Being badgered to sell my minis


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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I get at least one sometimes two people a month call into my house asking if i will sell a mini. Its getting very annoying! One is ancient and no use to anyone but me, one is not mine so can't sell and the other three are entirely unsuitable to be sold to anyone bar an experienced (and older) miniature horse home. Yet these randomers come in and ring the door bell or just hang about the yard cooing going oh how cute my granddaughter/daughter would LOVE a little pony for the garden! When i tell them 1) they are not for sale why are you here its very rude. 2) they are not just play things they are well bred working show horses and don't cost £50. 3) keeping any horse/pony no matter how small alone in a garden is not a suitable home; they seem genuinely shocked.

One elderly gent came in today and asked for one - they have not been in the field so are entirely hidden from sight so HOW or WHY is he coming into my yard!? Im thinking of putting a sign on the gate saying they're not for sale, don't ask :mad:

The conspiracy theorist in me is saying there is an advert up somewhere by either my mum or my neighbour who would love my field to build a house on..maybe they're even in cahoots lol


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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It also makes me worry about how many people are potentially stopping and feeding them/playing with them. One WILL rear at you with feet flying (not had a great life and is a shit) one WILL kick with two back feet if threatened (until recently was a stallion) next thing i know ill have someone suing me for having their kids face bashed in.

Polos Mum

Well-Known Member
22 September 2012
West Yorkshire
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Maybe a sign on the fence to say the small horses have an aggressive infectious skin disease which can be caught by humans so please don't touch for your own safety.

Will put off feeders, cuddlers and potential purchasers with a couple of laminated pieces of paper.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2001
Hants, England
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I’d put a sign up.. Either that or a
“Dogs running loose” sign to keep them out
I have signs on my gates asking people not to feed/fuss the ponies as it causes them to fight and they are on special diets.. A lady came by yesterday as I was going in and said she comes past every day to feed the ponies along the road carrots, but doesn’t feed mine as I have a sign. I was really pleased that somebody has taken notice :)
28 February 2011
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Why is that people think because they are small they aren't worth much!?! A Bugati Veyron is a small car but it costs a bloody fortune in every respect and certainly isn't a toy for a child to be let loose with!

I get so many people messaging asking about ridden ponies because I have them. Or well I did! Most of my useful ones are currently out on loan/lwvtb to friends or aquaintances that I trust. I have no more though I am seriously thinking about buying in a few 3-5yo colts, whacking the knackers off, breaking them to ride then selling them on for a small fortune!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2008
Cloud Cockoo Land
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Print up a little letter, explaining that the minis aren't for sale and why, but more importantly, a list of what you have to consider before having one, the work, downsides, training, potential costs etc, etc. Might as well try and educate them?

Then you can just hand this over and don't have to engage!!