Well-Known Member
Thank you, for sure have had more bad lessons than good and I've been trying to steer away from calling it "bad lessons" and more like a "challenge" who knows why I've chosen this path. I was half tempted to call my old boss back and happily take up my 24 boxes againSorry TO, you have chosen one of the tougher ways, nerve wise, into a riding career. It is going to be tough at times and you will have really cr.p times before you can feel you are up to scratch. Take it one day at a time, stop being so critical of yourself and keep at it, day after day, until you have finally built up the experience. As we used to say: " Do not let the bast.rds grind you down!". You can do this, falls and all.
Ps. Proof read for repetitions, can' t be a.rsed to correct.