Active Member
Hello. Has anyone had experience of surgery to help fix arthritis in big toe & how it affected their riding post recovery?
Now I'm old & falling to bits beyond the stage where I can continue to ignore it, I'm researching which type of surgery would allow the best continuance of riding post surgery recovery but I'm not finding any info specifically referencing horse riding.
It seems like there are 2 main surgical options: either cutting away some bone around the joint, or fusing the joint together.
The joint fusing seems to be most recommended for continuance of more "active" lifestyles whereas the cutting away is recommended if you need to maintain some flexibility. I don't feel like I flex my big toe massively when I'm riding but I don't want to find out after the joint has been fused & it's too late to change my mind that it's actually a vital point of my balance & riding.
Thanks in advance for any experiences you can share.
Now I'm old & falling to bits beyond the stage where I can continue to ignore it, I'm researching which type of surgery would allow the best continuance of riding post surgery recovery but I'm not finding any info specifically referencing horse riding.
It seems like there are 2 main surgical options: either cutting away some bone around the joint, or fusing the joint together.
The joint fusing seems to be most recommended for continuance of more "active" lifestyles whereas the cutting away is recommended if you need to maintain some flexibility. I don't feel like I flex my big toe massively when I'm riding but I don't want to find out after the joint has been fused & it's too late to change my mind that it's actually a vital point of my balance & riding.
Thanks in advance for any experiences you can share.