Bad day at Solihull PN - my first fall in 9 years of BE eventing


Well-Known Member
10 November 2007
North Wales
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After flying around Berrington PN as my horse’s first event in 2 years I was feeling positive about Solihull but how wrong could I be. After we arrived the first thing I saw was SJ indoor which my horse hates so I knew day was going to be bad but I didn't expect it to be as bad as it was.

Dressage was OK then onto SJ and he kept trying to duck out of the indoor warmup everytime we went past so he wasn't very settled or jumping very well. Then we went into the main arena and he turned into the greenest horse ever and started trotting into the jumps which he never does so he had 6 down so I just scraped through to the XC

Onto XC and he warmed up very positive and flew out of the start box and over the first 4 but at the 5th, a vegetable box parallel to the start, he chipped in an extra stride and climbed all over it. So I gave him a reminder and he jumped the sun lounger complete with beach balls and towel well and jumped well through the water so I thought number 5 was just a blip. But then coming into number 7, a sheep feeder type fence he wasn’t really paying attention so I slapped him down his shoulder which he responded to. I saw a perfect stride (and I’m the first to admit if I’m a tiny bit wrong) and expected him to take off but he chipped another one in, clambered all over it, put me off balance and I fell off after clinging on for a few strides
I retired straight away as it’s so unlike him to chip in so he obviously wasn’t happy
But I must admit he seemed fine as he cantered happily back to the start nearly colliding with the next horse who was coming through the water!

Got him back to the trailer expecting scrapes down his back legs and all he has is a cut down the inside of his front left cannon bone where his boot was covering anyway!!! Only my horse is capable of that! I thought he would probably be a bit stiff this morning but he trotted up sound and was fine out hacking.

So now I’m confused what went wrong as he went so well at Berrington. I think the indoor SJ must have upset him more than I thought. I’m undecided as what to do next as we’re entered for Draycott PN but I can’t decide whether to change to Intro which will be very scary if he’s back on form as he won’t respect them at all but if he is sticky again they’re smaller. Any guidance will be appreciated
I think I'm going to take him BSJA next Sunday then make my decision on how that goes.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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Personally think indoor SJ for eventing should be banned.

I still cant believe the effect the warmup areana and main ring had on my lad who is normally a little too confident SJ.

Could you not get to go XC schooling somewhere before you decide?


Well-Known Member
10 November 2007
North Wales
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I agree indoors should be banned especially when the ground was so good outdoor. My horse is usually too confident SJ too and makes up too much distance in combinations but indoor he started trotting and chipping in extra strides!

I really want to go XC this week but I can't get time off work and I'm busy all weekend. I will try my best to juggle things to take him XC.


Well-Known Member
10 November 2007
North Wales
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Thanks. It's just really confused me as usually he's too confident but he was so sticky on Saturday. Usually the XC is OK and our SJ is the problem so I'll see how he goes at the weekend before making my decision.


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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Very bad luck, but I have to say, if that's your first fall in 9 years of BE you were probably due for one
Hope you are back rocking and rolling again very soon


Well-Known Member
10 November 2007
North Wales
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I've fallen off quite a few times in the last few years but it's always been whilst practicing or in unaffiliated competitions so I know I was due for a fall at a BE event! It's the 4th time I've fallen off this horse in a month though
Hopefully I'll manage to stick on next time!