Bereaved mare

Ann skilbeck

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23 February 2015
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I lost my beautiful boy a month ago , my mare has been eith him for 9 years ,
She has completely changed temperament,won't let me bit her ,touch her head or face ,keeps turning her back on me when grooming .
Won't have cuddles .I'm going every day to give her attention,being kind and patient when trying to put bridle on ,as she just throws her head up ,mouth clamped shut!
This is not like her atall ,she's on her own now ,and ted the other horse was
Allways there watching what ever we did with her . I've clipped her because she was scratchingbherself on the tree that he used!!!


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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I'm sorry you lost your horse. Unless anything else has happened your mare is grieving. They do and if they are going to snap out of it on their own it takes a fairly short time. To me a month is too much. I'm afraid she needs a new friend and, sadly, you are not it.

What can you do to get her a new friend?

Was she given the chance to see the body of your boy when you lost him. Hopefully she was otherwise she will be wondering what has happened. It is very important a horse sees it's deceased companion so they can start to come to terms with what has happened.

ETA didn't see there were 2 threads so moved my post to join everyone on here.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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I have had a very similar experience. Lost our old boy last month, his pony companion , who had been with him 20 years, seemed ok at first (she saw his body) no calling or anything, but as days passed I realised she wasn't off grazing much but just hanging round close to the house. She has also become clingy, following me when I was in the field poo picking etc, and when vet came to do her teeth she commented how much quieter than usual she was. I asked around to see if anyone had a pony looking for retirement grazing, my plan was to split the field to start with as our girl can be a bit sharp. Long story short, another oldie arrived yesterday and put in other half of field. They had a few sniffs and squeals but settled quickly, a couple of hours later my old girl was across the big field grazing happily, I think she just needed the reassurance of another equine around.
So I would echo everyone above, you need to get a friend for your mare.
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