Bernese mountain dog


5 February 2022
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Hi all

Sorry to post again I know your properly fed up of me now;)

Me , Theo went on our walk today and I met a woman I see every other day and she knew I was going to crufts and it's the first time I've seen her since I've been anyway she asked did I find a breed and I said yes I'm sticking to Golden's and she said have you never thought about a Bernese ( which she owns as well as Golden's) and I said yes (they were the first breed I thought of before asking for recommendations here) but I got mixed answers not just on Facebook but even from breeders I'd been in contact with and some said they were very barky others said they weren't and she said she's had Bernese for well over 20yrs had around 10 in that time and none have been barky vocal yes but not barky they tend to bark no more than a Golden and she said maybe some of the breeders you spoke with haven't discouraged barking as she said she does.

Obviously this got me thinking as she thinks I'll be fine provided I discourage them from day not to bark and that they are a great choice with Golden's

So are their any Bernese owners here or anyone who knows the breed well and yes I know they are very short lived and are prone to cancer but I'm ok with this.

Are Bernese barky is the question
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5 February 2022
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Median age at death 7.8 years and 45%+ of deaths from cancer - is that really acceptable?

No it's not but what I'm saying is it would not put me off the breed mom's lost flat coats early to cancer as well and I believe the breed club is trying to work at improving the cancer in the breed and some love into double figures the woman I met today 4 of her 10 reached past 10yrs and that's because she picked her lines carefully and it's the last 4 she's had as she now licks her lines and breeder very carefully
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5 February 2022
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Bernese mountain dogs are stunning, I would have one in a heartbeat but I don't think they would be a very natural choice if you are wanting to do agility and canicross!

I've changed my mind on canicross and will continue running on my own and I'd rather get a breed who suits me rather than if they can do a sport and Theo does love agility he's just not fast at it but at least we both have fun so I'm sticking to doing agility with him


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25 August 2010
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One of my friends daughter had one and he got cancer he was 7 absolutely gorgeous dog and it only happened a month ago and the whole family were devastated.

She kind of re homed him for someone who was going through a marriage break up so he wasn't really chosen as a breed they wanted as such.


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9 May 2007
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I have had 7 Bernese. 3 lived to 10, 12 and 13 respectively BUT were all bred in Belgium. The 4 UK ones died quite young (7 to 10). I wouldn't buy a UK bred one again.

That said, not one of them was a barker so not sure where that comes from? Yes they'd bark if a stranger came onto the land but never without reason.

Absolutely gorgeous dogs - not the most intelligent but extremely loving especially the dogs. I had two bitches and the English one wasn't particularly friendly with unknowns.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Bernese mountain dogs are stunning, I would have one in a heartbeat but I don't think they would be a very natural choice if you are wanting to do agility and canicross!

They really are lovely dogs. Not particularly barky, placid and friendly.

Couldn’t bare to be loosing one at 7 /8 though. They also cost a bomb to feed.
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Well-Known Member
25 January 2015
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I love Bernese but I couldn't have a breed I would lose so young - I would otherwise also love a Great Dane.
Another thing that would put me off is the amount of drool, superficial I know but a friends house is always covered in it and I'm not great with saliva (but pee, poo, puke etc all fine weirdly)


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13 June 2013
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I wouldnt say they bark any more than a Goldie, and they are a lovely breed, just such a shame about the cancer rates. I have 2 Great Swiss Mountain dogs, which are the next breed up from the Bernies, in that group, and they just bark at people coming to the door/gate.
I really like the Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs (better than Bernese) and especially their easy care coats.
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5 February 2022
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I don't own them, so better to speak to Sprout. I just like their easier to care for coats and, despite their size, they seem more energetic dogs from the few I have seen.

I was just interested in why you said better, I prefer long coated dogs that's why I prefer Golden's over labs. I like greater swiss mountain dogs though really nice dogs I've only met one when me and Theo were on holiday in the lake district

GSD Woman

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9 December 2018
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Another thing that would put me off is the amount of drool, superficial I know but a friends house is always covered in it and I'm not great with saliva (but pee, poo, puke etc all fine weirdly)

Hate, hate, hate drool. A friend with Newfs always teases me about it and tells her dogs to slobber on me.

Berners are lovely dogs if they have the true breed temperament. There are too many poorly bred ones here. Many Amish puppy farmers/millers are cranking them out because they are so popular right now. A friend who does rescue gets several that are "retired" breeding dogs. Those are lucky dogs in that they don't get starved to death or killed in other horrid methods.

Sorry I derailed the thread there.

GSD Woman

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9 December 2018
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I really like the Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs (better than Bernese) and especially their easy care coats.

I like the breed. Everyone I've ever met has had a lovely temperament and have been very sweet. A woman who trains agility and we've shared classes, breeds and has wonderful dogs. Too big for me. But wonderful dogs. Giants so I don't know about longevity.