That guy's horse is lame so he doesnt jump off it and walk it back he still rides it home... Interesting. Not sure we would see that these days.
What struck me when I watched it this afternoon was how well the horses seemed to finish... they were so much fitter then with roads and tracks.... The 1994 course looked so much better and was very "exciting" yet they're shortening burghley for next year! What the!
It was also very nice to see so many snaffles and so few martingales! There were a few gags knocking about but nowhere near as many as now! I think we should petition mark philips for an exact replica course for next year! lol
The only real improvement I noticed between then and now was compulsory elimination for a horse fall, there were a couple that fell and I really thought shouldn't have carried on.
Oh and is it me or were there a lot more honest horses about then!? There were so many that by all rights should have stopped but really tried their hearts out!
Oh and is it me or were there a lot more honest horses about then!? There were so many that by all rights should have stopped but really tried their hearts out!
[/ QUOTE ]
I thought that. But there seems to be a lot of falls though!! But then most got to remount and continue.
I may be wrong but I don't think you could be eliminated for multiple refusals or falls (horse and rider) tbh I should know this seeing as for my GCSE stats project I used the results of Badminton as they used to have the last 10 years online! HOLY HELL! Just realised that was 7 years ago! God I'm getting old...
Anyone else slightly weirded out by the horse that couldnt get up as it was so lame and the rider just kinda sat looking about him looking a bit bemused? Lol.
LOL I was there! Grooming for a friend at her 1st (& only) attempt at Badminton! We were parked next to William F-P in the lorry park! Friend's horse was eliminated on 2nd fall. Amazing experience and IMHO horses were so genuine then The whole Event horse type/breed has altered so much.
The horse I groomed for was 15 at his Badminton and was pts in 2008. He retired from eventing at Badminton and then had a "2nd career" PC eventing for several more years plus hunting in the Winter.
Its crazy, I watched this last night and its totally different from the Badminton just gone. FAR more hairy moments, FAR more flapping riders etc.! The course IMO has changed completely, they used to be really big scary fences - nowadays they're a lot more into their combinations.
What I did like was the lack of so much tack and gadgety bits etc. I'm someone who competes cross country in a plain snaffle and not even a flash, so maybe I'm terribly old fashioned?!
The lack of flashes did make me think that the ones who were wearing them probs did acctually need it. The only over bitted horse I saw was lucinda fredricks who was in a double bridle but was trying something new and retired when it didn't work.
There were some tests of accuracy as well as good old fashioned rider frightener big 'uns, I thought it was a nice mix. Clone course please Mr Phillips!