Well-Known Member
I used to help at a stables as a teen, the fields were up the road from the yard so we'd get dropped off at the field with bridles to trot all the horses to the yard first thing in the morning. We'd draw straws for the comfy ones, the best were the shire X TBs (but you had to climb on from a wall as they were huge), unless they were at the bottom of the hill as we'd all canter up to the gate at the top and the shire X's were hogged. No one wanted the cremello gelding which shark fin withers and hard trotWhen I worked at the RS back in the late 60's my boss had two properties, the one the RS was run from and another with more land. At the weekend at the end of the day the horses were taken back to the other yard and we usually took them bareback. Some of the people on the last ride would be allowed to 'help' us. We had one, a highland type, who had a very high hard trot. Used to delight in putting a male up on him and going at a good pace. Sadistic but great fun.