Back pain!


Well-Known Member
20 September 2004
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After a couple of weeks off riding, two 'excitable' hacks this weekend - minor bucking, jogging etc - have killed my back!!

It's aching to high heaven this morning, feels really jarred. I've taken two Nurofen, and am facing the prospect of sitting at a desk for the the next 9 hours with it getting worse.....can anyone recommend anything else I can do to help it - have a Boots and a Holland and Barrett nearby!
Got appointment with physio on Saturday.......


Well-Known Member
11 May 2006
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Whatever you do dont slouch at your desk, no matter how painful sit up really straight with your feet flat on the floor and make your muscles support yuor back.
I used to have terrible back pain after riding 6 horses a day and the more i slouched around trying to avoid the pain the worse it got!!


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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I can completey sympathise with you. Have been off work for 6 weeks with back trouble. Haven't ridden for 4 and have just put my horse on loan for that reason. I have been seeing a chiropractor which seems to have worked wonders. Prior to this I had osteopathy physi massage etc none of which worked. Hospital took xrays signed me off work but still it got no better and no one came up with a diagnosis. Chiropractor did scans then treats me for 3 days per week for 4 weeks. I'm on my 2nd week and although still in pain its way better than it was. I have had to be really strict about the riding though as I am pretty sure that this is what was stopping it from healing initially, I did get back on once and rode for 10 mins and the next day I sure new it. Go see a chiropractor and give your ned a holiday. its worth not riding now for a couple of months then being able to actually get back on in the future. I also think that time of wokr would help. Sitting is not good for bad backs the current research suggets being upright / straight all the time. When relaxing lay down if not laying down then stand up, I have found that this really helps. Hope you feel better soon and that you find my advice helpful. Erika


Well-Known Member
11 May 2006
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I also saw a chiropractor and felt the same sort of benefits as halfpass. I would go in hardly able to walk and come out bouncing along. I also took a week off work with no riding at all and would do this as and when my back was bad. I have since seen an osteopath who has worked on my posture and gicen me exercises to do when i feel an attack coming on.


Well-Known Member
11 May 2005
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You have my sympathy. I can't help but think that back pain is the price you pay for horse riding. I am now not too far of bus pass age and have suffered on and off for years, but love the sport to much to give up. Pills don't work for me, but a good osteopath does (most of her clients are horseriders) and I have found a Backlife machine really good when I have a particular bad spell but they are not cheap.


Well-Known Member
20 September 2004
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Thanks for the advice all. A girl at the yard is an osteopath or a chiropractor (can't remember which!) so I'll have a chat with her and see what she thinks I should do.
just can't help thinking that it wouldn't be this bad if I hadn't have given up Pilates a couple of years ago! Maybe I'll start trying it at home once the back's better.


Well-Known Member
29 December 2004
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i slipped a disk yesterday and am in utter pain so i could also do with ideas .apart from pills got loads tramadol . diclonfenic. diazapan . paracetamol still in agony and got no sleep at all physio a good idea though i will be going when i can move from this chair in a few weeks maybe.good luck with your back sounds like just over use after not useing your mussels buy a masager too get ridof the lactic acid build up they work wonders and ice packs slows the flow of blood to the area then as it warms up when u take it off blood rushes through and takes away lots of the unwanted toxins that have built up in there .