Better with or without?


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
Should be in stable yard but i thought it would be seen more here. Might post in both.
Basically most of you will remember my problems with rock (depressed if not on straw but straw agrivated COPD and he has foot infection so needs to be in a dry stable)
WELL basically hes been on box rest in a straw stable for over a week now and his COPD has been fine other than the day the vet came, pretty sure he put it on as he hasnt coughed once before or after vet came!!hmph!!
Anyway hes reeeeeeeeeeeeally messy, seriously ALL his bed has to be taken out and replaced every single day hes THAT messy!!
My question is, obv he needs to be really dry stable because of his foot as hes got white line disease and thrush and will always be prone to them both.
Now i have rubber matting as its easier to clean etc and also helps his box walking and i also prefer it as it gives him something warm to lie down on.
BUT in terms of dryness, do you guys think he would be better with or without? Atm hes ok but we're moving yards soon so need to decide whether to keep him on matts (when hes out during the day we have to air the bed) or take him off them.
thoughts and views people?


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Have you tried the Nedzbeds. It might not work with you for a really messy horse. I have one on this but he is great and very very clean all his poos stay on top and as a gelding only wees in one place. But I took my filly off it as the walked alot around her box and mashed all the poos up. But basically it is chopped up, dust extracted straw. But you work with it as though it is shavings so muck out like shavings. £4.70 a bale and about 3 bales makes a bed to start off with (depends how large the stable is). But if you order a lot it goes down to £4.30 a bale - well in Lancashire anyway. Not sure I gave my filly the benefit of the doubt as she seemed to churn it up and mix it all together. But it is treated with citronella and eucalyptus for respiration problems. But is actually straw. And nope i don't work for them.!!!!. But if yours if a messy so and so, not too sure.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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My mate used to keep a livery on matting alone cos his owners wouldn't pay for the amounts of shavings he went through - he just had dairy matting and he was fine!!!

Just watch the layout of the mats, maybe put some water on it and see where it goes, otherwise you could end up with wee in his hay.

We just used to have small, areas of shavings that were quite thin and ours would oblidge and poo and wee on them. In Zaks case, we'd take it out every day, but it was just enough to soak up the wee and keep his stable dry, so it didn't matter.

You don't want wet wee or poo on it's own if he has thrush tho, all he need do is stand in it and his foot is gone.

So mats with a little shavings methinks.