Beautiful story about horses saved from BURGERS


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21 June 2010
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No its not? The individuals involved in that were stripped of their licences.

That woman is mad if she is letting the horse 'live' in her living room. She also has a pregnant mare, and i would put money on her not having knowledge on foaling/handling foals.

Horses are better off pts or slaughtered (Humanely of course) :rolleyes: than living a life of mistreatment in the hands of a 'Means well' do-gooder. .

This. Take emotion out of it, one bullet and that's it, hardly cruel is it? Clearly nobody wanted the pony or it wouldn't have ended up at the market in the first place. People need to face facts, there are too many badly bred horses in the UK and not enough homes to look after them. PTS is not cruel.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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The woman is a moron. Taking publicity shots of a pony in the lounge is one thing. However the fact she had to borrow just to buy them means she can't actually afford to keep them. And she wants abbatoirs closed, which either means she is in favour of live export, or she is so stupid she thinks she can save every unwanted horse. Don't get me wrong, if I won the lottery I'd be doing the rounds of every low end sale & buying the rejects. But to do so when you can't afford to do so is stupid & irresponsible. Rehoming the 'meat ponies' is a rather mad idea too, surely if anyone had the space for one just bought from the meatman they'd just go & buy it themselves, & cut out the middleman/ delusional idiot? If she really wanted to save them from the abbatoir, why not buy them, take them home for 24hrs tlc & have the hunt peacefully out, therefore being able to prevent more from ending up at an abbatoir?

windand rain

Well-Known Member
25 November 2012
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The woman is barking mad we need more abattoirs not fewer and all she is doing by paying over the odds as she will now she has been outed will be make more unscrupulous people breed more rubbish foals to feed the rescue market SIGH

Slaughter is the best option and way to stop overbreeding especially if it costs more than they get paid out as the bad breeders wont carry on if it costs them a lot of money


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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This is not a beautiful story :mad: it is one stupid woman who appears to be on the money train, another scam merchant, who has persuaded some idiots that she is helping horses.


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9 May 2007
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I thought OP was being sarcastic in the title but obviously not.

This woman and the Daily Fail should both be ignored. Much better for unwanted horses to be humanely disposed off.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2011
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Sorry but the lady in that article is barmy. There are too many sub standard horses that really, other than being a field ornament are no use for anything and have confirmation deformities or behavioural issues that mean they should never be bred. But someone will try!

It may be harsh, but given the whole issue with welfare being stretched, something drastic needs to be done, and really............I think charities and owners need to evaluate their stock and decide which are rehomable and of use and which will need a lifetime of medication and veterinary intervention.

We seem to have no issue with dogs and cats etc being put down when they would need this............but not horses??

Crazy horse lady

Well-Known Member
17 February 2013
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:confused:. I can't believe some of the comments on here, considering you lot are horse lovers? There is no need to send horses to a vile and inconsiderate death in an abattoir. Its totally unnecessary and CRUEL. put your horse to sleep at home. And for goodness sake, of course she does not have the pony living in her living room. The article is for publicity. How boring would the article have been if it did not show the ponynin the house!!
She should be commended for what she has done! And btw you synics, out of the 10 that have been saved from death, most have been re-homed already ;)

Crazy horse lady

Well-Known Member
17 February 2013
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Sorry but the lady in that article is barmy. There are too many sub standard horses that really, other than being a field ornament are no use for anything and have confirmation deformities or behavioural issues that mean they should never be bred. But someone will try!

It may be harsh, but given the whole issue with welfare being stretched, something drastic needs to be done, and really............I think charities and owners need to evaluate their stock and decide which are rehomable and of use and which will need a lifetime of medication and veterinary intervention.

We seem to have no issue with dogs and cats etc being put down when they would need this............but not horses??

My god will you listen to your snooty self?? Sub standard or not, they should not end up in a slaughter house. No we don't have issues with cats and dogs, they get put to sleep in our arm. Have you seen the footage from red lion abattoir? As a horse lover that is not what I would put my lovely friend through. Put them to sleep at home.....!!!


Well-Known Member
6 May 2008
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So, CHL, what would you do with all the badly-bred, chronically lame, nut-jobs and useless horses?

Cram them into a lorry and ship them off for a nice holiday on the continent? Turner's ballsed up big time-what they were doing was inhumane and unprofessional. Potter's, on the other hand, do it properly (last time I checked). Horse welfare in this country could do with a few more like them. Or would you prefer a situation like they have in the US?

*oh it's cynic by the way.

Crazy horse lady

Well-Known Member
17 February 2013
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No its not? The individuals involved in that were stripped of their licences.

That woman is mad if she is letting the horse 'live' in her living room. She also has a pregnant mare, and i would put money on her not having knowledge on foaling/handling foals.

Horses are better off pts or slaughtered (Humanely of course) :rolleyes: than living a life of mistreatment in the hands of a 'Means well' do-gooder. .

She doesn't let the horse live in her house, it was a publicity stunt, to highlite the fate of these poor over bred animals. You don't even know he so how can you judge her?? I happen to know she has a very kind heart and has had a LOT of experience with horses.........put your horse to sleep at home...

windand rain

Well-Known Member
25 November 2012
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Sorry cant agree I wouldnt send one of mine to an abattoir but a short spell and a quick death is far preferable to the lives a lot of these rescued ponies get shut in garden sheds staved deprived of company and proper care by the ignorant that think it is ok to buy a pony for less than a bar of chocolate. Ponies bought as presents for kids when no one in the family has a clue how to care for them usually cute foals that end up dumped usually dead at the side of the road. Get real we need good abattoirs to dispatch the waste from the overbreeding quickly and cleanly from this earth. Poor little souls deserve never to be born but once here they deserve either a great home Unlikely or a painless death if that can be stress free all the better if not hopefully the stres will be only for a very short time.
As a publicity stunt it was even more dangerous as there is always the crazies that think that is an ok way to keep horses. She would have been far better getting publicity to explain how expensive and time consuming keeping ponies can be and that it is not for the foolhardy or the inexperienced to do if pony owning is a dream then get as much information learning and hands on experience before getting a sound and preferably well handled adult with good conformation and be prepared to pay the price for it
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Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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So why didn't any of those who've rehomed them already buy their own rescues from auction? And how did she do background, home, reference checks etc so quickly with the new homes?
Much as an abbatoir isn't how I'd want mine to go, its preferable to the prolonged hell our ponys dam lived & died in, & she was born into, because some clueless self serving idiot decided to 'rescue' her from the meat man, without considering their ability to provide a suitable lifetime home. Going to auctions makes me cry when I see the meat wagon, but I'd rather that, than take them home when I don't have the means to support them which would cause greater suffering.
How anyone can want abbatoirs closing, & claim to be a horse lover is beyond me. Either they are too stupid to realise that means live export, or thick enough to think abbatoirs are responsible for the huge numbers of unwanted horses. She should indeed be commended for what she has done, commended for 'moron of the week'.


Well-Known Member
5 November 2010
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My god will you listen to your snooty self?? Sub standard or not, they should not end up in a slaughter house. No we don't have issues with cats and dogs, they get put to sleep in our arm. Have you seen the footage from red lion abattoir? As a horse lover that is not what I would put my lovely friend through. Put them to sleep at home.....!!!

It frustrates me that some people are so closed minded. Have you never heard the phrase that it's a honour to send your horse to the hunt when his time comes? Same story, different method.


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23 April 2011
somewhere having my Chakras Aligned
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CHL why do you keep bleating on about 'putting your horse to sleep at home'? the horses that were 'saved' came from a might as well be saying don't take your horse to a sale!

For goodness sake we are nowhere near a situation where all people will put their horses to sleep at home, and what happens to the ones that don't have a home? What you are suggesting in shutting down an abottoir is plain madness. Target the back yard breeders, breeders of low quality horses and people putting their horses through low end sales.

Shutting down an abottoir will consign 100's more horses to transport to europe to be slaughtered....which is a horrific thought...more local abottoirs are needed with proper welfare checks in place.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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I do agree horses should be pts at home chl. So why doesn't this lovely lady just buy them at auction & pts peacefully at her home? She'd save more from dying in an abbatoir than trying to rehome them. Or does that not give her do-gooder self appointed saviour of the horses complex the same boost? Cos tbh, if I knew someone buying the demics at low end sales, giving them a few days tlc & getting the hunt out, I'd have quite a bit of respect for them. Especially if they went for the real crocks that are more likely to end up exported live.

Crazy horse lady

Well-Known Member
17 February 2013
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I am so shocked by such nasty comments and personal attacks on this lady. It's the people who breed and breed to find the perfect show horse or pony who you should critise! It's the people who buy and sell for what ever reason, who contribute to the over population of horses who you should attack. Its the irresponsible owners who do not geld their horses, who you should attack....if you see the fb page they know there is a need for abattoirs, they want them manned and have CCTV installed, they are promoting for horses to be put to sleep at home. Yes these animals she saved are not as posh as some, a few of them are actually "show" ponies. Did you know that?? Some of them did have horrible lives before she rescued them, at Lear now they will have a nice life, and with time, love and care the unruly ones (if there are any) will prosper:p


Well-Known Member
12 August 2012
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Hmmmm should we be saying welcome to the Forum Mrs W-J?

Seems we're thinking along the same lines? (Hillside??)

I agree the lady "rescuer" means well but is either a misguided nutcase or something more sinister. How can she set up a sanctuary when she has to borrow money to purchase these ponies? What about all the well known charities and sanctuaries that are struggling to cope in the times we're in?
I also agree that closing all the licensed slaughterhouses would cause worse suffering, more abandoned animals and inhumane transport abroad. However the abattoirs must be inspected/brought to account for past failings in welfare, safety, clear communications with the companies they deal with, etc. and we must ensure that all animals due to be slaughtered are treated in a humane way.
As for "pts at home", of course this is the better option but unlikely for the unsellable results of overbreeding or the "waste" from the racing industry as they never have a "home" in that sense. Far better a short journey than lorry across the channel and who knows how far (Romania by road?).
BTW the pony featured has a sad story, but do we know the truth of it? Any more true than that it is now living in the house with a TV to itself??


Well-Known Member
13 January 2008
Shutting down an abottoir will consign 100's more horses to transport to europe to be slaughtered....which is a horrific thought...more local abottoirs are needed with proper welfare checks in place.

Exactly what happened in America when the do-gooders got the abbottoirs shut down.

windand rain

Well-Known Member
25 November 2012
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I am so shocked by such nasty comments and personal attacks on this lady. It's the people who breed and breed to find the perfect show horse or pony who you should critise! It's the people who buy and sell for what ever reason, who contribute to the over population of horses who you should attack. Its the irresponsible owners who do not geld their horses, who you should attack....if you see the fb page they know there is a need for abattoirs, they want them manned and have CCTV installed, they are promoting for horses to be put to sleep at home. Yes these animals she saved are not as posh as some, a few of them are actually "show" ponies. Did you know that?? Some of them did have horrible lives before she rescued them, at Lear now they will have a nice life, and with time, love and care the unruly ones (if there are any) will prosper:p

Dont know why you would be shocked to be honest she is encouraging the things you say are to blame with no market for these ponies and no money being made the trade would die out. So as I have repeatedly said it is far better for them to go straight to slaughter than be trailed round the markets and being picked up for peanuts by inhumane ignorant owners whether this woman it this or the best owner in the world it makes no difference when she is encouraging people to rescue horses when they know nothing about them by a publicity stunt or actively paying for the overbred poor quality therefore encouraging the breeders to breed more
Closing abattoirs means greater suffering longer journeys and more fly tipping of starving and dead ponies especially foals


Well-Known Member
13 January 2008
:confused:. I can't believe some of the comments on here, considering you lot are horse lovers? There is no need to send horses to a vile and inconsiderate death in an abattoir. Its totally unnecessary and CRUEL. put your horse to sleep at home. And for goodness sake, of course she does not have the pony living in her living room. The article is for publicity. How boring would the article have been if it did not show the ponynin the house!!
She should be commended for what she has done! And btw you synics, out of the 10 that have been saved from death, most have been re-homed already ;)

Do you eat meat?


Well-Known Member
5 November 2010
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:confused:. I can't believe some of the comments on here, considering you lot are horse lovers? There is no need to send horses to a vile and inconsiderate death in an abattoir. Its totally unnecessary and CRUEL. put your horse to sleep at home. And for goodness sake, of course she does not have the pony living in her living room. The article is for publicity. How boring would the article have been if it did not show the ponynin the house!!
She should be commended for what she has done! And btw you synics, out of the 10 that have been saved from death, most have been re-homed already ;)

Nobody has suggested or implied that her heart isn't in the right place but the picture is much much bigger than her living room or her farm, or her local horse sales.

They might have been rehomed, but does she think for one moment that the guy she outbid didn't drive down the road to the afternoon sales and pick up another eight ponies? Probably at a slightly higher price, ponies that weren't sent to a rock bottom auction and might have gone to half decent or maybe not so decent homes if the bidders hadn't been outbid by a meat man with an empty wagon?

My god will you listen to your snooty self?? Sub standard or not, they should not end up in a slaughter house. No we don't have issues with cats and dogs, they get put to sleep in our arm. Have you seen the footage from red lion abattoir? As a horse lover that is not what I would put my lovely friend through. Put them to sleep at home.....!!!

Except, this isn't how abbatoirs as a rule work. And it hasn't been ignored either.

"Two slaughtermen have been sacked after an undercover investigation exposed shocking cruelty to horses at an abattoir... The Food Standards Agency told the Daily Mirror it has revoked the licences of two slaughtermen after a probe into the video... FSA head of approvals Craig Kirby said: 'As soon as we got the footage and reviewed it we took immediate action to revoke the slaughtermen's licences... 'We will also look to gather further evidence to see if we can prosecute.'...

The Red Lion Abattoir told Sky News it views animal welfare and public health with paramount importance.

In a statement it said: 'In attendance at the The Red Lion Abattoir are three full time Food Standards Officers comprising of an official veterinarian and full-time meat hygiene inspectors throughout production.'

It said the incidents were 'not the norm, but of an isolated nature' and they have taken disciplinary action against the individual featured".

Most have been rehomed already! By horse lovers who love horses for what they are, not for the "conformation, and isn't my pony better than yours"

Also she does not keep the pony in the house???

Maybe they have been rehomed, but do you really believe that eight other ponies weren't bought for slaughter in their place?

She doesn't let the horse live in her house, it was a publicity stunt, to highlite the fate of these poor over bred animals. You don't even know he so how can you judge her?? I happen to know she has a very kind heart and has had a LOT of experience with horses.........put your horse to sleep at home...

I have a lot of experience with horses too, but there are plently of folks out there who don't, and who buy a cute little pony that needs bute or cushings treatment or has kissing spines, or laminitis and some of those people have no means of funding the treatment for it.

I am so shocked by such nasty comments and personal attacks on this lady. It's the people who breed and breed to find the perfect show horse or pony who you should critise! It's the people who buy and sell for what ever reason, who contribute to the over population of horses who you should attack. Its the irresponsible owners who do not geld their horses, who you should attack....if you see the fb page they know there is a need for abattoirs, they want them manned and have CCTV installed, they are promoting for horses to be put to sleep at home. Yes these animals she saved are not as posh as some, a few of them are actually "show" ponies. Did you know that?? Some of them did have horrible lives before she rescued them, at Lear now they will have a nice life, and with time, love and care the unruly ones (if there are any) will prosper:p

Oh, the breeders are just as daft, just in a different way. Do a search on the forum, you'll see that the general opinion here is that neglect, low horse prices and bad conformation (as in... ponies who have let's say... legs that can't support their bodies, or parrot mouths, or misaligned spines, or anything else that causes them physical PAIN) are things that can be blamed on poor breeding and malnutrition. The people here are not naive, they're informed and they're opinionated and for that reason I learn more here than I ever did reading Jill books or pony mags.

Additionally, (as highlighted above in blue) if you understand there's a need for abbatoirs, do you understand WHY and how dogooders sometimes cause more harm than good? If the pony doesn't live in the house, why say it does? Just makes her sound like... well... a Crazy Horse Lady!

The first few posts (highlighted in red) said you think abbatoirs are cruel and unnecessary, but this last post contradicts. Maybe the latter is the FB page's opinion and not yours, but you should respect that whilst you have an opinion, there are people here who have DIFFERENT, educated opinions and I believe that even if you don't agree, those views should be respected.
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Well-Known Member
19 January 2009
scotland uk
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Not read all posts, A horse in living room? No, she has land fence an area off put horse in there until a bigger area is fenced and shelter put up, would move horse out now rather when a hoof goes through the tv, or something just as bad.