BD Dressage with 2 Horses at Same Level


Well-Known Member
25 October 2018
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Feeling a bit sorry myself (first world problems I know!) not sure what I’m looking for, advice / what do others do ect? But I’ve got two horses to complete, one mine one my friends, they are both currently competing at Medium, we like to take them out together as it’s a nice day out for me and my friend, it was ok last year as my friends horse was at elementary but he has now moved up to medium but my horses has been injured and isn’t moving up to AM this year. For the second comp in a row I’ve had to withdraw one of them as there hasn’t been enough entries in the two medium tests to give enough warm up time between them. Tomorrow’s tests are literally 10 minutes apart. I lose the entry money too when I withdraw. Are others finding the same issues, suppose it’s the way things are at the moment.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2012
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Ask the secretary on entry if you can do one test later ie after the next class? I’ve seen it done round here when there’s small classes so you ride horse A first in the medium and then horse B after every other horse has gone in the AM.


Well-Known Member
4 October 2018
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Agree, speak to the secretary and see if they can do something for you. Most venues are keen to encourage as many entries as they can. I've also seen as Snowfilly suggests. The alternative is to enter and take only one at a time in the first place. Assuming you are chasing qualifications, aim to get one out and qualified, and then the other. Are there other venues you can get to which typically have more entries so this isn't such a problem?


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Spilt warmups is way .
Warmup the horse doing the first test then swop to the second horse ,horse one is led round by your friend . Ten to fifteen minutes before get on horse one again horse two is led round straight off horse one back onto horse two .
I have groomed for pros where this was going most of the day .I had had to have a list in my pocket to keep them on the right horse at the right time and make sure they where off in time to swop to the next one
You will have to work the best way which horse fits in best with being first and second and the timing for the first workins over a few shows .


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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I’m shortly going to be in the same boat (one currently at AM and one hopefully moving up shortly) and am considering alternating outings as there’s usually only one AM class on the schedule and not many entries. There’s only be 2-3 entries the last few times I’ve been out.

It would be so much easier if BD’s rules allowed someone else to hop on in the warmup, as BS does. ?‍♀️


Well-Known Member
12 August 2011
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Agree, speak to the secretary and see if they can do something for you. Most venues are keen to encourage as many entries as they can. I've also seen as Snowfilly suggests. The alternative is to enter and take only one at a time in the first place. Assuming you are chasing qualifications, aim to get one out and qualified, and then the other. Are there other venues you can get to which typically have more entries so this isn't such a problem?

I've done this, and found most venues to be very helpful, because I was always alone with the horses, so I didnt have anyone to walk one around etc, and once I've explained this to secretarys they split my times whenever possible so I could do both horses no problem.