Just as it says in the title. New horsey has the framework but no neck and topline. Best feed to build up condition without fizzing and best sort of work to build up the muscles along his back and neck.
Isn't spillers calm and condition meant for this very purpose??
As for work, I would have thought that anything where he is working 'properly' (rather than just loafing along) with his hind legs working under him will build up correct muscle....but I'm no expert, so could be wrong.......
Baileys number 4 is magic stuff. I used it to build topline on mine and have just cut the ration for maintenance. Gives a lovely shiny coat too.
Best work is definately hill work in either walk or trot. If you can only work in the school then don't over do it, you don't want him sore or soured!!!
Do you have someone to ride out with? A babysitter???
Excellent, get out and about, it makes for happier horses!!
I took mine out for the first time in this country last Sunday, she's come over from Turkey!! We huffed and puffed the whole way but the only thing we spooked at was a drain cover and a puddle!!!!