Well-Known Member
Hi, I’m hoping to find out what the best horse respiratory supplement are for an eventer who coughs once or twice when beginning exercise. Is it worth putting him on a supplement to help his breathing? Thank you!
Has the horse been seen by a vet?
Is the cough new and/or how long has it been happening for?
I would want to know why the horse was coughing and to get to the root cause; be it a virus, allergy or asthma.
Once that is established a supplement may be the solution or the horse may need something prescribed along with a change to management.
Respirator boost. Worked amazingly for my horse. He had a moderate to bad dust allergy. The difference was very noticeable if I stopped using it.
He’s now on Audvard Balsamic Air as prescribed (but isn’t POM) by my vet.