Best Liniment for Muscle or Joint strain


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20 August 2018
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Three days ago I watched my donkey playing and saw him land awkwardly. He was lame on his near fore which then became sound after a few minutes. However he was slightly lame that evening and it has continued. He stands with his front leg bent at the knee but seems to walk ok., just very slightly lame.

I saw his fetlock knuckle under when he landed but am wondering if his stance might indicate shoulder pain? He is quite happy and eating as usual although playing with his partner has stopped for a while.

I'm sure it's not serious and he has never been ill or lame in the 6 years that I've known him.
They are kept in a paddock with a stable that has a permanently open door. They have thick rubber flooring and thick shavings bedding.
There is no heat in any part of the leg but he holds it up to me when I'm around and I know he's uncomfortable. I have been rubbing it and massaging it frequently and wondered if a liniment may help?

It's the only thing that I don't have in my "pharmacy".
Can anyone offer a suggestion as I can't bear the look in his eyes any longer!!!


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20 August 2018
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Unfortunately I live halfway up a mountain in rural Spain. My neighbour who is the local vet (lucky me) has had a look and said to rub and massage. There is no portable x ray machine and he didn't seem to think that he needed anything but time. It's idyllic here but sometimes I long for better local services!
I have found some Absorbine liniment online which I have ordered and I just hope it helps although I know that time is the best healer with strains etc.

You are absolutely right about donkey's stoical nature and I will observe him closely for the next few weeks and see if it slowly improves.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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I have used radion B for muscle strains it is pretty good, but when I used it on my sensitive Arab it caused his hair to fall out although there are so many things he can't tolerate on his skin, so maybe do a patch test if his sensitive.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2020
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Absorbine liniment online which I have ordered and I just hope it helps although I know that time is the best healer with strains etc.
If you us it full strength I recommend gloves! I used it in the summer, I found it to work well, but it burned my dry hands, and didn't wash off well! (It didn't actually burn me, but it felt a little weird in an unpleasant manner!) Make sure to check his legs well for any cuts or damaged skin, and be on the look out for a reaction.


Well-Known Member
18 April 2013
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Absorbine is great stuff, I also use it on myself. Do make sure you wash your hands THOROUGHLY afterwards and don't rub your face!