Behaviour changes post-first season


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6 August 2006
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Bunny started her first season at the beginning of October. She seemed to be in season for around 4 weeks. I was expecting some behaviour changes in that time and wondered whether anyone had experiences of whether these changes are permanent, likely to change etc.

She has seemed to be quite a different pup in the last 2 weeks since she seemed to finish being in season and I guess I am just trying to find out if these are normal changes or a sign that there may be something wrong and a vet check is needed. She has been a lot quieter, she will still happily go out for walks but tends to stay closer even off the lead. At agility she doesn't seem to be showing the 'sparkiness' that she had before. She has never been a particularly good eater, she will eat treats very happily and likes to chew but isn't really eating much and I have tried her with different foods - she doesn't appear to be losing weight though. When we go to the pub, she isn't playing with the landladies 6 month old puppy like she used to- they would 'wrestle' for hours, now she will say hello but that is about it and on Sunday she grumbled at the pup who wasn't really doing anything. She is also very quiet when she is in her crate, previously she would play with her toys and now she tends to just go and curl up - same as at night when I put her in her night crate. I have to be careful with her and my old boy dog plus she used to chew everything in site so she is only let out under strict supervision - before she would be trying to clamber all over me and the settee but the last couple of nights has just curled straight up next to me.

I do have a health plan with my local vet and am trying to sort an appointment to get a check up but in the meantime wondered if anyone had experienced similar.

Thanks for any thoughts!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2008
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Apparently they go through the same hormone cycle post season regardless of pregnancy so yes she may be not totally herself for the next few weeks. I'll post the link if I can find it.

Edit - I can't post a link but Google absolute dogs hormones and you'll find some podcasts and articles which may help you.
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Well-Known Member
4 September 2019
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Closed pyometra is the big worry, if no discharge then open pyometra is probably unlikely. Regardless you should go to the vets for your own peace of mind. She might be feeling some discomfort and it's all very new to her


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I wonder if she is having a phantom pregnancy? I suppose pyometra is possible too.

Her symptoms sound rather like Daycare Dog's. She had her first season at 8 months and never really recovered. Her owner had her spayed on vet's advice and she is back to full strength. I had never known a bitch have a false pregnancy after such an early first season before. One vet didn't recognise it either.


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7 April 2014
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One of ours had a phantom pregnancy after her first season at 18months. She stopped eating and lost a third of her bodyweight in less than two weeks. Her behaviour was odd, she buried all her toys during her season then dug them up and shredded them during the phantom pregnancy - the vet advised spaying asap.


Well-Known Member
6 August 2006
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Just to update, we went to the vet this morning who thinks Bunny may be having a false pregnancy based on her symptoms and she has some mammary enlargement towards her back end. The vet gave us some Galastop to give her for the next 6 days to try and 'reset' her hormones. Fingers crossed it works!


Well-Known Member
4 September 2019
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Just to update, we went to the vet this morning who thinks Bunny may be having a false pregnancy based on her symptoms and she has some mammary enlargement towards her back end. The vet gave us some Galastop to give her for the next 6 days to try and 'reset' her hormones. Fingers crossed it works!
A friends dog had a phantom pregnancy after each season, she got her spayed after 3 seasons, she did want to show her which is why she waited but its something you might want to bear in mind for her next season. I don't know the likelihood of it happening again if it happened this time but some others on here will know more. Did vet give advice for future?

Crugeran Celt

Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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Our sprocker became very quiet after her first season and we put it down to calming down but like you became concerned when she was a completely different dog. She remained very quiet and was speyed three months after her first season ended. She remained quiet until about a fortnight post opp and then she reverted to the completely manic, energised little dog she was before her first season. Started racing around the garden again, playing with the cats chasing them up and down the stairs, they chase her as much as she chases them. Playing with her toys. Spoke to the vet who didn't really have a reason for her behaviour other than it was probably hormonal.