Baydale the Trucker: Road Trips, Intermediates and Lessons in Life


Well-Known Member
3 March 2008
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Here we go again, more blogging thanks to my insomnia - I'm sure you'll all be wishing I could/would sleep by the end of this. :rolleyes: Busy bee Baydale has been gadding about and making the most of her extended summer holiday - yep, I'm still unemployed, or should that be unemployable?;) - but Joooopiter hasn't been so lucky as it's been work, work, work for him. I seem to have spent the best part of a week at Lincoln hospital having a routine CT scan, bone scan and echocardiogram, also - which I found hilarious - being pregnancy tested before one of them. :eek: It's fine, no mini-Baydales will be appearing any time soon... :D

SuperFran and I headed up to Somerford for the Intermediate, and why have I not been there before, ever? :confused: It's fantastic, well worth sitting in traffic on the outskirts of Nottingham for... I should have been suspicious when Jup was well-behaved in his dressage: no sighing or spooking, but a tad lacklustre I'd say. Oh well, never one to look a gift horse in the mouth I shall be pursuing that judge around the country as he very kindly gave me 28.6. :eek:

To say it went downhill from there would be an understatement! I had the most godawful showjumping warm-up where he just didn't seem to be taking me to the fence. You can see how hard I had to work to get him round, just having the bogey fence down but being incredibly lucky at several others. Anyone thinking that I should have not jumped him has maybe not owned a Cleveland Bay cross as they're canny as hell at getting out of work by kidding you that their excessive laziness is a terminal illness. :p

He wasn't right at all as we went back to the lorry, huffing and puffing and so my gut feeling was not to run him as that was a serious enough Intermediate track and I didn't want him to have a horrid experience. So, lorry packed up we headed home, just in time to hit the Nottingham rush hour traffic again - what joy!

I consoled myself with a trip to the PC Champs at Cholmondeley: mainly to catch up (and drink gin) with TableDancer and Mini TD (who didn't drink gin, I should add), also to help a pupil of mine who got a PB dressage score but time faults for going too fast in the Open Eventing, oops. She blames me for that as she was so riled that an old 'un like me went quicker than she did at Aston Intermediate that she forgot that she didn't need to go that quickly at Cholmondeley. :rolleyes:

Yet more road tripping ensued this week: with the sun out and the roof down it would have been rude not to visit some friends, pat some Very Important Dressage Horses and socialise some more. At home it's mainly been hunters and the taming thereof: Week 6 finds them very well, very naughty and I was recently to be seen cantering sideways through the village on Punk, leading HumungaHorse, with Punk bucking every stride as I'd told him off for spinning round - twice - at the "slow" painted on the road! :eek: Suffice to say my core stability and lightning (not!) reflexes are back to normal levels...:p

Wellington was next on the list of road trips as Jup had been feeling back to normal ie. irritating and as rude as hell. SuperFran and I had a sleepover, the first overnighter in the Baydale Barbie Bus (if you see it you'll know why it has that moniker), and Joooopiter fell in love with his stable companion and was distraught when he got to go out in the field the next morning and he didn't, bless him.

Dressage warm-up was ok, or it was once I'd stopped being over-awed by the who's who of famous/medal-winning riders and lovely horses warming up around me. The arena was a bit lumpy and Jup lost balance in one medium, his walk's still lousy and he was surly about establishing both halts...I think I prefer him when he's not so well, to be honest.:mad: The judge smiled at the end but I think that was a sympathy smile, not a "gosh that was a lovely test" smile:


The showjumping warm-up went well (whew!), and Jup was entertaining each time someone going cross-country galloped past the back of the warm-up, squeaking and setting off, sideways mainly. He was a little inattentive in the ring but we somehow managed to pull a clear out of the bag, and one which I really enjoyed riding as I appeared to have my pingy pony back rather than the flat-as-a-pancake pony I had at Somerford. :D


The cross country was meaty enough, although I have to say that having an Advanced track alongside makes Intermediate tracks look more palatable, as does standing behind a 4 star fence of maximum dimensions: :eek:


The flower bed to double of corners at 8 seemed to be a cause for concern, and whilst I saw someone go through on 6 and 5, 4 and 2 seemed to be the preferred option for longer-striding horses, which Jup ain't. Sooooo, I decided to try 5 and 2...more of that later.

He set off feeling fantastic, ignoring my attempts to showjump the first three.:rolleyes:

Thankfully I remembered about forward riding and the triple bar over a yawning ditch didn't bother the usually-ditchy Jup, mainly because he didn't get a chance to peep thanks to the afore-mentioned forward riding. :p We came round to the flower bed before the corners, maybe a tad too forward, I sat up, lined up and held for 5 but obviously was a bit fluffy and wishy-washy the last stride as Jup decided to spook at the stone animal at the base of the fence and nipped out the side. :mad: Boo. :( Lesson learnt: if you're gonna hold, do it the stride after the previous fence, not the whole way to the base of the important fence. I don't think I'd have done it any differently ie. gone for 4 strides, but I know I was a bit slow to commit Jup to the 5 stride plan and he took his eye off the ball. Ho hum.

Do I sound pathetic if I say the rest was fab and I was really pleased with him? I had to growl at him over the coffin but he was never going to stop, just likes to ponder a while, but other than that he felt super over a fair-ish track with enough to do. I'd seen a couple stop at the water when I was walking the course, but he was ace, and the house in the water was big enough if you didn't have enough oomph.


This was a skinny, although not very, near to the end, followed by some very angled houses which he jumped beautifully.

So, all in all this thread finds me in a shameless "I Love My Pony" mood, and with a bit more practice and the wind in the right direction I think he and I could be pretty good together. :D

Muesli and builders' tea if you've got this far. Ma Baydale needs to come and visit soon or I'll have no friends left - meardsall_millie, TarrSteps and SuperFran only like me for my never-ending supplies of cake. :eek: :D


Well-Known Member
9 January 2007
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Oi! We like you for the Rocky Road bars and your generous hand with the gin, too! :p

Frustrating about Somerford but glad he bounced back and Wellington sounds like a good, if somewhat educational day. Sorry I missed it - I heard all the stars were out so I'm sure Jup felt right at home.

Speaking of stars, very jealous of your visit to the VIDH! ;)

What's the next destination then?


Well-Known Member
23 May 2008
Lincs/Notts Border
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Yeah, yeah, well done, pretty pony, blah, blah - now where's the cake?! :p

Seriously(ish), his SJ is looking super. He did look a bit flat at Somerford, all the more obvious when you watch the Wellington video alongside it. Looking forward to wristbands next year ;)

Can't believe you went to see the VIDH without me :( and here's me sharing my Burghley and Blenheim tickets with you.... call yourself a friend? :rolleyes: :p


Well-Known Member
20 July 2005
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Great to hear you have been keeping busy (wonders where the energy comes from) :eek: Just uploaded course pics of Wellington (on my website if anyone wants a nose) and thought it was quite a meaty track. His show jumping is really coming on too!

Where next for the Baydale bus?


Well-Known Member
23 May 2008
Kent/East Sussex
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I love your reports Baydale!! Shame about somerford but sounds like he was properly back to form by Wellington, he looks like a serious pony these days doesn't he?! Love him :)
Where next??


Well-Known Member
13 September 2004
Milton Keynes
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That SJ round looks much better than the Somerford one! Funny that his feeling under the weather brought forth a terrific dressage score that day :rolleyes:

Well done for the XC, sounds like a great round apart from the educational blip!

Where next? Very exciting this all is!


Well-Known Member
4 March 2009
London & upwards
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Morning Mrs: you've flushed me out of hiding while I inhale my coffee - at my desk in a dress, no less, not a breech in sight :eek:!! He looks so much more grown up, and you must be thrilled with a good SJ round - I saw some, ahem, interesting rounds both on Sunday and Monday morning. Real shame about XC, but the rest was strong enough too - and to have a problem, fix it and get the "game face" back on effectively & quickly, while perhaps not an education of choice, can't do them any harm in the long run. You can tell I'm working hard on the "being philosophical" despite still wanting to beat myself over the head with a big whip for riding like such a plonker in the same place, can't you!! :D Where next for Joooooop?


Well-Known Member
23 November 2009
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Super report, and well done on several counts! Wellington sounds like a success, definitely something to be pleased about.


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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Very good report and how fab to be allowed to the PC Champs! You must be younger than I'd thought :p

I bet the VIDH made Joooooooop look positively slimline when you got home ;)

Here's hoping that the Barbie bus makes many more overnight trips :cool:.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2008
Down South
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So, all in all this thread finds me in a shameless "I Love My Pony" mood, and with a bit more practice and the wind in the right direction I think he and I could be pretty good together. :D


Lovely report as always, sorry didn't catch you this time around, maybe we can persuade you back again soon :)


New User
21 August 2012
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Fab report good to hear Jup's back on form. I took my baby Baydale on hound exercise AND Xc schooling for the first time this weekend. Bit of a shock to his system but he was a star. Took it all in his stride. Can't wait to go again.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2008
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Oi! We like you for the Rocky Road bars and your generous hand with the gin, too! :p

Frustrating about Somerford but glad he bounced back and Wellington sounds like a good, if somewhat educational day. Sorry I missed it - I heard all the stars were out so I'm sure Jup felt right at home.

Speaking of stars, very jealous of your visit to the VIDH! ;)

What's the next destination then?

Yeah yeah, you fair weather friends are all the same. :p ;)

Jup was just Jup at Wellington, gazing around, assuming everyone was there just to see him. Next outing is Burnham Market and then The Big One, where I'll be bribing my fair weather friends with Rocky Road and gin to come and kick my pathetic, wishy-washy butt....:eek:


Well-Known Member
3 March 2008
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Yeah, yeah, well done, pretty pony, blah, blah - now where's the cake?! :p

Seriously(ish), his SJ is looking super. He did look a bit flat at Somerford, all the more obvious when you watch the Wellington video alongside it. Looking forward to wristbands next year ;)

Can't believe you went to see the VIDH without me :( and here's me sharing my Burghley and Blenheim tickets with you.... call yourself a friend? :rolleyes: :p

I need to get onto the cake supplier as she's maybe thought that Rocky Road was sufficient when everyone knows her Victoria Sponge puts my Rocky Road in the shade. :(

I know, I know, I'm a lousy friend :D but you're just ever hopeful that Jup will carry me to a decent level so you get your wristband and a lorryful of Ma Baydale's cake. :p Let's hope my bottle holds out eh? :eek:


Well-Known Member
3 March 2008
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Great to hear you have been keeping busy (wonders where the energy comes from) :eek: Just uploaded course pics of Wellington (on my website if anyone wants a nose) and thought it was quite a meaty track. His show jumping is really coming on too!

Where next for the Baydale bus?

You know me, I'm like the Duracell bunny! :rolleyes:

Glad you can see some improvement in him. It would be good to have a positive run with him at Burnham Market. I guess you're at Gatcombe that weekend?


Well-Known Member
3 March 2008
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I love your reports Baydale!! Shame about somerford but sounds like he was properly back to form by Wellington, he looks like a serious pony these days doesn't he?! Love him :)
Where next??

I aim to please. :p He was definitely back on form, but his attitude could do to be as serious as the rest of him is promising to be. :rolleyes:

Burnham Market for him and then hopefully the blue-and-white pony will be out and about as there are a lot of local events coming up and I'd like to get him qualified for a one star next spring. Exciting times! :D


Well-Known Member
3 March 2008
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That SJ round looks much better than the Somerford one! Funny that his feeling under the weather brought forth a terrific dressage score that day :rolleyes:

Well done for the XC, sounds like a great round apart from the educational blip!

Where next? Very exciting this all is!

Yep, I'd like him to be a tad off colour for his dressage then make a remarkable recovery in time for his showjumping and cross country... :p

Burnham Market Intermediate in a couple of weeks. It's very exciting that I might have the horse I hoped I had, bit scary too although he's making it all feel like it's well within his scope. :)


Well-Known Member
3 March 2008
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Morning Mrs: you've flushed me out of hiding while I inhale my coffee - at my desk in a dress, no less, not a breech in sight :eek:!! He looks so much more grown up, and you must be thrilled with a good SJ round - I saw some, ahem, interesting rounds both on Sunday and Monday morning. Real shame about XC, but the rest was strong enough too - and to have a problem, fix it and get the "game face" back on effectively & quickly, while perhaps not an education of choice, can't do them any harm in the long run. You can tell I'm working hard on the "being philosophical" despite still wanting to beat myself over the head with a big whip for riding like such a plonker in the same place, can't you!! :D Where next for Joooooop?

I like the "being philosophical" version of deskbound:): some days things go your way and some days they don't. I'm so much more laid back about it all since the Big C and I still had a lot of fun at Wellington despite the blip. Good things come to those who wait (I hope) and I am the most stubborn so won't be giving up any day soon. Remind me of all this, won't you, one day when I'm spitting feathers for having made a major cock-up.... ;)


Well-Known Member
3 March 2008
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Very good report and how fab to be allowed to the PC Champs! You must be younger than I'd thought :p

I bet the VIDH made Joooooooop look positively slimline when you got home ;)

Here's hoping that the Barbie bus makes many more overnight trips :cool:.

I'm not that young, just had a very easy life. :p :rolleyes:

The VIDH were more or less Jup-shaped to be honest, and I was hoping that a little bit of their magic would rub off onto him but it appears not...:(


Well-Known Member
3 March 2008
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Fab report good to hear Jup's back on form. I took my baby Baydale on hound exercise AND Xc schooling for the first time this weekend. Bit of a shock to his system but he was a star. Took it all in his stride. Can't wait to go again.

They seem to all be very laid back, lazy to a degree, but I'm sure you'll soon get the measure of yours. I'll look forward to some reports from you (hint hint). ;)