arthritic pony

My equine life

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19 February 2018
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My little pony who I’m not really sure of her age (at least mid twenties plus) has just recently started showing her age. She’s suddenly become quite stiff in a few places. Vet thinks front right elbow and something going on behind in the stifle (s). She had a scrap in the feild with my other horse a few days ago and got a bite to the eye (she only has one eye so this was a huge worry!) which he came out to see and wasn’t too worried but noticed her stiffness. I wasn’t sure if this was due to her shenanigans or arthritis. So I tried her on danilon for a few days with no difference and had a great struggle getting it in her. Perhaps why I saw no change? Had him out today as I haven’t been happy with how she’s been looking the last few days and that’s when he did the lameness work up resulting in the above conclusion. Obviously we haven’t blocked or x rayed anything yet but we decided to try her on firocoxib I think it’s called. She ate that tonight so fingers crossed this will be easier to get in her. How quickly have people that have used this seen changes? If I don’t see changes I’m going to consider injecting joints but she’s a lami risk- I know there are other options though when it comes to injecting? But I think the vet seems to think a low level of painkiller daily that works for her and she eats is the better option for an older retired pony. What do you guys think? I am a worrier! And on a second look at her eye today he thinks that she might be showing some signs of impaired vision. Something to do with the blood vessels in the eye I think. She seems to be able to see though as she finds the water, salt lick, finds her way around her new paddock that she’s not very familiar with etc. so vet wasn’t overly concerned. I am though! But I am a major worrier! Front right elbow he thinks is her most sore but so that would be my first place to treat, as he thinks it might help her hind end if she’s over compensating in some way.

That’s a lot but just wanted some horsey opinions! Thanks guys xx


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8 July 2023
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I recently had my 23 year old injected with carthrophen as he is also a lami risk. Sounder than he’s been in a long time


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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I bought a pair of second hand Asics trainers, (the Gel Innovate 7 style) off ebay after someone on here recommended them. They were an amazing deal - only £22 including postage. They have a number of features including an insole for over pronation.

They got delivered today to Mums so I went round after work to collect them (they've been steam cleaned and anti bacced)

When I got home I put them on and took the dog for a 20 min walk down the park to get used to them. I noticed my spine was much more aligned and they support my foot so much better. I felt taller immediately, it was a weird feeling.

But boy, have they made my back ache. You wouldn't think a pair of shoes could do that. Just shows how bad my posture has become. I have foot issues and changes to my SI joint.

I remember the same feeling sitting in a dressage saddle for the first time and how that made my back ache too!

How long will it take for me to adapt to them do you think?

I bought them specifically for walking, spin class, and treadmill.
Have you accidentally posted in the wrong thread Birker?


Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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Just give her half a sachet of bute a day to start with and mix it into her feed, if she turns her nose up you might have to add a drop o peppermint cake flavouring or a mug of apple juice to your feed.

Ask your vet if you can have it on prescription and buy two boxes as you will make a considerable saving as you are only given 6 months to use the prescription. Bute is a very effective NSAID and rarely causes problems with long term use when on a low maintenance dose.

My 17.1hh ridden WB was on half a sachet for about 8 years before finally having one sachet a day for many more years. Despite all that bute the only side effect was a mouth ulcer.


Well-Known Member
4 July 2012
Formerly Canada....Now Surrey
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Cartrophen and 1 bute a day is lifeblood to my guy. I do 1 10ml injection of Cartrophen a month (started with injecting 15ml every 3 weeks for 4 months). I have always noticed a difference each month but didn't realize how much of a difference it made until I couldn't get a prescription renewed and then when I did get it renewed, the dispensary had issues dispatching the order. He was 2 months late by the time I was able to inject and was pokey and very noticeably uncomfortable. Injected and had a change but was bucking but happily moving forward. He has a habit of being a bit of an a@$ so didn't think too much of it. Gave him his next injection a week or so "early" as I felt so bad making him wait the previous months and had a SUPER happy horse and zero bucking.