Barging behaviour


New User
27 December 2020
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Hi, just wanted someone's take on the below behaviour when I went to retrieve treat balls from my new and first horse share.

- I entered the field with no problem from my share or his field mate. He stood still and patiently whilst I sprayed his eyes and rubbed cream across his eyelids.
- I took his field mates treat ball, no reaction. Took his treat ball that he was still half heartedly messing with. Acknowledged it but didn't seem phased.
- I walked off and before I had a chance to look over my shoulder he had trotted after me, barged into me and then trotted ahead and blocked my path towards the exit by standing side on.
- I said "no" firmly upon impact, and stood still until he seemed to have relaxed. I walked around but this time I backed off opposed to walking off with my back to him.
- He then motioned as though we were going to do the same, I stopped and said very firmly and louder "no" once more, moving the treat balls out of reach if he were to come past again. He stopped and almost seemed to flinch away from me (I think perhaps concerned I was going to do something with the ball).
- I then carried on leaving with him walking practically in my space until I could climb through the wire fence. He watched me walk off, didn't try to stop me leaving, didn't make a noise, nor did he seem stressed in anyway.

At no point were his ears pinned but it did feel tense. The whole encounter was maybe 2-3 minutes top. Was he just a bit miffed that I took the ball and was trying his luck to get it back? Was this just trying to play with me or was this some act of passive aggression that needs to be handled differently next time? Either way I don't want that behaviour to become a habit and it was my first time in the field with him without his owner. He normally has great manners so I think this may be sizing me up and trying to push boundaries but I'm no expert on horse behaviour!
