Best feed for a pony yearling who tends towards the lean side?


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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Little bogof yearling struggles more than our DHP to keep weight on, and I would like something more than the usual token feed with vits/mins that sees the others through the winter without issue. I know there should be some ribs visible in the summer coat, but she very easily drops way below that in terms of condition. Watching her, she could spend more time eating and less playing, but she loves to run so… here we are! Her dam is a cob cross, and dad is unknown. She’s extremely athletic, of a much lighter build than DHP, jumps everything in sight (water trough, fallen branches, patches of different coloured grass) and moves like a dream … but drops weight like the mini TB she resembles! She’ll only make 12hh. I know what I’d feed her if she was an adult, but am wondering if there’s a good feed for youngstock that would do the job for her in one neat package.
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Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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I’d just give her suregrow.
And plenty of hay/haylage with the usual caveat of worming/teeth too.

Some of them are just lanky lean things!

Thanks. All on the same worming/teeth regime, this little one just spends too much time running around (and then sleeping off the resultant exhaustion) and not enough time eating! I got some weight on her in the last few weeks by bringing her in at night so she could concentrate on eating, but she’s young and would be better off out. Thinking of shutting the yearlings in the ‘school’ at night with hay, as they have more space to play there than the stable and no one else needs any extra food - at all - until at least January (if I don’t work them for a day I swear they get fatter before my eyes!).


Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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Yearlings seem to change each time you blink! I'm always weary of over feeding so mine just gets additional fibre either via extra meals or additional hay. He's also on a balancer to ensure he gets everything he needs


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16 March 2008
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I concur with above- Suregrow and as much really good hay or haylage as she will eat.

I have a lean yearling.
He is less covered than I would like, going into winter, in an ideal world.
He sounds similar as spends lots of time cantering around and playing pretty hard.

I need to hold my nerve, accept he is a leaner type and look forward to when he is a few years older, the growing has slowed and he has a better covering.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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All my lean youngsters eventually chunk out at about 3/4, usually just on forage. I find who they are in with makes more difference than what you give them to eat. If they have companions that leave them to eat, and do not move them on, they tend to spend more time eating and not reacting, and being last in the pecking order.