Well-Known Member
My lot are in during the day as we have so much grass. I am thinking of getting a hayball for our 3 year old. I can see there any several makes. Can anyone recommend one? Thank you
Perfect. thank youI've got 3 of these but with bigger holes for horses rather than ponies. I do have a pony hole size one but the horses give up with it."17"+gType:"12"+gId:"181342130408"+gGlobalOfferIds:"181342130408"+NonSponsoredOffer:"True"&productpage=true&pdppageoverlay=true&bgscenario=l2&originQuery=hay+balls+for+horses&overlayOfferIds=131703083524,189510242835,190613637010,69456820250,193244055131,181342130408,181354957994,93497793691,160602374615&overlayId=181342130408&FORM=SSAPC1
All three years old, all in one piece despite being lobbed over post and rails onto concrete and all lids intact.