
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As said before - well done mrs!

What FC doesn't tell you is, having completed and looked after super-cob, she then became Chef extrodinare, and sheperded the rest of the Club teams through their days too.

Can't thank her enough for that, as I couldn't manage to get down (being on-call and all that).

Hoping that you'll also make the trip up in July for Sj??????


Well-Known Member
14 June 2010
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FC - I bet that table at Oatridge will look small now after the one at Kirri!

Ha Ha yes the table won't even come onto the worry radar after the one at the weekend!
FC: I will stop hijacking your post now, sorry :D
You're very welcome!

What FC doesn't tell you is, having completed and looked after super-cob, she then became Chef extrodinare, and sheperded the rest of the Club teams through their days too.

Hoping that you'll also make the trip up in July for Sj??????

Mmm kind of lost the cheffing skills these days as wasn't armed with my many laminated sheets and endless lists!! I mean I even forgot to collect my own passport!!:D
I'm disappointed you never mentioned the dressage teams??:pWe'll see nearer the time as my usual B&B lodgings have decided to go to Brazil for 3 years:(

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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Woop Well done FC!!

All these lovely event threads are giving me the vibe to get baby pony going once we have our new saddle!!!

Condolences to the girl who lost her horse, our worst nightmare thought to her and her family xxx


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2 March 2008
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I'm disappointed you never mentioned the dressage teams??:pWe'll see nearer the time as my usual B&B lodgings have decided to go to Brazil for 3 years:(

How terribly rude of them! Always a lodging here for you ;)

PS I now have passport, will send it asap.

PPS - Dressage team/ RT team - you're welcome to do them all!


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
West Lothian, Scotland
Whoop whoop, hooray for Mr C and his jockey for following the top advice of Team C- "sit up and kick"! :D Mr C looks such a happy chappy in all the photos, really chuffed for you and hope it's the first of many fab Nov runs. :D

Very sorry to hear that someone lost their horse though, what a horrible situation for all involved but glad to hear the organisers handled it as well as they could. Best wishes to the rider and all the horse's connections. :(


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20 January 2008
Thirsk, North Yorkshire
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The horse that sadly died was mine. Although I wasn't the rider.
He was Tigs AKA Tiberius, my ex eventer and horse of a lifetime, He was gifted to me by a friend of a friend as a 9yo he was by Cavalier so and we evented up to Novice, he was rising 18 and died doing his favourite thing... XC!! He had just finished a lovely clear round and had a massive heart attack so would have known nothing. I am very sad as he was so well and healthy but it almost seems fitting that he went the way he did. He wouldn't have been a happy retiree out in a field!!
His poor rider had taken him on loan just 3 months ago to have some fun, as I was struggling with time and he was too fit and healthy to retire, he has been having a complete ball the last 3 months having loads of fun out and about at lessons, dressage, sj, xc and even the beach and I am just so pleased that they were both having so much fun together, I certainly wouldn't have done anything different!!
RIP Tigs, you were awsome even though a little quirky and challenging, at times, you gave me some awsome rides XC which I will never forget!!


Well-Known Member
24 June 2010
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RIP Tigs, you were awsome even though a little quirky and challenging, at times, you gave me some awsome rides XC which I will never forget!!

So sorry for your loss. Your outlook on the horrible event seems spot on though. He'll be galloping round horsey heaven reliving the Kirrie round over and over with a big grin :)

FC your photos from JC are ace, hope you'll be buying the skinny in water shot. You guys made it look easy! DC at Kirrie, eh yes, I think novice from here on without question! Well done!


Well-Known Member
14 June 2010
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Whoop whoop, hooray for Mr C and his jockey for following the top advice of Team C- "sit up and kick"! :D Mr C looks such a happy chappy in all the photos, really chuffed for you and hope it's the first of many fab Nov runs. :D

Cheers FJ not much kicking needed but the sitting up bit seemed to work a treat!!:D


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14 June 2010
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I am very sad as he was so well and healthy but it almost seems fitting that he went the way he did. He wouldn't have been a happy retiree out in a field!!

RIP Tigs, you were awsome even though a little quirky and challenging, at times, you gave me some awsome rides XC which I will never forget!!

Foxfolly again sorry for your loss but very much share your sentiments that in some ways it was the perfect way for him to go as he never felt a thing and had just finished the job he loved so much. I hope that it gives you comfort that he was having a ball and gave another rider lots of fun as he did you. Take Care x


Well-Known Member
14 June 2010
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FC your photos from JC are ace, hope you'll be buying the skinny in water shot. You guys made it look easy! DC at Kirrie, eh yes, I think novice from here on without question! Well done!

Thanks SL ah yes the photo's have been put to Mummy C as she still gets to choose and then I get surprised at Birthday's and Xmas!!:D

It did feel very easy and now thinking why I hadn't put on the brave pants before now and just got on with it!:rolleyes:

Novice all the way now, have replanned the rest of the season :D:D:D