Behind the leg!!! options


Well-Known Member
11 June 2006
Fife, Scotland
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Ok- Murphy is a very VERY laid back chap - pretty horizontal in fact bless him....
Working in hand as I do want to show him and he not overlly forward when leading. He does not really pay huge attention when flicking behind!!!

Also on board I have been concentrating on getting him formward thinking throught hacking, and school for short periods as he does struggle abit in our school surface. He again is not overlly fussed when you give him a smack/flick - have tried very long and short whips!!!! Can get a shake of the head but not always a forward reaction!!!!

Working on lunging but he can be very naughty and quickly turn in on you!!! working on that though!!!

Anyone else had problems with a not so forward going horse!! how did you work through it - I really dont want to get at him as just a baby and not used to being in the school much yet so not wanting to make unpleasent the time spent in there!!!!!



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1 April 2002
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is it because he's weak? if so, time really, and lots of hacking about to build him up gradually when he's stimulated on a hack, rather than likely to get bored and resentful in the school.
quick flick with schooling whip, or maybe wear spurs for a bit? not ideal on baby horses, but sometimes necessary to get a bit of respect for and reaction to the leg!


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
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My boys the same with whips, just swishes his tail to show his annoyance! I taught him to go forward by using a voice command. Took him out to a field, made a pssshhhh noise (lol i know) and then took him for a gallop. Did this several times and now whenever he gets behind the leg i make that noise and he perks up. Get a few funny looks at shows though!


Well-Known Member
24 March 2007
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Mine was like this when I got him 4 months ago but he is now very sharp off the leg. When he didn't respond to a light leg aid, I took my legs right off his sides to use them and this tended to get a response! If he started backing off again a very quick flick of the whip or a small movement with the leg to remind him and sending him on down the next long side to reinforce the point. He only responds to a flick of the whip when used at the crucial moment, if its a second late it doesn't tend to work.

I had to be very disciplined not to get into the habit of constantly nagging, which doesn't help at all. Now I actually have to slow him down at times which makes everything a bit easier, as the energy is already there and he's thinking forwards.

I used to do short bursts of schooling with lots of periods of walking as I thought being a youngster he might get tired. I think he is actually better now we have changed his routine to a longer period of work in trot and canter, and its more engrained in him that he is not meant to be slowing down and he generally settles into a routine pretty quickly now.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2006
Fife, Scotland
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I agree not nagging is the way to go - was kinda taught to kick every stride years ago!!! but know that this is negative and non-productive. My trainer insists they go from the first time you ask and stay in that rythm until asked to change pace!!! eeeak!!! easier said than done.

We started canter work in the school and he perked up after having a canter so might try to get that worked into the session quite early.

Think will continue the work on the hacks to build hime up - been trotting up a big field uphill several times each 2nd day so hope that will help with strenght and his fitness,

Hope he will make good progress through time - thanks for all comments.

Might give the spurs a go but not just now - dont really want to go down that line untill he goes of the leg