Best mesh for a DIY catio?

Snowy Celandine

Well-Known Member
29 April 2010
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We've built the wooden frame for the new catio, but we're not sure which wire mesh to buy. We've seen plastic mesh that's supposedly designed for catios, but we're worried that the Cornish girls will chew through it? We're looking for something lighter weight than we have in the cattery, but it must be strong and have no sharp edges. Just wondering what other people have used if you've made your own catio?

We've got a wire supplier in the nearest town, but they've stopped selling to the public which is annoying because they'd definitely have what we need. We got all our cattery wire from them but they only want to sell huge amounts now. It's hard to tell what you're buying when you can only see it on a website!

Snowy Celandine

Well-Known Member
29 April 2010
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Most people go for 16 gauge, with spacing up to 2x2inches, but you can go smaller if you don’t want paws poking through!

Thanks fiwen :) That's the bit I wasn't sure about - the gauge! I might need to go smaller for the Cornish girls as they are incredibly skinny with tiny little paws to match. I've doubled their feed rations since they got their cat wheel and insist on burning off even more calories than those expended in the usual wall of death stunts, but they haven't put on a gram :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
22 May 2014
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Yes, the gauge is the important bit! Think you can go 14 or 16, but 18 is too thin and would slice their paw pads if they try to climb it, and wouldn’t be as good against predators.

Snowy Celandine

Well-Known Member
29 April 2010
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We’ve built the frame and are waiting for the wire ? we’ve already got one catio but that was adapted from kennelling and has very solid panels that would keep a tiger safely contained!