Back down to earth.. but....


Well-Known Member
21 January 2009
North East
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I posted a post earlier explaing how happy i was with getting 3 2nd's out of my 3 classes but now im back down to earth and something has really quite gotten to me. Now i know exactly how the judge meant it (picky and nasty) as she said to me, Well i had to go for the safety element (which was fair enough) but then came out with "yes, because quite frankly i wouldnt dare get on 'IT' "(meaning my mare). Now you kind of had to be there, but i didnt quite take it to heart as i had just been awarded 2nd so on a high but now im really annoyed as there was no need for it. all day she had picked faults with my horse and at one point after you are lined up and the judge gives you advise i got asked if my numna (sp) was upside down
just because it has the white fluff trimming where the pommel and cantle lies on!!
I just felt it was soo unnappropiate for her to comment on how she wouldnt dare get onto my mare as yes she is an x-racehorse but now retrained and the worst thing is that she did everything right yet still complained!!! Clean smooth transitions and a relaxed outline all around (used to be a girraffe) so i just couldnt understand ??? Also, i dont want to sound unhappy or complaining but the girl who was placed 1st in all of my three classes was a friend of the judge so "/ well... anyways pretty pointless post but i just wondered if anyone else can see where im coming from or thinks im just been silly.


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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if it was a local show, its often quite bias or not taken so seriously. if i go to local shows around my area, its just to get them out and not to win because even if my horse goes 10 X better then another, i can garantee the other will get placed above me but ive just learnt to accept it.

after all, if there were no fun and informal local shows, there would be alot of people who wouldnt get the oppotunity to compete.

but i compleatly agree with you!


Take it as a compliment, that she thinks you are better than her for daring to ride her.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2009
North East
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Thankies v.much everyone
I mean all i can do is that because just started out jumping again as had to start from scratch with her, but has deffinitly proved worth while though


New User
17 May 2009
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My sister had somethign of a similar problem,
we were at a local show and my sister was in a class with little "pretty ponies" and my sister was on a small cob, all the"pretty ponies" were asked one by one to trot then canter anround the ring, and all the other little cobs e.t.c were made to trot around the ring together.