My equine life
Well-Known Member
My little pony who I’m not really sure of her age (at least mid twenties plus) has just recently started showing her age. She’s suddenly become quite stiff in a few places. Vet thinks front right elbow and something going on behind in the stifle (s). She had a scrap in the feild with my other horse a few days ago and got a bite to the eye (she only has one eye so this was a huge worry!) which he came out to see and wasn’t too worried but noticed her stiffness. I wasn’t sure if this was due to her shenanigans or arthritis. So I tried her on danilon for a few days with no difference and had a great struggle getting it in her. Perhaps why I saw no change? Had him out today as I haven’t been happy with how she’s been looking the last few days and that’s when he did the lameness work up resulting in the above conclusion. Obviously we haven’t blocked or x rayed anything yet but we decided to try her on firocoxib I think it’s called. She ate that tonight so fingers crossed this will be easier to get in her. How quickly have people that have used this seen changes? If I don’t see changes I’m going to consider injecting joints but she’s a lami risk- I know there are other options though when it comes to injecting? But I think the vet seems to think a low level of painkiller daily that works for her and she eats is the better option for an older retired pony. What do you guys think? I am a worrier! And on a second look at her eye today he thinks that she might be showing some signs of impaired vision. Something to do with the blood vessels in the eye I think. She seems to be able to see though as she finds the water, salt lick, finds her way around her new paddock that she’s not very familiar with etc. so vet wasn’t overly concerned. I am though! But I am a major worrier! Front right elbow he thinks is her most sore but so that would be my first place to treat, as he thinks it might help her hind end if she’s over compensating in some way.
That’s a lot but just wanted some horsey opinions! Thanks guys xx
That’s a lot but just wanted some horsey opinions! Thanks guys xx