Arthritis Horse Neddy - Supplement Advice

Charlie 1

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3 August 2011
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I have a 20+ yo horse who does very well for his age, but being in a stable over winter does make him extra stiff. I bandage him up to the hills which does have a visable benefit. He is on sixteen plus and i supplement him with Garlic Powder and Codlivine Powder, which again the Codlivine does have a noticable effect on him, (so too the garlic although that is in the way that he polishes his food off extra quick rather than to a joint advantage) i wondered if anyone had used any other natural supplements WITH NOTICABLE effects that they could recommend. There are many suggestions but i do think some people are taken in by "horse talk" and i'm more interested in the obvious benefit to the horse not just marketing. i dont want drugs either, pref natural remedy please. Any ideas welcomed:)


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26 February 2012
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have you tried magnetic wraps? never used it myself but what about boswellia powder? think you can buy it from pegasus online. i believe it's the main ingredient herb's alpha bute. have you ever tried a supplement containing glucosamine and/or msm?


Well-Known Member
29 July 2011
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my arthritic chronic clicking cob has nobute (devils claw) and ive just started with the linseed meal, but still awaiting to see if it helps him as its only been a couple of days...he loves it though which makes it easier! he also lives out in magnetic bands which i'm convinced have helped him. he no longer had the robotic walk on chilly mornings:D i too was lost in the minefield that were joint supplements however i realised that once we had got to the stage we had, helping ease inflammation, keeping him moving even if its walking in hand round the yard for a couple of laps everyday and offering the devils claw to help ease any discomfort he had was what was best for him. a lot of the supplements just mean your shovelling your money into your pony for nothing as they are not regulated.


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5 April 2010
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I have a 20+ yo horse who does very well for his age, but being in a stable over winter does make him extra stiff. I bandage him up to the hills which does have a visable benefit. He is on sixteen plus and i supplement him with Garlic Powder and Codlivine Powder, which again the Codlivine does have a noticable effect on him, (so too the garlic although that is in the way that he polishes his food off extra quick rather than to a joint advantage) i wondered if anyone had used any other natural supplements WITH NOTICABLE effects that they could recommend. There are many suggestions but i do think some people are taken in by "horse talk" and i'm more interested in the obvious benefit to the horse not just marketing. i dont want drugs either, pref natural remedy please. Any ideas welcomed:)

there is lots of help here



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21 September 2008
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I too have an arthritic mare, she lives out as she is difficult to keep in and keep sound (hers is bone spavin and possible stifle too) so I keep her well rugged to keep her loins warm, and give Equimins Mobile Mover which contains Devils Claw, Clivers, Nettle, Celery Seed, Chamomile, Dandelion, Burdock, Meadowsweet and Gingko. I have really noticed a difference in her mobility and gait when she is on it, and most importantly to me, I see how stiff and sore she is when off it. It may really help your lad too. Heres the link to Equimins for you x


Well-Known Member
27 February 2012
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Hi, My old boy -who i sadly had to have put to sleep last week due to colic :( suffered from arthritis.
He was 27 but started to suffer from arthritis for several years. We were at HOYs and were recommended at a stall to put aloe vera Forever Freedom in his feed to help his joints and arthritis. After trying several other supplements we gave it a go and OMG i was brilliant :) I was bit unsure to use it at first as it is originally made for humans, but so glad we gave it to him.

He was like a different horse. He was also stabled overnight and would be stiff in morning but after only few weeks with the forever freedom he was much better. We even got few more years of ridden work out of him, just hacking but was much nicer riding a horse that felt ok rather than as stiff as a board... So totally recommend.

This is where we ordered from (Cheaper to order through these guys - plus fab service and fast delivery).

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Last edited:
1 April 2011
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Hi there,

Please try this:

or this:

The active ingredient in Alphabute is Boswellia serrata which Pegasus Health sell as a standalone product or in a 4-in-1 joint supplement with equal amounts of Boswellia, MSM, Glucosamine and Ginger.

Don't be fooled by the Alphabute price tag - like most Global Herbs products it is ridiculously overpriced.

Top tip - use boswellia for a month, switch to fleximover long-term and top up with more boswellia (I keep a little 500g pot in reserve) depending on time of year, state of ground etc etc.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2011
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R A oil double strength by solvitax absolutely swear by this, horse was stiff every day due to arthritis got this into his system was just like he used to be and not too pricey either, honestly give it a try.