Badminton Falls


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Ha, the only fall I ever had BE was the first time I did a 3 day without roads and tracks. Everyone said to still get them as fit, I did. I did a good warm up but obviously not good enough as, after about fence 7, she blew right through my hand.

We didn't fall at a fence, oh no. Because I had no breaking influence, we had to diverge from the straight route in the barrel, sunken road, barrel complex. We did the alternative, successfully, turned to get back on line and she slipped on some autumn leaves over hardcore and we landed in a sprawling heap.

Technically, it shouldn't have registered as a fall as it wasn't to do with a jumping effort but, as I don't buy and sell, I didn't object to it.

I would be interested to see what proportion of fallers were when phase A,B,C were completed as opposed to when they weren't, across all levels. I certainly found it less nerve wracking to tackle XC after ABC, as you were already in the groove. The horse was already there too, had a good warmup, a blast, another cool down/warm up. Horses were got very fit.

ABC was got rid of to please sponsors/grounds owners as opposed to for the benefit of the horse.