Well-Known Member
My arms have a tendency to creep forward while I'm riding, any tips and tricks to keep them more firmly by my sides?

I have the same 'problem' for the opposite reason; my arms are long (and my body relatively short), and my elbow falls at the widest point of my hip rather than tucked in to my waist. I prefer to put my elbows forward a bit and have shorter reins. I haven't had instructors tell me to change it, and it is now just how I naturally ride, to be honest I don't think it causes any major problems.It could also be to do with your own "conformation". I have short arms and find it difficult to keep my arms by my side. I also felt the reins were too long if I did so. I've got used to it now but needed a lot of nagging by an instructor and some tape on my reins indicating approximate correct length. I also took some lessons on a mechanical horse and learning to balance properly on my seat bones with my legs in a better position made a HUGE difference.
Are you sure that your hands are actually too far forward?
Backward pinned hands and elbows are a much too common modern day scenario.
stick kinseology tape at the bend on your elbows.. you will feel then if you move them forward.