Arms too far forward - tips?


Well-Known Member
21 August 2022
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My arms have a tendency to creep forward while I'm riding, any tips and tricks to keep them more firmly by my sides?



Well-Known Member
29 July 2009
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Mine too! I find closing fingers on the reins really hard to remover as well! If I try and put my elbows next to my sides the reins seem too long! Sorry OP I’m no help but feel your pain!


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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I’d say it’s a symptom of something else- could be your overall position, could be affected by your saddle, could be your general physique and posture- impossible to tell without seeing you 🙂 but tips to fix one thing aren’t likely to be helpful without fixing the cause.

It’s also difficult to carry your hands with a soft bent elbow unless the horse is up and under you- if it’s lolloping along on the forehand it will be drawing your hands forward and possibly causing you to tip.

Lois Lame

Well-Known Member
11 May 2018
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I used to ride like this. For me it was 🐔 behaviour. I felt safer.

Finally I somehow managed to hold my arms in a more natural position, which was much better for my seat. This might have coincided with attaching a monkey strap - a very nicely-made one - to my saddle, because that strap gave me a lot of confidence.


Well-Known Member
17 May 2017
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It could also be to do with your own "conformation". I have short arms and find it difficult to keep my arms by my side. I also felt the reins were too long if I did so. I've got used to it now but needed a lot of nagging by an instructor and some tape on my reins indicating approximate correct length. I also took some lessons on a mechanical horse and learning to balance properly on my seat bones with my legs in a better position made a HUGE difference.


Well-Known Member
17 February 2011
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It could also be to do with your own "conformation". I have short arms and find it difficult to keep my arms by my side. I also felt the reins were too long if I did so. I've got used to it now but needed a lot of nagging by an instructor and some tape on my reins indicating approximate correct length. I also took some lessons on a mechanical horse and learning to balance properly on my seat bones with my legs in a better position made a HUGE difference.
I have the same 'problem' for the opposite reason; my arms are long (and my body relatively short), and my elbow falls at the widest point of my hip rather than tucked in to my waist. I prefer to put my elbows forward a bit and have shorter reins. I haven't had instructors tell me to change it, and it is now just how I naturally ride, to be honest I don't think it causes any major problems.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2011
Firstly check that your saddle isn't working against you, if you easily tip forwards in it then your hands will be too far forwards. The gold standard is a saddle that supports your whole pelvis, at rest and in relaxation, in "neutral", a nice upright position that allows the back to stack naturally.

Next, consider doing some work off horse, and/or biomechanics lessons on horse if you possibly can to try and find out which other parts of your body are connected to the issue.

It's not commonly taught but, keeping a good bend in the elbow, but taking the hand up, and with a forwards energy (and yes, higher than the line from elbow to bit in many instances), can really help the horse with contact and posture. I first stabilise riders as part of many of my saddle fits, from the pelvis and hip-ribcage connection, then the hands are the final piece to help the horse push up in front, not a common focus for coaches (who often worry more about outline, tracking up etc).

Are you sure that your hands are actually too far forward?

Backward pinned hands and elbows are a much too common modern day scenario.

I actually see more straight arms with low hands, pulling back of course, but low.

stick kinseology tape at the bend on your elbows.. you will feel then if you move them forward.

That sounds like it really could help.

Here's a post with a fave graphic of mine in it, if you have one part of the body being mobile when it should be stable, or vice versa, it can travel up and down the body causing havoc in all sorts of places 😄, plus when we look at arms and hands we must look at our scapulae, if they're not strong and independently mobile it will cause contact and upper body issues.
