Well-Known Member
Back in December I got a 12 year old companion pony from a "rescue" charity. I thought she would benefit from having a job to do so set about the backing process. She had very little handling as had been a brood mare all her life. It took a long while to get her sorted with a saddle but in the last few months she has been wearing her tack, going out in hand for hacks and done a little long reining and been lent over. Due to her small size 12h I am too heavy to sit on her but have enlisted some help with a lighter rider at 8.5 stone. I am still unsure if this is too heavy although the pony is a cob and just wondered at what point do people put their child jockeys on. The first time Mary was sat on she was fine but the second time she got a fright from a noise behind the trees ( arena runs behind neighbours gardens so is quite noisy) and she bucked her rider off. Obviously I plan to continue with her training, have booked more sessions and will assess whether it was the noise or something else that caused her to do that but I was wondering how other people managed to complete the process when the pony should only really be carrying the weight of a tiny person or child. Any advice would be gratefully received as this is the first attempt at backing for me.